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glatt 08-03-2012 07:27 AM

Actually, they didn't like it that you were smarter than them.

ZenGum 08-03-2012 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 822752)
I think the legal age in Qld is 15, and Aden went to some lengths to explain to me that they waited till they were both 15. At least they thought that much through. lol


Queensland: The age of consent for anal sex is 18 (s 208(1)) and 16 for any non-anal sex (s 215(1)).

Well, here's you're compromise position.

"You kids can root, but NO ANAL!"


footfootfoot 08-03-2012 02:38 PM

Yes. Envy.

Aliantha 08-03-2012 06:15 PM

Hmmm....well he'll be legal in a couple of weeks. lol M will be a few months more after that. I guess they'd better just behave themselves.

Clodfobble 08-04-2012 10:53 AM

But surely the consent age only applies to partners who are of age themselves? They wouldn't put two 15 year olds in jail...

footfootfoot 08-04-2012 10:58 AM

My envy reply was not to zengum's post. It was to Glatt's previous post.

Happy Monkey 08-04-2012 12:47 PM

Check your local laws for those "few months more", though.

Sundae 08-08-2012 10:18 AM

Upsetting me today?

Got my new meds.
May take a while to kick in. Hope not as I hate absolutely everyone and everything and am halfway to getting drunk which I know will make me hate more but I can't cope with it all. Only thing I can hope for is no yap from my parents and fall asleep as early as possible.

Except I know alcohol interferees with medications so it is precisely the wrong thing to do so I am angry about it.

Clodfobble 08-08-2012 10:59 AM

Sundae, we love you more than the alcohol does.

DanaC 08-08-2012 11:00 AM

Don't be angry about it. Not whilst you're doing it. Start your new drive for healthy living tomorrow. You'll be starting a fresh day with your new meds having had a blow out today.


Summer hols suck ass when you're in the education bidness.

Sundae 08-10-2012 11:21 AM

*** Brit-centric post ***
Link to BBC release

A body has been discovered in Tia Sharp's grandmother's house.
It has yet to be identified, but given there is one 12 year old missing, and a dead body found, it's not too much of a stretch.

The 12 year old went out to buy a pair of shoes last week and never returned. Grandma's 37 year old partner was the last to see Tia when she left the house. He couldn't be 100% sure where she'd gone as he was doing the hoovering. She left without her Travelcard, mobile and apparently with very little money. I was suspicious from the start I admit.

There were unconfirmed sightings, but she wasn't identified on any CCTV footage or remembered by any bus or tram drivers in the area. Police were in fact unanle to place her at any time after leaving the house.

Poor kid. Sounds like she never did.
"Grandad" Stuart Hazell is currently missing.

(thanks for the kind words Dana & Clod, I was in a real state that night. Am slowly coming round, but am still a bit snappy. And yes - it's the hols which are exarcerbating things)

DanaC 08-10-2012 11:30 AM

Ahh shit. Poor little lass.

[eta] Gods, I wouldn't want to be her Gran right now. How awful to have brought the killer into the fold so to speak. Wouldn't be surprised if he had wooed the gran to get the granddaughter. Apparently he was at one point friends with the girl's mum.

DanaC 08-11-2012 03:47 AM

Dante's in a bad way. Think he may have had a stroke yesterday evening. Wasn't much the vet could do so advised to keep him calm and rested til morning.

Tragic sight though. No coordination, head tilted to one side, can't stand. Not sure how he is right now, but apparently calmer after some sleep.

Waiting to hear from Mum once the vet's called back.

Come on, Dan. Get better love. We're not ready to lose another.

Sundae 08-11-2012 04:36 AM

Sorry about that Dani. He was Pilau's brother wasn't he?

DanaC 08-11-2012 09:00 AM

It's over, he's gone.

Rest in Peace Dante. Pemontell Light Fantastic.

My heart's breaking all over again. Both the boys are gone now. The two brothers. And Carrot's lost his best BigDog. His mentor, friend and walking companion.

Poor Mum. It's an awful place to be.

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