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DucksNuts 08-14-2012 05:52 AM

Shit...I came in here to talk about my neighbour's kid and sex....(no, dont go there, I would NEVER!!!)....then I read that sex stuff that Ali is going through....weird.....

Anyway, I was sitting out the front on my lawn when my 15 yr old neighbour came and plonked down beside me...waffling his normal shit...and I wasnt really paying attention because I was thinking about how he was pissed (drunk) at the party I was at on Saturday night (his parents were there) and I wasnt very happy about that....anyway.

I hear "anal because she didnt want to get pregnant"...and I spat my Strongbow out my nose choking.....and asked him to repeat the story.

So, he's telling me that he's been seeing this 15 yr old girl for a little while and last weekend they had anal sex because she didnt want to get pregnant.....(in my head)...fuck, girls that age want anal sex?......and then one of her friends made some smart arse comment on facebook.

Friend of the parents tells girl's Dad and Dad finds out about anal sex Im mouth hanging open listening now..conversation on facebook how she's in a whole world of trouble.

The boy being ... if I know what - I was thinking *stupid* in my head......goes around to girl's house and talks to Dad. Admitting that they did it and why and that he hopes it wont be weird for him to be around girls house from now on W.T.F??

The reason he's telling me all this...he doesnt want to see that girl anymore and he's worried about how the Dad will react.

sorry, Im still stuck on the fact that this girl let you put it in her bum as a form of contraception

I think, if Dad didnt deck him when he turned up at the door and admitted to having sex with his Daughter, you will probably be OK not seeing her anymore.

I dont want to have this kinda shit happen in a few years.

Ali - Im glad Sally was found, did you pick her up this morning?
Well done with sex stuff, you always do the right thing and I hope I handle future scenarios with your tact!!

Dani - Im so sorry for the loss of your Mum's best buddy.

Aliantha 08-14-2012 04:43 PM

haha...that's a funny story. lol I haven't asked, so I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Aden and M weren't having anal. I actually don't really want to know if they were, not that I have anything against it, but just that at 15? Yeah, the thought would definitely never have occurred to me. lol

I'm sure you'll cope very well with whatever your boys toss up Ducky. You're a great Mum, and obviously a wonderful neighbour. ;)

Trilby 08-14-2012 05:01 PM

I sort of want to live in Ducks neighborhood. It certainly is interesting.

And Ali - sooooooo glad you got Sally back!

DanaC 08-14-2012 05:11 PM

yey! Sally's back :) So glad.

DucksNuts 08-14-2012 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 824474)
I sort of want to live in Ducks neighborhood. It certainly is interesting.

And Ali - sooooooo glad you got Sally back!

Its very boganesque, Bri.

Same boy (who is my fav even though he is a shit), is in the poo for smoking 'weed'.

Now, I adore his parents, but I have issues with a lot of things they do. They openly get fall down drunk and smoke weed in front of the two sons that live with them (12 & 15 - she has 4 older kids).....hell, they made a bucket bong last time I went over for a BBQ....but they have giving the boy an ultimatum ..."give up the smoking or you are off to rehab".

I agree that needs to happen, but...seriously....hypocritrical much?

ZenGum 08-14-2012 08:02 PM

15? Queensland?

Wait a minute.

This boy's name isn't Mav is it? :eyebrow: :lol: :headshake

Seriously, folks ... there're some serious role-model issues in that household. Telling the kid not to do exactly what you're doing in front of him? Duhhhh.

Oh an as mentioned previously, the age of consent in Queensland is 16, but for anal sex it is 18.

DucksNuts 08-14-2012 09:22 PM

The age of consent for anal sex in MY household is FUCKING NEVER!!!

I notice cases of hypocritarseholeitis all the time now.

Guilty of it myself occasionally...."dont hit your brother...if you hit your brother once more, I'll clip you around the ear'.....err

My niece in law, to my Sister In Law..."T (her daughter) is not allowed to have chocolate or McDonalds" SHE has Chocolate for breakfast and eats McD's 3 times a week.

Aliantha 08-14-2012 09:38 PM

Mav? lol He's an angel. It's Aden that's the problem child. Already went through the dope smoking thing with him WHEN HE WAS 12!!!! Well and truly over it now though and his attitude towards dope is what I would call healthy as a parent.

Mav hadn't even kissed a girl till his now gf which is really sweet I think. I'm pretty sure Mav is so conservative (already) that he'd never even think of anal sex as something that might be fun. Aden on the other hand is likely to think about it and very likely give it a go if he could find a girl willing...which I would think would be difficult at 15, but apparently it's not if he heads up north a bit. lol

Aliantha 08-14-2012 09:39 PM

Oh, and thanks for the kind words about Sally. We're very happy to have her home. :)

DucksNuts 08-14-2012 09:42 PM

I could probably get her number......

DucksNuts 08-14-2012 09:43 PM

Hey, I went past 5000 posts.

Jeez you talk a lot of shit Ali!

Aliantha 08-14-2012 09:47 PM

haha...I wasn't the one who brought up the subject of anal sex. lol

BigV 08-15-2012 11:10 AM

"talk some shit"

"subject of anal sex"


Sundae 08-16-2012 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 824511)
Aden on the other hand is likely to think about it [anal sex] and very likely give it a go... which I would think would be difficult at 15, but apparently it's not if he heads up North a bit.

That's an interesting euphemsim.
I wonder if that's how Sheldon described it to his family. "I fancy heading North a bit."

Aliantha 08-16-2012 05:43 PM

Well it actually means geographically speaking. As in Going north a few hundred km's to where Ducky lives cause the chicks are more 'open'

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