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Undertoad 10-22-2011 11:39 AM

Welcome SirF. and IT was definitely the wrong choice. :D

Sundae 10-22-2011 12:35 PM

Hey Fatty. Didn't understand a word of your post but hello anyway :)

Sundae 10-22-2011 01:24 PM

Ah well.

Made cake. And tea.
Wrong thing to do.
She went out for tea and cake this afternoon.
"Oh I've had enough of that!"

Left cake out for her in case she fancied it later.
Wrong thing to do.
"I'd better put that away for you - it'll go dry otherwise!"
No it won't, it's a rum soaked cake.

"I hope it's not like the one last week, that was too much for me!"
Well actually it's not as potent, but nice of you to flag that up before you tasted it.

Yes, I am far too sensitive to her opinions.

I'll make what she likes next time.
Which is fair enough.
If she'd made me banana and peanut butter cookies I might have been more polite, but I'd still have avoided them.

monster 10-22-2011 05:37 PM

So, when she said these things, did the conversation actually go something like this (rather than the internal thoughts you posted):


Originally Posted by SundaeMom
"Oh I've had enough of that!"

Sundae: Oh dear, I made it specially because I thought you had been a bit down and I wanted to cheer you up. Shall I leave it out in case you fancy a bit later?"


Originally Posted by SundaeMom
"I'd better put that away for you - it'll go dry otherwise!"

Sundae: Thanks, I'm sorry you didn't fancy any.


Originally Posted by SundaeMom
""I hope it's not like the one last week, that was too much for me!"

Sundae, No, I realised that was too much for you, so I made this one less potent.

...or did you say nothing or did you say pretty much what you posted here?

Also, why a booze-soaked cake? And only a week after another one? Seemes a bit excessive, especially if it's not noted as her favorite? Maybe she is terse because she is worried about you making so many alcolol laced cakes as well as grandad? I know i've been away 10 years, but in my "circle" alcohol cakes were really only made in birthdays and at Christmas, if at all. I've certainly never made one -and I wouldn't have one with a cup of tea. Although I wouldn't lace tea with spirits either, and I know that's not uncommon.

Pete Zicato 10-22-2011 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by SirFatty (Post 766072)
Exchange 2003 problems, new hardware does not arrive until Monday. Harddrives getting harder to source (Thailand flooding). IT? Why did I choose it as a profession?


Oh, and welcome.

Pete Zicato 10-22-2011 06:47 PM

Back in the hospital. CT scan shows fistulas in the area where they did the surgery last April. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

monster 10-22-2011 06:53 PM

Oh, I am sorry to hear that.

Aliantha 10-22-2011 06:55 PM

I think we all do our best to help in most situations, and sometimes we get it wrong, but in the end, it's the love we put into it that counts. Even if you don't like what's on offer, you have to appreciate the effort someone went to just for you.

That's how things work in my world anyway. I know it's not like that in everyone's world, but still...

Life fucking sux sometimes, and no matter what you do people still feel sad. Hopefully when they don't feel so sad they'll remember and things will be better in the future.

Aliantha 10-22-2011 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by Pete Zicato (Post 766134)
Back in the hospital. CT scan shows fistulas in the area where they did the surgery last April. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

That's a bummer Pete. I don't really know what fistulas are, but I did see some German porn once that was called to mind by your post.

So what do they do now Pete?

Pete Zicato 10-22-2011 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 766137)
I did see some German porn once that was called to mind by your post.



Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 766137)
So what do they do now Pete?

I dunno long term. Right now they're giving me antibiotics.

ZenGum 10-23-2011 12:32 AM

German porn often ends that way.

BigV 10-23-2011 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by SirFatty (Post 766072)
Exchange 2003 problems, new hardware does not arrive until Monday. Harddrives getting harder to source (Thailand flooding). IT? Why did I choose it as a profession?

tag up, bro.

I *got* this.

Sundae 10-23-2011 05:10 AM

Monster, I didn't make the responses I posted here, I just wrote my internal conversation.
And the only reason I made another run one was because I had some rum glaze to use up. Less than last time and no rum in the cake.

But in hindsight it was daft of me to think that the cake would be a lovely reat after she's just been out for afternoon tea :)

Pete - sorry to hear that. Fingers crossed that antibiotics will work.

monster 10-23-2011 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 766188)
Monster, I didn't make the responses I posted here, I just wrote my internal conversation.
And the only reason I made another run one was because I had some rum glaze to use up. Less than last time and no rum in the cake.

But in hindsight it was daft of me to think that the cake would be a lovely reat after she's just been out for afternoon tea :)

Pete - sorry to hear that. Fingers crossed that antibiotics will work.

Yeah I assumed that was internal dialogue, I'm just wondering why she's so aggressive, doesn't make any sense....

Sundae 10-23-2011 08:58 AM

It's her set reaction to most situations - stress, shock, surprise etc.
She's worse with Dad.

Still, we had a chat about it today.
She said she just preferred a normal chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Which is fair enough, I'll save the special ones for school. I might make her some rock buns in a week or so, I know she likes those.

Turns out Grandad's semi-diagnosis comes from ruling out different areas from the cancer suspect list. Also that he had an operation on his prostate about 30 years ago. Apparently when they asked the surgeon back then whether there was any chance of recurring symptoms he scoffed "I wouldn't worry about that my man, you'll be fine for at least another fifteen years and you probably won't we with us by then, yukyukyuk." Of course, that's Mum's report of the conversation!

He is unable to eat now, only taking small sips of liquid.
The Manager of the home says she's surprised he's hanging on.
Which I think is rather insensitive.
But again, she might not have said it in those words.

I dreamed last night that I was on holiday and was unpicking a black blouse and trying to resew it for his funeral. We were supposed to be leaving at 8pm but at 4.30pm I was still sitting in bed messing about with the blouse, and I hadn't even started redecorating the room so that I would get my depsoit back...

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