The Cellar

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Cloud 07-20-2007 08:23 PM

that's reason enough

MalzB 07-20-2007 09:05 PM

The fact that every time I walk into my house now my dog isn't there to greet me and he's not here barking at every little thing trying to protect me anymore.

jester 07-27-2007 12:22 PM

Not Upsetting – just going freakin insane. If I get another stupid call from:

Them – Hi, this is “so & so” from AT & T, who has joined with Bellsouth
Who there at your location takes care of your local phone service?

Me - I do

Them - Great. And your name is?

Me - Tina

Them - Hi, Tina. This is “Craig”, we would like to send a price quote to you and see if we can’t save you some money.

Tina Thanks, but I have already talked with 3 people, this week. We are happy with what we have.

Craig I’m sure. But what if, we could, save you some money? What’s your fax # and I’ll send a quote on over and you can look at it and let me know. How many lines do you have ?

Tina – 4

Craig – Do you have – Call Forward, ID, etc etc

Tina Yes

Craig Do you have DSL, blah, blah, blah

Tina Yes, T1 Line

Craig Great, I’ll send that to you.

Tina Ok, bye

5 minutes later

Hi, Tina this is Craig, did you get a chance to look over our quote and see how much money we can save you? Did you notice ALL the credits you are getting. Almost $500.00, plus $100 gift card. How about your long distance?

Tina Yes, I saw all of that. Nuvox provides our long distance, we have 200 free minutes per line – so we really don’t have any long distance charges.

Craig Well, I’m sure with all the savings we are providing you, your long distance charges will still come under the quote we gave you. How about I send over a form, for you to sign and we’ll get you switched over today?

Tina We’re happy with what we have, but I’ll keep your quote and if I decide to change over – I’ll call you. Thanks Bye.

Whew, it really helped that I typed all this out

Cicero 07-27-2007 12:42 PM

Hey Jester- next time do what my boss did last week.
Just repeat over and over that they are really getting fu**ing annoying.
No matter what they say in response- just repeat.
Because they will call you back no matter what. If they are going to continually waste your time at least have fun with it.................

elSicomoro 07-27-2007 01:55 PM

Nobody's ordering pizzas today.

jester 07-27-2007 02:30 PM

ok - I hope no one "here" works for said company:rolleyes:

jinx 07-27-2007 03:56 PM

I'm really tired of all the people out there who simply cannot operate their vehicles - whether it be subaru outback drivers who stop/yield inappropriately, or pickmuptruck drivers who can't stay in a lane (just pick one asshole, doesnt matter which, I'll gladly use the other), or teenage girls who are just generaly incompetant - you've all pissed me off today, and it's not even rush hour yet.

BigV 07-27-2007 04:14 PM

OlderSon was in minor car accident three weeks ago. Yesterday was driving home from body shop.

Into the back of a dump truck pulling out of construction zone. :smack:

Car totaled.

Girlfriend in hospital. (out now, sore, but intact thank god)

I'm done pouring money into his transportation options. Far as I'm concerned, he's a pedestrian now. Want wheels? Fine. You buy them.

jester 07-27-2007 04:20 PM

Glad to hear everyone is ok, except the car.

Ibby 07-27-2007 07:03 PM

This REALLY cute guy I just met
(Him: huh... nice bag.
Me: mm, nice hair.
That was the whole convo.)
...turns out to be fuckin' THIRTEEN.
I swear, he looks older than me. I'm real bad at this, I guess.

wolf 07-28-2007 12:39 AM

There is some kind of major accident or fire scene within a quarter mile of my house.

The road the runs next to my apartment complex was closed at my nearest cross street.

From my parking lot I could see some assortment of emergency vehicles and scene lights, which nicely highlighted the billowing smoke column.

I have no idea what was producing the smoke. Could have been as simple as downed powerlines, of course, but I've got power.

Most importantly, the 24-hour news station has absolutely nothing about this, not in the regular news, or in the traffic reports.

DanaC 07-28-2007 07:25 PM

jester, can I suggest just saying something along the lines of "look, let me stop you there. Thanks for the offer, but I am not interested, stop wasting your time on me and call someone who might give you an order. "

DanaC 07-28-2007 07:26 PM

BigV, that sucks. Glad nobody was seriously hurt.

LabRat 07-28-2007 09:52 PM

My last grandparent dies yesterday. Paternal Grandma. Renal failure turns out to be a decent way to go. Hospice was involved and said she was in no pain. My mom was there when she passed. She had been breathing really shallowly, took three deeper breaths, then was gone.

Her husband died in 1970, she never remarried. She moved in with us in the early 80's to babysit when my brother and I were kids, as my dad got laid off fron John Deere and both parents had to go to work. Lived with us for about 12 years, then moved into an assisted living apartment complex just a few blocks down the road.

Things I'll remember about her: playing Kings in the Corner at the kitchen table; the distinct sound of her electric typwriter keystrokes as she wrote her many letters, her diamond heart necklace she wore (which she left to me, I just found out), the sound of metal knitting needles clicking as she worked on sweaters, blankets, hats and booties, her cornflake and red hot candy wreaths at Christmas. I'm sure I'll think of lots more.

I am sad, as this is my last grandparent and frankly I'm feeling very small in the big big world right now, but happy that she went so fast and it was not a traumatic passing.

Oh, and to add insult to injury, I just got my period about an hour ago.


bluecuracao 07-28-2007 09:58 PM

I'm sorry to hear that, Labrat. :(

Clodfobble 07-28-2007 10:50 PM

My condolences, LR. I hope you feel better soon.

yesman065 07-29-2007 12:52 AM

I feel for you LR - I too lost my last grandparent a few months ago. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

rkzenrage 07-29-2007 03:21 PM

Much love your way and all who loved her LabRat.

DanaC 07-29-2007 03:30 PM

So sorry LabRat.

rkzenrage 07-29-2007 04:08 PM

I have been wanting to carve for over a month. I can't get anyone to help me unpack my shop.
I have been bedridden for days.
The one project I can do, and have promised a friend that I would do, a wand for a Wiccan friend (I have done quite a few), I can't because I have been too sick to for two weeks. Starting to piss me off.
Want to carve really badly... been a long time and it is about the only damn thing I can do anymore.

Aliantha 07-29-2007 07:54 PM

My poor baby is sick. :( And I'm v tired.

rkzenrage 07-31-2007 01:41 AM

My great uncle died today. I can't go to the funeral.

Uisge Beatha 07-31-2007 06:12 AM

My condolences to both LabRat and rk for your losses.

I hope rest and health will soon come to you and your child, Aliantha.

jester 07-31-2007 09:11 AM

So very sorry for the loss in Labrat's & Rkz's family

jester 08-01-2007 03:43 PM

today just sucks!!!

bluecuracao 08-01-2007 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 369959)
My great uncle died today. I can't go to the funeral.

Man, I'm sorry.

In February, my grandmother died, and I couldn't go to her funeral because I had pneumonia. Not anywhere near the same as your situation, I know, but still...

monster 08-01-2007 07:44 PM

We're getting set for our biggest road trip ever to the grand canyon, and I have a stinking cold. 100degrees and I'm sniffling away and I'm so rearely ill it really pisses me off when it does happen.

What's worse is that I'm bound to have given it to the whole family, so the journey there will be me chauffering a car full off sniffly coughing sleeping whiners who won't entertain me.

Drax 08-01-2007 08:55 PM


monster 08-01-2007 09:06 PM

Drax 08-01-2007 09:19 PM

Call me what you wish.

monster 08-01-2007 09:24 PM


elSicomoro 08-02-2007 12:50 AM

Not really upset by this...just annoyed: April and I have to go to this "Marriage Encounter" weekend next weekend. The following week, we have to go to a natural family planning seminar...stupid shit that has to be done so that we can get married in a Catholic church.

Good thing that she's my soulmate, because I don't go through this kind of shit for just anyone. :)

fargon 08-02-2007 01:13 AM

I finally found out who has been sabotaging my stuff. It is a guy that I thought was one of the good guys. I am heart broken, and it all stems from his belief that I have things to easy. I can not confront him about this because I would go to jail for beating him up, even I can take out a drunk. It all started when I got my last upgrade, and I bought my big black Ram. He wanted to teach me about life I am 10 years older than him, and I have experienced pain, homelessness, 27 surgery's, and a host of other indignities. I hope he is happy that he was able to run me off so easily.

The transmission in my truck is toast, and will cost me $1100.00 to replace it. It is going away next week to the recyclers.

In the last 8 months I have lost $10,000.00 to this kids bullshit, I just can't take it any more.

limey 08-02-2007 01:32 AM

Oh shit, fargon. Is there no way you can prove it, and get the money back off him?

fargon 08-02-2007 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by limey (Post 370679)
Oh shit, fargon. Is there no way you can prove it, and get the money back off him?

The evidence is purely circumstantial, I have nothing I can go to court with.

jester 08-02-2007 12:01 PM

I've been hurt - that's cool - I can hide it - that's one thing I'm good at.

Griff 08-02-2007 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by sycamore (Post 370670)
Good thing that she's my soulmate, because I don't go through this kind of shit for just anyone. :)

We actually had a good experience with all that stuff. You know what the Church's line will be, but a lot of it is making sure you and the Mrs. can be on the same page as each other.

Shawnee123 08-02-2007 12:13 PM

I don't know. Something is bothering me today. I can't concentrate. I guess I'm just feeling out of sorts, lonely, out of place, silly. It'll pass.

Uisge Beatha 08-02-2007 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by jester
I've been hurt - that's cool - I can hide it - that's one thing I'm good at.

What happened, jester? You do know you don't have to hide anything here. I don't want to be nosy, I'm just concerned.

Uisge Beatha 08-02-2007 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123
I don't know. Something is bothering me today. I can't concentrate. I guess I'm just feeling out of sorts, lonely, out of place, silly. It'll pass.

You know we're here to do what we can about the lonely part, and you'll never be out of place here, either. As for the rest, Shawnee, I hope it will pass soon.

Cicero 08-02-2007 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 370805)
I don't know. Something is bothering me today. I can't concentrate. I guess I'm just feeling out of sorts, lonely, out of place, silly. It'll pass.

I feel that way sometimes. I think it was Monday that that happened to me. Here's a random joke that is only meant to cheer you up and not piss anyone off: (I love vets)

Heard this one?
How many vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?..................................................................

:mad2: YOU DON'T KNOW YOU WEREN'T THERE!!!!!:mad2:

And remember: what doesn't kill you makes you stranger.

Shawnee123 08-02-2007 12:32 PM

Thanks both of you! :)

That is a great joke. My Vietnam Vet buddy will enjoy it!

I just noticed it was stranger and not stronger. :lol:

elSicomoro 08-02-2007 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 370800)
We actually had a good experience with all that stuff. You know what the Church's line will be, but a lot of it is making sure you and the Mrs. can be on the same page as each other.

Oh I know...and I can appreciate it. It just seems a bit much.

DanaC 08-02-2007 05:19 PM

My eczema has flared up again and I am climbing the walls trying not to tear myself to pieces. It'll pass.

How many Communists does it take to change a lightbulb?.................

Can't change the lightbulb, comrade, you have to smash it.

Ibby 08-02-2007 05:38 PM

How many bassists does it take to change a lightbulb?

Three - one to change it and two to keep the guitarist from stealing the show.

Drax 08-02-2007 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 370907)
My eczema has flared up again and I am climbing the walls trying not to tear myself to pieces. It'll pass.

Elecon or Elidel should help with that (IMO, Elecon's better).

Comment: I put one dab of Elocon on my eczema 3 months ago...hasn't bothered me since.

yesman065 08-02-2007 05:58 PM

I have made a new friend and he is going through something terrible depressing, a mortal wound in many ways. The similarities between us are astounding, yet amazing too. We are thousands of miles apart and I cannot tell him it will be ok although it will, he needs me and I cannot be there in person for him - I want to reach through the phone and give him a hug, the human connection he needs so badly, yet again I cannot. I feel so very sad for him. I know his pain, I lived his pain, I wish I could do more - to take it away the pain the anquish and the ugliness of it all - yet I cannot. ;(

DanaC 08-02-2007 06:06 PM


Elecon or Elidel should help with that (IMO, Elecon's better).

I use clobetosol propitionate at the moment. It seems to help. My trouble is, I try to avoid using the stuff that helps, because I don't like it. I can often fight off a flare before it really sets in and avoid using the creams and potions and pills. Trouble is sometimes I can't, and I leave it too long before doing so, and then the flareup goes very bad, very quick and takes longer to shift......allowing myself to live a very unhealthy lifestyle for extended periods of time prolly doesn't help much either ...

Anyway, nuff of that :P The Hydroxozine's kicked in and i'm not quite so...edgy now :)

monster 08-02-2007 06:08 PM

Is the eczema on your hands, Dana? Mine's bad right now too, I have found that wetting the hands, putting the Clobetasol on then putting latex-free gloves on at night is really speeding up the process. hate the gloves, though -need a medicinal beer or two to help me ignore them and fall asleep ;)

DanaC 08-02-2007 06:10 PM

*chuckles* the medicinal beer certainly assists:P It is on my hands yes, but it's also pretty much everywhere else. I probably should wear the gloves. And definately drink a beer.

monster 08-02-2007 06:24 PM

I hate the gloves, but a couple of weeks ago I reached a point of such misery it was gloves or amputation. And this time it really worked. As a kid, I used to tear the gloves off as soon as I fell asleep, no matter how hard I tried. As an adult, I get to use a little "staying asleep assistance" and they usually stay on until the early hours. Once I got the hands under control, the rest didn't seem so bad. Good luck with it.

Drax 08-02-2007 06:50 PM

Whoa, sounds like both your conditions are chronic. Ya'll need to get to a doctor, IMO.

Mine's only on my arm at the bend, but when it flares, it's almost unbearable.

Shawnee123 08-03-2007 07:49 AM

Didn't sleep well last night. Tossed and turned and cried. I've never felt more alone in all my life. I'm just going through the motions, it seems. I'm glad I come here. Besides the laughs, I get to realize that not every other person on the planet is happy and well adjusted. I mean that in a good way, of course.

Oh, and on the subject of skin things. I get bouts of angioedema. A slight irritation to my skin and it swells and itches like crazy. It's like hives only affects deeper. Must have had some irritation to my left forefinger at some point last evening, could have just bumped it on a table, but while I was not sleeping it was itching and swelling and now it's bothering the crap out of me. Antihistimines help some, but make me sleepy so I don't take them when I have to work.

Maybe I'm just destined to be a fool, a freak? Could that be possible? What Would Gannett Do? ;)

Perry Winkle 08-05-2007 08:54 PM

I can't open up and I can't share. I'm always holding back, and it hurts all of the people I care about: my girlfriend, my parents, my brother, etc. I don't know what to do about it besides trying to open up.

DanaC 08-05-2007 09:02 PM

Have you told them that you have this difficulty? That's probably a good step. I don't mean get people together on the couch for a big announcement...but at some point when they are trying to get you to open up, tell them you can't.

I have always (since my teens) held back. That 'emotional honesty' that some people seem to find so damn easy with those whom they're closest to, has always somewhat mystified me. Don't get me wrong, I tell them things, I tell them how I feel about stuff... but that isn't necessarily the same thing :P

elSicomoro 08-05-2007 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Perry Winkle (Post 371741)
I can't open up and I can't share.


xoxoxoBruce 08-05-2007 10:17 PM

Because if he told them, he'd have to kill them.

Perry Winkle 08-06-2007 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 371743)
Have you told them that you have this difficulty? That's probably a good step. I don't mean get people together on the couch for a big announcement...but at some point when they are trying to get you to open up, tell them you can't.

I have always (since my teens) held back. That 'emotional honesty' that some people seem to find so damn easy with those whom they're closest to, has always somewhat mystified me. Don't get me wrong, I tell them things, I tell them how I feel about stuff... but that isn't necessarily the same thing :P

I have discussed it with everyone that it matters to. I've been doing my best to just say whatever is on my mind as long as it's appropriate for the audience, and not outright mean and hurtful. This is sort of a long standing issue and it's an issue that most of the other men in my family have had to deal with. The thing is none of them really ever figure out how they conquer it, if they ever do.

Yes, I'm very much not "emotionally honest."

My girlfriend has basically pulled me out of hiding to a large extent, but there's still a long way to go and she's getting tired of being patient. It's not an imminent break-up situation, but I really want to work on this and sort it out.


Originally Posted by sycamore (Post 371747)

I'm afraid the person I am isn't good for anyone, I'm afraid of being rejected and judged. I can be fairly harsh and abrasive sometimes. The thing is this suppressing myself is what ends up casting me out.


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 371755)
Because if he told them, he'd have to kill them.

Who says I haven't? :P

There's more to the story than I'm willing to relate here. I didn't really post here to find a solution (though any tips would be welcome). I posted to just get it out.

fargon 08-06-2007 01:46 AM

I just realized that I am a wimpy assed loser. Rather than call the police I am going to do nothing and save up for a master cylinder for my car. And just let it go, I just don't want any more trouble.

DanaC 08-06-2007 06:46 AM

Fargon, that doesn't make you a loser. You are a courageous individual who had the sense and guts to seek help when you felt that was what you had to do, despite how scary that must have been. It is not your fault that the system isn't set up to offer help to someone in your state of mind. It does not make you a loser that you don't actually want to invite a police/arrest/possible court order or criminal record situation into your life.

Is there any outpatient help available to you?

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