glatt |
03-23-2010 12:50 PM |
There are knife throwers, and then there are knife throwers.
Some of the "knife throwers" out there used a trick where they palm the knife as they pretend to throw it and a hidden accomplice shoves a flat piece of metal, shaped and colored like a knife, out of the board from behind through slits that have been cut for just that purpose. If you look at the "knives" around the boy, they are embedded very deeply in the wood. At least an inch deep. Maybe two. When you throw a knife for real into a board, it will only stick in about a quarter inch at most. Also, notice that the "knives" around the boy don't match the knives in the thrower's hand. They have no ferrule at the end of the handle or between the handle and the blade. They also don't appear to have a thick handle, although that's harder to see with the image quality.