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henry quirk 05-04-2019 04:44 PM

A couple of years back, when 12 was 10, he and hs little grade school cronies would say 'yeek' as an all-purpose exclamation.

Mebbe, they were sayin' 'yeet' instead.

Annoyed the piss out of me.

I banned its use in earshot of me.

BigV 05-04-2019 07:04 PM

As an old person, I must say that I found that video interesting, informative, and entertaining.

monster 05-04-2019 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 1031824)
As an old person, I must say that I found that video interesting, informative, and entertaining.

this. I hadn't come across a few of them so I asked GradGirl who confirmed their existence and her use of them. While typing on her phone. She said yeet is OLD though.


sexobon 05-04-2019 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 1031817)
When my son quickly swipes something out of my daughter's hand, he says "yeet!"

When he throws something at her, he says, "yeet!"

When he enjoys a YouTube video, he says, "yeet!"

When he dislikes a YouTube video and wants to indicate that it should be removed from his purview, he says, "yeet!

Hope that clears things up.

Sounds like something the King of Pop would've sang about...

Mom told him don't you swipe things from her hand
Don't throw things at your sister, you'd better understand
No more YouTube now for you 'cause it's gone from your purview
So yeet it, just yeet it ...

xoxoxoBruce 05-04-2019 11:17 PM

I wonder if all of those noises actually have meaning, the same meaning, most of the kids understand, or they're mostly conveying emotions?

henry quirk 05-05-2019 08:07 AM

"mostly conveying emotions?"
it's chimpanzee jibber-jabber: status noise

sexobon 05-05-2019 12:19 PM

Could be the future baby talk.

Carruthers 05-05-2019 01:06 PM


On the face of it a benign and timid little word, the etymological equivalent of the Harvest Mouse.

However, I am driven to distraction by those who use it at the beginning of an answer to any and every question, especially in a radio or TV interview.

'Secretary of State, would you outline the Government's policy on Japanese Knotweed'?

'So, we've put proposals out for consultation blah blah'.

Apart from politicians, business leaders, academics and all purpose pundits are guilty in large numbers.

Perhaps it isn't the word that should be taken out and despatched but those use it.

You know, pour encourager les autres.

sexobon 05-05-2019 02:16 PM

At least IRL you can interject "A needle pulling thread." with someone who does it habitually.

For "Well," you can interject "A hole in the ground, about 50 ft. deep, you get water out of it."

Undertoad 05-05-2019 03:46 PM

'So, we've put proposals out for consultation blah blah'

That seems very childlike, in one sense. It's as if everything is a continuation of a story.

Carruthers 05-05-2019 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1031903)
'So, we've put proposals out for consultation blah blah'

That seems very childlike, in one sense. It's as if everything is a continuation of a story.

It really is a bizarre affectation. Heaven knows how it started.

I tend to leave the radio on most of the night and much of the content doesn't really register.
However, about a week ago a captain of industry was being interviewed and started every damned answer with 'so'.
I don't know how many times he'd used it before I started to pay attention.

BigV 05-05-2019 08:24 PM

I'm guilty.

lumberjim 05-05-2019 09:22 PM

So, I start a lot of posts with, 'So, '

Undertoad 05-05-2019 09:44 PM

I end a lot of posts by trailing off with so, so....

monster 05-05-2019 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1031902)
At least IRL you can interject "A needle pulling thread." with someone who does it habitually.

:o I do this.....

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