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Nirvana 07-31-2011 09:37 AM

Just to correct a misconception. There are very few purebred dogs in animal shelters. Shelter dogs are not the fault of pedigreed dog breeders. They are the result of irresponsible dog owners. Some shelters import dogs from out of the country to meet the consumer demand in their area. Some shelters in New York import from Russia, some Texas shelters import dogs from Mexico. I know where every dog I ever bred is/was and many breeders have the same ethics.

Ignorance is not always bliss.

Nirvana 07-31-2011 09:55 AM

The truth is in the middle of some of these articles I realize hyperbole does exist but there is legislation pending to prevent the importation of large quantities of dogs that would be for sale at animal shelters.

Bringing the Problem Home

Starting with many of the same eradication measures currently being employed in third world countries, it took the US nearly a century and a half to get its surplus dog problem under control; indeed, it has only been during the last 10 years that the demand for dogs has become equal to or greater than the supply in many parts of the country. In fact, what the US has today is a dog distribution problem, not a dog overpopulation problem -- a situation that has led to a practice labeled humane relocation.17

In some parts of the USA today, demand for dogs so far outstrips supply that the public -- bolstered by state-of-the-art advertising campaigns for rescued dogs -- are willing, even anxious, to adopt dogs with severe behavioral and medical problems. Where healthy, well-tempered, adoptable dogs were once euthanized by the millions for lack of shelter space, Americans today are lining up to pay large sums of money to adopt problem dogs; ones that are blind, deaf, missing limbs or suffer from serious behavioral issues or chronic diseases. Organizations that began their work when there was still a serious surplus dog problem in the US are now bringing in dogs from any place they can find them and asking their kind-hearted donors to fund costly surgeries to correct heart defects and other problems so that the dogs they’ve rescued can be saved.18

Other groups import maimed dogs for adoption into the US from great distances, even foreign countries where street dogs are plentiful.19

Jaydaan 07-31-2011 11:58 AM

I don't care where you get your dog, as long as it is well cared for. (which is a matter of opinion btw... keep reading this long post to see my explaination) Pretty much every shelter will lie to get the dogs placed, and that is why many dogs have been shelter dogs more than once... it can get overwhelming to some families. We have known puppies that were returned to the breeders because "they no longer matched the couch" or because "they had a child, or have to move". These same excuses are why dogs are in shelters too. Every new dog owner should have to go through school. If you are not consistant with training and care, the dog will act out. The reason there are soo many shelter dogs (and cats) is because its so expensive to get an animal fixed. Once the cute factor is gone, many inexperianced owners dont bother getting them fixed. All of a sudden they have a litter, and now everyone goes to the shelter, they could not look after one, and now they have 7! Shelters charge to surrender your animals in Canada, so there is another reason why idiots just let the animals go, or drop them off in the country somewhere. these dogs are lucky to get taken to a shelter, many get hit by cars and eaten by wild animals or simply starve. All responsible breeders I know, take thier dogs back with no questions asked. It could be a 3 month old, or 13 yr old. That is one reason you may not see purebreads in a shelter that often.

That being said I got my first boxer, Freya from a large breeding kennel and training facility. It was run by a woman who had been showing and breeding dogs for over 30 years. It was a very clean, almost sterile environment. Freya was healthy, cared for, had her own kennel at night. She was walked daily and when that was not possible she was put on a tread mill. She knew how to walk on a leash, knew sit and lay down. That was it. She was shy with people and had few social skills with other dogs but play as a boxer does (which scares many dogs, and most humans at first) Freya had never been in a car, in town or around many people. She had never been inside a house for that matter. She was 11 months old when we got her. The breeder knew more about her 2 breeds of dogs then anyone else I have ever met. They were dogs, not furry human replacements in the family. They worked, either as gaurd dogs, companions, show dogs, etc...

Now, to me... this was not quite right. I was concerned about the lack of love and bonding. To some, you would consider the breeder to be callous and mean, when in reality she was practical. The dogs, once sold got the love and caring I feel they all need.

I got my boxer pup Loki from a backyard breeder in town just this week. Loki was 14 weeks old and too skinny for his age (runt) While his parents were bred at a house, I soon found he was kept mostly outside, and only came in at night. His nails were cut too short and all of his claws are now bruised because of it. It will grow out, nothing about his care was a permanent issue...
While I was picking him out, and paying for him, a few things sent warning bells off in my head. Nothing bad enough to call the SPCA, but things that were just not right with me (again that quailty of care opinion thing) 2 of the puppies in his litter died at 2 weeks old "because they got cold" These pups were born in April... not too cold out by then, and why were they not inside? The woman also bred siamese cats, and had two litters in 15 weeks by the same parents. Really? give your cat a break did they cat get out one day and get caught? did she deliberately breed the second time? I do not know, I did not ask.

Now my 2 dogs are house pets, completely spoiled. They are allowed on the couch, they have food, water, toys and walks. They have 2 parents who love them more than 2 adults should I am sure. They also have a teenage "boy" to look after. They have a large yard to play in, and if we ever move, we move into a place that takes my entire family, and that includes my 2 fur babies. Oh and both my babies have health issues. Freya has a heart murmur, she developed at about a year and a half old. We could have taken her back... but really she is ours, and I would not even think about it! Loki has distichiasis ( eyelashes growing inside his eye, that may or may not require surgery to fix later) I was told about that AFTER I paid for him.... did that stop me from taking him home? no, just means I might not get to go on a date night one night, or something. So that he can have his surgery. Hopefully I can get it done at the same time he is neutered and it will not cost much, considering he is already under.

Maybe seeing another side of things might show you, that in my opinion Nirvana was not trying to piss you off. The internet is a great place to get misunderstandings, as there is no emotion in words on a screen. Maybe in your sensitive state you took things to heart more than they were meant to? Either way, I am sorry for your family's loss, and sorry your family member's way of coping upset you. Give your |Della a hug, and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you.

skysidhe 07-31-2011 01:52 PM

Probably a bad time to say, I would like a retired grey hound, not for any noble reason...tho..

*my mind keeps spinning the grey hound thing* * They are many kinds of grey hounds* * old men* * buses* *racing dogs* It's a toss up between 1 and 3.

Nirvana 07-31-2011 02:00 PM

Dogs certainly control their humans ;)

The Power of the Dog

There is sorrow enough in the natural way
From men and women to fill our day;
And when we are certain of sorrow in store,
Why do we always arrange for more?
Brothers and sisters, I bid you beware
Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.

Buy a pup and your money will buy
Love unflinching that cannot lie--
Perfect passion and worship fed
By a kick in the ribs or a pat on the head.
Nevertheless it is hardly fair
To risk your heart to a dog to tear.

When the fourteen years which Nature permits
Are closing in asthma, or tumour, or fits,
And the vet's unspoken prescription runs
To lethal chambers or loaded guns,
Then you will find--it's your own affair--
But ... you've given your heart to a dog to tear.

When the body that lived at your single will,
With its whimper of welcome, is stilled (how still!)
When the spirit that answered your every mood
Is gone--wherever it goes--for good,
You will discover how much you care,
And will give your heart to a dog to tear.

We've sorrow enough in the natural way,
When it comes to burying Christian clay.
Our loves are not given, but only lent,
At compound interest of cent per cent.
Though it is not always the case, I believe,
That the longer we've kept 'em, the more do we grieve:
For, when debts are payable, right or wrong,
A short-term loan is as bad as a long--
So why in--Heaven (before we are there)
Should we give our hearts to a dog to tear?

Rudyard Kipling

grynch 08-02-2011 05:01 AM

you guys don't know me... I'm a newbie to these parts but...

mrs. G and I have lived in a tiny little house... part of an old farm complex for 11 years this month

our landlord lives at the bottom of the courtyard

his parents live across the courtyard from us and while we have never called them this to their faces to us they have been "granma and granpa"

granma passed away yesterday and granpa came over to our house 7:00am this morning to let us know.

no, they are not family but we have always felt close to them

R.I.P Mme Baudin

Sundae 08-02-2011 07:14 AM

Grych I'm so sorry to hear that.
Mme Baudin is in my thoughts now.
You do NOT need to have a blood connection with someone to be close to them and grief is grief.

Nirv, sorry to be a moaner again, but Kipling did write some doggerel (pun intended).

I'm not a dog fan, and I think pretty much everyone knows that, but I can and have loved individual dogs. In fact I got a magazine from The Dog's Trust this morning - they never put a dog down except for health reasons. I donate to them because John Barrrowman is one of their sposors and sometimes has a competition where you have to donate to be elegible for a JB prize. Probably shocking to dog lovers, but it works.

Staffordshire Bull Terriers/ crosses now make up 43% of Battersea Dogs' Home intake (it's the most famous Dog & Cats' Home in England). That is irresponsible breeding and ownership.


Research by the Kennel Club showed that the Staffordshire bull terrier has ousted the labrador as the capital's most popular dog. Almost three times as many Londoners buy the breed than anywhere else in Britain.

About 13 per cent of all dog owners in London own a Staffordshire bull terrier. The breed is not among the four dog breeds that are banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, but they can be trained as “weapon dogs” and have been responsible for a number of attacks on people in the capital.
How sickening.

Sundae 08-02-2011 09:12 AM

Now my own upset.

Sweet shining hell, it's 30 degrees here! (82)
I cannot move without sweating.
The fans are woefully useless.
It's not even bloody sunny (although if it was I wouldn't dare sexpose myself to it - mis-spelling intentional)

Crikey me, it's hot.

grynch 08-02-2011 09:16 AM

step one..
Asda and buy a bag of ice
step two
while at Asda buy a bottle of tonic
step three
hey you're there already... pickup a bottle of gin ( I can recommend Hendricks )

combine ingredients, consume,
repeat as needed.

infinite monkey 08-02-2011 09:16 AM

Oh dear. 82 sounds like winter to me, right now.


grynch 08-02-2011 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 747984)
Oh dear. 82 sounds like winter to me, right now.


wow... really hot there in the east Pacific eh?

infinite monkey 08-02-2011 09:23 AM

Yeah, I live in Bali Hai'o.

(I slay me)

grynch probably doesn't know...I live in Ohio. I'm sorry. It's not my fault. :(

Now I must go wash that man right outta my hair.

grynch 08-02-2011 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 747989)
Yeah, I live in Bali Hai'o.

(I slay me)

grynch probably doesn't know...I live in Ohio. I'm sorry. It's not my fault. :(

Now I must go wash that man right outta my hair.

monkey... no I didn't know that... and please let me express my condolences.

infinite monkey 08-02-2011 09:26 AM

Thanks. I also accept cash.

grynch 08-02-2011 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 747992)
I should have my boobs hanging out and a really short skirt on, and be really ditzy.


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 747992)
Thanks. I also accept cash.

only if you're dressed as above... :p:

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