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toranokaze 07-03-2009 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Crimson Ghost (Post 578628)
<Insert evil laugh here>

I think this one will work

spudcon 07-04-2009 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Alluvial (Post 579362)

a cephalic disorder in which the prosencephalon (the forebrain of the embryo) fails to develop into two hemispheres. Normally, the forebrain is formed and the face begins to develop in the fifth and sixth weeks of human pregnancy. Hox genes, which guide placement of embryonic structures, fail to activate along the midline of the head, allowing structures that are normally paired on the left and right to merge. (The condition also occurs in other species, as with Cy, the Cyclops kitten.)

The most severe of the facial defects (or anomalies) is cyclopia, an abnormality characterized by the development of a single eye, located in the area normally occupied by the root of the nose, and a missing nose or a nose in the form of a proboscis (a tubular appendage) located above the eye. The condition is also referred to as cyclocephaly or synophthalmia and is very rare.

From wikipedia.

I agree, severe birth defects are very sad. :(

I think it's photoshoppus scammus

capnhowdy 07-04-2009 08:23 PM

2 Attachment(s)
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Attachment 24119

capnhowdy 07-05-2009 09:50 AM

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toranokaze 07-06-2009 06:44 AM

Wasn't that one in the nsfw wtf thread?

Alluvial 07-06-2009 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by spudcon (Post 579612)
I think it's photoshoppus scammus

There's lots of medical photographs of cyclops babies, you can find them easily on the 'net. It's legit.

Mayor of Shekou 07-08-2009 10:14 PM

Fear of God?
1 Attachment(s)
Found on a temple doorway in Inner Mongolia

Crimson Ghost 07-08-2009 11:50 PM

Mmm... Mongolian long pig...

impress 07-12-2009 10:14 AM

3 Attachment(s)
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Attachment 24189

Pie 07-14-2009 08:32 AM

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:eek: As seen here. But wait, there's backstory.

Clodfobble 07-14-2009 08:47 AM


“This guide to recent research in child development, learning disabilities and psychology, nutrition, and metabolism is designed to help parents and teachers detect and treat conditions that cause children to misbehave.”
Heh. This is my life, right here. I used to have a very inviting child, myself. ;)

Pie 07-14-2009 09:11 AM


The book won the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Educator’s Award and the Award for Extraordinary Achievement from the Institute of Neuro-Physiological Psychology when it was published in 1987.
It's an award-winning, completely understandable, possibly useful book -- but good lord, they need to fire their editor! Who picked that title!?

Clodfobble 07-14-2009 09:14 AM

I like the fact that the kid on the cover actually looks like he just got punched in the side of the face. That is some stellar marketing, right there.

Aliantha 07-14-2009 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 581437)
I like the fact that the kid on the cover actually looks like he just got punched in the side of the face. That is some stellar marketing, right there.

I'm sure the morally outraged would pick this book up in a flash, then discover it's true content and decide to buy it so they can brag to all their friends about how clever they are.

dar512 07-14-2009 08:55 PM

The containing page does not have any explanation.

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