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I've had great luck with my frigidaire appliances so far. The dishwasher is on its way out after almost nine years. The motor and everything work fine, just all the racks, and plastic crap inside have all gone to shit. Replacing them all is more than a new dishwasher.
Chris, your freezer issue may also be a bad gasket letting in too much moist air. See if the frost buildup is greatest at any spot, that will be the source of the air incursion. |
I would recommend not putting so much stuff in there and see how that works for you. ;) |
Yes, we noticed the milk going off and after working on it I found that yes the air was not circulating properly from freezer to fridge, also the freezer was crazy cold. On ours the flow from freezer to fridge is at the top, if you put your hand near it you can feel cold air being blown out. I cleared out the top shelf and put a hairdrier on it this only helped a little. I looked for the other vent that goes fridge to freezer it was about 3/4 of the way down and had a box against it sealing it up quite neatly, i popped the grill off and it was solid ice inside, I hit this with a hairdrier until I couldn't see any more ice and Bob's your uncle. I was careful to put jars and bottles in this area since they would not seal up the whole in the same way, been great since.
If you have cleared it out or it is working i would look for the two vents and make sure they don't get blocked. |
I had an ante natal visit today. They told me I have gestational diabetes.
I'm too fucking old for this shit. |
Oh Ali, sorry to hear that.
Thanks limey. I'm sure I'll be fine. I just can't imagine what more could go wrong other than for the baby to decide to come too early, and let's just hope that doesn't happen. :(
I'll keep my fingers crossed, and you can keep your legs crossed!!
I'm never having sex again.
That's not what I meant !
I know. ;)
Sorry to bring this up again - I know lots of you were very helpful and supportive in early June when my stbx was pulling all sorts of shit, and I appreciate that more than you can know. And I've gotten myself moved out, and the final papers are supposed to be signed on Thursday (the 5th).
Today stbx texted all day saying his income has dropped drastically this month, that his income will be less than mine once he pays alimony for two years while I train (not true), and that I need to share expenses for the kids (college expenses). And he wants an exception to the nonmodifiable alimony in case he's totally disabled ... it has to be worded carefully though, because he can get his disability insurance if he decides he can't work ER anymore, even if he does other medical work and makes almost as much income as he does now. I'm feeling like I'm still held hostage, like I will be for the next two years; he wants to meet in person, see my place, makes inappropriate comments about my body ... and I'm so close to having final papers signed, he says he's willing to do it Thursday morning, but now I feel like it won't really be final. Like he'll still have his hooks in me and I'll be hearing from him endlessly, and enduring his inappropriate comments and having to use my bit of capital to keep the kids going, and I'll feel like I just got f*cked over after all, trying to leave ... I guess I'm trying to talk out the fact that I don't think this can work in a civil way. That I'm probably going to have to take the scorched-earth route and discontinue my initial divorce filing and re-file in the county where we live, so that I can hire the attorney that I'd prefer to have ... and it'll be 2-3 years of bitter fighting and acrimony and endless expense. I didn't want this to happen. I hate it. After 2-3 years of fighting there may not be much left once the lawyers get their take. But I can see endless years of being hoovered back into interactions that trigger my PTSD and make me almost unable to function. He ruined my day today and it wasn't a critical day at work; once those critical days start, I can't afford this. It makes me SO angry ... |
Sorry, orthodoc. I wish I had more to offer than a virtual hug. Your situation sounds like it totally sucks.
sounds like Uncle vinny and D Boyz need to go have a Little talk with butt head
All hugs very much appreciated, clod ... and I heart you, zippyt!
Need to take some time-out and regain some perspective ... maybe it's a good thing tomorrow is a holiday. |
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