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MaggieL 04-24-2006 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
Why? If they give you any shit, just shoot 'em. :lol:

Because the FFL won't give it to you until *after* you have your Class 3.

richlevy 04-24-2006 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by NoBoxes
Though these questions may be of no concern to someone who works with a Gerber 625 or Circuit City flashlight, it always comes down to selecting the right tool for the right job. :)

And yet, duct tape seems to solve these problems very well.

Actually, instead of a Gerber, I have a K-Mart penknife with an unconditional lifetime guarantee which I am saving, along with the original sales receipt, so that sometime in the distant future one of my great-great-grandchildren can take the dull rusty broken knife to the nearest store (via transporter) and demand a refund or replacement.

MaggieL 04-24-2006 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by richlevy
Actually, instead of a Gerber, I have a K-Mart penknife with an unconditional lifetime guarantee which I am saving, along with the original sales receipt, so that sometime in the distant future one of my great-great-grandchildren can take the dull rusty broken knife to the nearest store (via transporter) and demand a refund or replacement.

...where they will no doubt be told that the lifetime in question was yours.

Based on what I've seen of K-mart lately, you're pretty likely to outlive it. Wal-mart is kicking their ass on the downscale side and Target on the upscale side...and both have clear intention to take the other on on their own ground. K-mart will be the first casuality.

MaggieL 04-24-2006 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by richlevy
And yet, duct tape seems to solve these problems very well.

Nah...that only works in Doom III. A Picatinny rail is the only way to go.

NoBoxes 04-25-2006 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by NoBoxes
How much reach does it have with a bayonet?

Originally Posted by MaggieL
Not too damn much., considering it's a 16" barrel, and in a bullpup configuration too. No bayonet lugs, AFAIK.
Well that's just great, not one picatinny for a bayonet, now we have to carry a sword too! :)


Originally Posted by NoBoxes
How do you functionally mount a tactical flashlight on it?

Originally Posted by MaggieL
Ghod, don't you watch SG-1? :-) Comes in a triple rail version.
Well that's just great, not one rail for a bayonet, now they have to carry an alien weapon too! :lol:

MaggieL 04-25-2006 08:53 PM

What's with the bayonet fixation? If that's your style, get an M1A1 and put some mass behind it; it's pointless (nyuk nyuk) on a P90: Combat Tupperware.

In the mean time please enjoy a quiet moment:

xoxoxoBruce 04-25-2006 09:40 PM

Bayonet? Why let them get that close? The whole point of a firearm is to reach out and touch someone. :eyebrow:

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Because the FFL won't give it to you until *after* you have your Class 3.
There are ways.

rkzenrage 04-26-2006 01:01 AM

Yeah, just buy the kit. Anyone can do that.

NoBoxes 04-26-2006 04:00 AM

@ MaggieL & xoxoxoBruce:

Focus is increasing on Close Quarters Battle (CQB) and adversaries are wearing body armor. The rifle (or carbine) is a versatile individual combat weapon; but, armor piercing rounds can pass through hostiles and/or walls and/or buildings and hit friendlies (combatants and non-combatants). Even standard rifle rounds pose this problem. The problem can to be avoided; but, rapidly transitioning to a sidearm, from holding a longarm in the ready position, is not most combatants' forte. Additionally, most are trained to shoot center of mass until the adversary goes down rather than to adjust their point of aim to compensate for body armor. On the other hand, a proper blade can defeat soft body armor and reach vital organs even if advanced obliquely. When situations like this were anticipated, I was issued a HK MP5 SD3 (sound suppressed version) ; however, that was the exception, not the rule.

Knowledge of weapons and knowledge of tactics are two different things. Those who have exercised both professionally look for compatability. A bayonet can sometimes be downright synergistic. The bullpup rifle configuration may seem to have an advantage in manuverability; but, it can be less versatile. That's one reason why we haven't standardized on it. Of course, we can always forget about tactics and use the universal solution: "Kill them all, let God sort 'em out." :(

MaggieL 04-26-2006 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by NoBoxes
The bullpup rifle configuration may seem to have an advantage in manuverability; but, it can be less versatile. That's one reason why we haven't standardized on it.

I don't think there was ever an intention that the P-90 become a standard issue weapon for infantry; it was developed as a PDW for vehicle drivers...kind of a spiritual successor to the grease gun. And one design criteron was penetrating body armor, hence the AP ammo.

MaggieL 04-26-2006 08:26 PM

Back to sharpening...
This showed up in my daily surf...haven't read it in detail yet but the writer appears to be quite knowlegable.

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