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infinite monkey 07-14-2012 08:51 AM

Consultant hasn't even come yet. Two schools of thought: either it's just a pretty bow to tie on the manager and act like they give a crap, or this consultant will actually listen to each of us.

I have ideas, some really good ideas, on how to do things better. It'd be nice to be heard, it'd be nice if things could change and I could stay here.

BigV 07-17-2012 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 820055)
If you have a job you like doing, are good at, and feel you are making the world a little better by doing, that is a valuable asset. I do regret quite a bit about losing/leaving my former job - but I don't miss the bullshit from the narcissistic middle-manager.

You sound really old and wise when you post stuff like this.

There *is* more to a job than just the money, no matter how much money there is. Now, of course I've never had a million dollar contract, so I can't say how life is at that rarefied level. Maybe I could learn to love the "bullshit from the narcissistic middle-manager" or any other kind of bullshit. But life-sucking bullshit has been a part of every job I've ever had. Sometimes that cost was almost equal to the paycheck; usually it wasn't close.

The larger point is that you spend a *LOT* of time at work. Liking it is important. Pay is important too. But if it hurts you, if it tears down your mental or physical health, that should be a sign to look elsewhere. It's like any other pain. It's a signal that something needs to change.

infinite monkey 07-17-2012 11:08 AM

A cow orker said yesterday (as I was lamenting my situation: too much to do and I'm trying to take my goddam vacation I haven't taken in 2 years) that the VP told her "A new day is dawning."

Which gives me some hope.

Pico and ME 07-25-2012 11:40 PM

I might be losing my Turbo...while Im in Tucson taking care of my Mom for a month.

I hope he doesn't go. I hope he can wait until I can come home to hug him one last time.

Clodfobble 07-26-2012 07:02 PM

My best friend from childhood just had a miscarriage. :(

And this morning I cut the ever-loving shit out of my thumb. This happened at basically the exact time she was receiving the news, it turns out, but I don't ascribe any supernatural significance to this as I tend to cut and burn myself all the damn time in the kitchen. But now every time my thumb hurts, I am reminded of her and get sad all over again.

orthodoc 07-26-2012 07:27 PM

I'm sorry, Clod.

Pain - physical, psychological, spiritual, emotional ... I don't know that it makes us stronger. For the most part, it sucks.

Ms. Sexton 07-26-2012 07:56 PM

Who do I have to blow to get an avatar here?

classicman 07-27-2012 12:16 AM

sorry clod :(

DanaC 07-27-2012 05:45 AM

Ach Clod, sorry to hear that.

@ Pico: ah babe, that's hard. My heart goes out to you and Turbo.

jimhelm 07-27-2012 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Ms. Sexton (Post 821835)
Who do I have to blow to get an avatar here?


::drops trou::

Actually, we don't use em. We're purists.

Pico and ME 07-27-2012 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 821857)
@ Pico: ah babe, that's hard. My heart goes out to you and Turbo.

Thanks Dana, looks like it might be a false alarm, but I havent gotten an update from my husband today, but he was giving him quite a scare. Hopefully he is just missing Pico and me. (We are both in Arizona).

xoxoxoBruce 07-28-2012 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Ms. Sexton (Post 821835)
Who do I have to blow to get an avatar here?

Save your pucker, there are none.

Aliantha 08-01-2012 06:17 PM

Today I feel ill. I was sick most of the night last night. Kept waking up with stomach cramps and really bad indigestion...and before any of you start, it's not the baby coming! It's way too early (by at least 6 weeks, and they weren't those sorts of pains). I'm almost certain this feeling is because of stress brought on by a situation that occurred yesterday.

This is the story.

You might remember me mentioning that Aden has had the same g/f for over a year now and they're pretty serious. Recently they had a bit of a falling out and decided to cool it for a while. During this time, I haven't really been happy with how Aden has handled himself. I think he's treated his g/f badly, mainly by just totally cutting her and being a general arsehole about their communications. I have not been proud at all, and have spent some amount of time trying to tell him how his behaviour is not good and how I'd thought I'd taught him a bit more compassion etc etc. All those things you say to kids to try to appeal to their better nature.

So anyway, over the last few days they've been talking again and making murmurings about missing each other and getting back together, so after school yesterday, Aden went over to M's place so they could 'talk' things through and decide if it's what they wanted.

Instead of talking, they ended up in the sack.

M's Mum walked in.

Aden called me and said he and M had had words and would I come pick him up.

So I did.

Turns out they've been having sex for about 6 months now.

Anyway, this is a big challenge for me because I don't agree with 15yr olds having sex, but I take some consolation in knowing that at least they're in a relationship and it's not mixed up with booze and partying, which is of course how it happens for a lot of kids that age.

So, I don't know whether to punish him or just let life take its course. I know for one thing that he will be on a very short leash as far as spending time with M if they can get over this latest hurdle. Aden is of course worried that her parents are going to hate his guts now. I said it would be understandable if they did, so he needs to man up about it and face the music if he's going to try and be a part of their daughters life.

so anyway, thinking about all this is what's upsetting me and making me feel ill.

Clodfobble 08-01-2012 08:56 PM

Sorry, Ali. I think you handled it as well as anyone could have. As for punishment, I would personally only be in favor of it if they were doing it unprotected (and if so, the hammer would be coming down pretty goddamn violently...) But I also know that I have an extremely casual attitude towards sex in general, and many teens are not prepared to be as mature about it as I would like to think, so I could easily be wrong in that regard.

Aliantha 08-01-2012 09:02 PM

Aden promises they were using protection. I hope that if they continue their relationship, M might consider taking some of the responsibility too. Since they were both virgins going in to this, at least the risk of STD's is minimal, but pregnancy is obviously not. Aden has big plans for his future. I'd hate to see those plans fall to pieces because he needs a job more than he needs an education.

I'm like you Clod in so far as being pretty relaxed about sex. I just wish they could have waited another year. At least they'd both be seniors then, and Aden would be just about out of school.

I'm feeling a bit better now it's all out in the open although I can only imagine what Dazza will have to say when he gets home from his latest trip. He's a shit load more conservative than I am, so I doubt I really need to say much more about it. I'm pretty sure Dazza will cover it. lol

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