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Undertoad 04-11-2012 06:42 PM

I guess this is the thread it's settled in...

News is that the location of the aneurysm is in a place where they need a really top surgeon as her current hospital doesn't have anyone who's worked on this particular variety of problem. She is getting an appointment at U of Penn where the really top doctors are.

We are kind of in shock.

glatt 04-11-2012 06:50 PM

I'm sorry UT.

At least they are taking it seriously and taking appropriate steps. Realizing they are in over their heads and bumping it up the ladder.

Youre in my thoughts and prayers.

classicman 04-11-2012 09:04 PM

UPenn is fantastic. She'll be getting the best care available.
Hoping & praying for your mom.

zippyt 04-11-2012 09:14 PM

Best of Luck UT's Mom !!!

Sunday, Hows Pops ???

Sundae 04-12-2012 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by zippyt (Post 806035)
Sunday, Hows Pops ???

He went to the Doctors today. They've changed his blood pressure medication.
Also confirmed that the trouble he is having with his leg is not a pulled muscle acquired when he fainted, but an inflammation of his cyst. Strong painkillers, but no anti-inflammatory this time.

Mum is very anxious about how cold he is all the time (especially his hands) but she didn't mention anything about this when she got home. Perhaps the change in medication will help.

Dad's ambulatory; they went groceryshopping after his appointment. I think we're just becoming aware of the fact he is 72 in May and little blips can become roadbumps very quickly.

UT - I understand how you feel. Love to KK.

Trilby 04-12-2012 06:23 AM

Prayers and good vibes to UT and Sundae. Sickness sucks.

Griff 04-12-2012 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 806034)
UPenn is fantastic. She'll be getting the best care available.
Hoping & praying for your mom.


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 806051)
I think we're just becoming aware of the fact he is 72 in May and little blips can become roadbumps very quickly.

That is a difficult realization. Sorry Sundae.

BigV 04-12-2012 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 806055)
Prayers and good vibes to UT and Sundae. Sickness sucks.

Same from me.

Happy Monkey 04-12-2012 09:42 PM

Best wishes.

SteveDallas 04-13-2012 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 805909)
Mom's heart problem has been found to be an Aortic aneurysm. It is serious. She is waiting now to hear what the surgeons want to do next.

Wow, just seeing this. We'll be thinking of you. I'm glad she was able to get in to see somebody at HUP.

Sundae 04-14-2012 07:48 AM

First Dad, then me (steroids & chest xray) and now Uncle Jimmy.

He was rushed into hospital to have his gallbladder removed.
Mum called Auntie Glenys this morning (this evening in Oz) to wish them Happy Anniversary! only to find her alone and worrying.
She'd been with Jim earlier and he was all prepped but it was getting late for him to be taken down to surgery. She thinks it won't be until tomorrow (their time) now.

He works as a Carer for an agency, so lifting and moving patients after surgery might not be possible for a while. They're not all that well off, and this will make a difference.
Mum has something/ someone else to worry about.

So I let her get away with moaning about how my coughing woke her up.
She knows I can't help it, but having your big lump of a nearly 40 yo daughter around is hardly helped when she's waking you up every night/ morning. And not even having fun doing so.

We're all a bit fragile at the mo, regarding Abigail.
These minor instances and routine occurrences don't help.

monster 04-15-2012 04:57 PM

I have lost my sparkly new lifeguard card before I even got it copied/scanned :cry:

I can't believe it.

Desk looked on the point of collapse, cleared everything in a hurry, hero beest fixed desk, when I started putting stuff back, card no longer with the paperwork it came with :( Or in the box of little bits and pieces of the desk :( I hope it didn't drift into the recycling

Jaydaan 04-23-2012 11:13 AM

My 5 year old Boxer dog, Freya passed away yesterday at 2:45pm. 3 weeks ago we suspected boxer cardiomyopathy, 3 days ago the vet agreed with us. He gave us meds for her, and told us she would most likley die of a heart attack in a few months. She had several "fainting goat" spells over the past few days. She was coughing due to the fact her heart was enlarged, and was pushing on her trachea. Two nights ago she started to cough worse than before, and yesterday was a rattling cough and vomit. We knew it was time, and that our visiting vet had been wrong, we would indeed have to euthanize.

My husband and I took her to the vet, and they gave her a seditive to calm her, before they gave the injection.. I went out to do the paperwork and pay, so that when it was done, we could just leave. My husband came out of the room and said, "she's gone". The vet thought my husband was wrong (considering she had not given her the injection yet) and that Freya was just sleeping, but no, she went in my husbands arms, while I was doing the fucking finances! He says I would never have wanted to see that, and that she was not alone, but on top of losing our sweet baby it hurts just that little bit more.

Our 1 year old Boxer male is lost right now, he keeps checking the bedrooms, and when I fed him, he wimpered and would not eat. He kept looking to where Freya's bowl should be. I had to sit down where she would have been to get him to eat half of his breakfast.

The greif comes and goes in waves. We are all trying to be strong for each other, but its painful. Being a responsible caring, loving animal owner is very rewarding and sometimes it just plain sucks!

Freya had her name when we got her, and being names after the Goddess of love and beauty was perfect. She was such a sweet dog and will be very much missed.

DanaC 04-23-2012 11:27 AM

Oh Jaydaan, I understand where you're at. Lost my own little wolf in December. I at least had the comfort of him having lived a full life. Five years old is unfair.

But the absence, and the wrenching grief I know. My heart goes out to you, all of you and the youngster who's left grieving too. He will settle, but it takes a while. Bit like us it comes in waves, usually at times they would normally be doing things together or greeting each other.


Rest well, little Freya.

anonymous 04-23-2012 01:38 PM

I never feel like I'm good enough for, well, anything. Most of what I do is wrong, or inadequate. I'm surrounded by shining stars and I feel more like a burden than anything. I keep trying to be better but I don't really know if I need to be better. Why can't I accept myself the way I am? I expect others to. Or rather I want them to but I suspect they want me to be a better person too. A whole life spent wondering how I can be more normal. Is it even worth it?

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