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Lola Bunny 08-19-2011 10:29 PM

Are you okay, Sarge? You weren't cut, were you? Btw, I hope you have some sense of humor at the moment, but I got a hilarious image while reading your post. Imagine a drunkard walking over to rub your tummy! :lol: :lol:

zippyt 08-19-2011 10:50 PM

He'll make an appearance before the judge on Monday

after he gets out of the Hospital ??

Big Sarge 08-19-2011 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Lola Bunny (Post 751468)
Are you okay, Sarge? You weren't cut, were you? Btw, I ihope you have some sense of humor at the moment, but I got a hilarious image while reading your post. Imagine a drunkard walking over to rub your tummy! :lol: :lol:

I guess he thought I was a panda too. LOL. Lordy, the story has spread all over the county. Geez. Why do I get all the nuts? Anyway, I didn't get hurt. The knives were in his pockets and he never pulled them out. The guy's street name is "Bull" and before alcoholism took its toll, he was quite stout. Remember, I'm a good size ole boy, hence the name Big Sarge. He came up on the short end of the stick. I guess I kind of "squished him".

ZenGum 08-20-2011 01:33 AM

No, no, "used reasonable force to control the situation. Your honour."

I presume the guy is a wayyy gone alcoholic, can't help himself. He doesn't sound mean, just really messed up.

Trilby 08-20-2011 03:37 AM

never a good idea to show up to court drunk.

glad you're ok sarge. It could've gone either way.

Sundae 08-20-2011 04:55 AM

With the benefit of hindsight it IS a funny story. I LOL'd.
The reality was probably way different.

Glad you're safe.

infinite monkey 08-20-2011 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 751462)
Sam, I'll be praying for you. The whole situation sucks. If it gets too bad, you can come live at the old sewage lagoon with me.

Now here's my crap for the day. We had a tough court (heavy docket). A man scheduled for trial on public drunkeness came to court intoxicated. Really you say? Well that was the small part. What capped it off the drunk SOB came over to me and started rubbing my belly. In what little bit of that pickled would he ever think it is ok to come to court drunk and rub on the police chief's belly.

Yes there was one hell of a fight! Turns out the bastard had 3 knives on him. Yes he is still alive. He'll make an appearance before the judge on Monday

What's the charge for this one? Pandaring? :lol:

I slay me.

It is a funny story!

Big Sarge 08-20-2011 11:47 AM

I have been trying to figure out a way to charge him witha sex crime. I can imagine the headlines, "Man Convicted of Fondling Police Chief in Courtroom".

So true IM. Everybody thinks I'm a big lovable panda.You can rub my belly anytime!

Sundae 08-20-2011 11:54 AM

Hey! Keep that belly for overseas females only!

Sundae 08-20-2011 12:29 PM

Grandad's nurse is very worried about him.
She worked with Mum years back, when she was a student and Mum was picking up extra money as a cleaner.
From what she's said, Mum doesn't think Grandad will get through his current illness.

I have more faith in his stregnth, but then I haven't seen him for a week or so.
I'm going tomorrow with my bro.

Mum's going tonight after Mass.
She must honestly believe it's bad, because she was there for over an hour this morning, and she doesn't usually visit twice a day.

AND she called my bro and sister AND her brother in Australia.
Seems more serious than the other times she's predicted his death.
But because of all the other times I still can't find it in me to be too worried.

Will let you know.

DanaC 08-20-2011 01:10 PM

Oh, your poor Mum, she must be so worried. Thinking good thoughts for youse all.

@ Sarge: maybe he thought it'd give him good luck?

Griff 08-20-2011 02:36 PM

Visiting for a Halloween Party, my neighbor walked into my FiL's house and started rubbing his Buddha statue's belly... It as a weird moment.

monster 08-23-2011 12:58 PM

Somethng well-intentioned that ended up being a paving stone for satan :(

Sundae 08-23-2011 01:38 PM

Grandad's still alive.
I'm happy about it.
I'm just a little weary about my mother's death-watch scares.

She'll be right one day and I'll feel awful.

But there've been approx six that I can remember now (pre-hospital, hospital and care-home) and although I do love him, I don't worry as much now. And when I say death-watch, I mean checking we all have clean funeral clothes, lists of people to contact and the name of the funeral parlour and Chapel of Rest he is registered at, and recommended florist in case she is out of the house.

Even Dad had his doubts. His main worry was that Mum would cancel their weekend away in Peterborough. He's not a heartless man - Grandad has been part of his life for nearly as long as his own Dad by now (partly because thanks to WWII he didn't meet his Dad until he was five). But he has learned that rumours of Grandad's death may have been exaggerated.

Yes, it is really upsetting Mum.
And of course I am being sympathetic.
But I honestly believe this well pass. And he won't. This time.

At least she's sad, not furious, as she is when things simply go wrong.
No screaming, swearing or threats of violence.
Thank goodness.

BigV 08-23-2011 03:06 PM

I'm upset to find good news cluttering up this upset thread. I think. Maybe it makes me happy? Fuck. Where is the I'm confused thread?

Sundae, I'm very glad your Granddad is ok, and that's true for *all* threads.

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