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limey 01-16-2013 10:22 AM

There is certainly a lot of January about at this time of year.
Anon, Trilby has some fabulous advice here, the bit I like best (apart from "quit the job") is this: "when your family asks you why you're doing this say "because it makes me happy." and smile. You don't need to explain it to them----they wouldn't get it anyway. "

anonymous 01-16-2013 11:56 AM

I was wrong to feel good for a few minutes.

The new bitch said I have to submit a doctor's note for being sick Monday. That isn't the policy as far as I know. Doctor's note if more than 3 days absent. She's out to get me and it fucking sucks. Why don't they just fire me?

Jesus fucking christ what did I ever do to deserve this? Did she require the same of S who was out monday and part of yesterday? I doubt it. I really fucking doubt it. And when E was calling in with migraines she made sure to tell HER that she should sign up for FMLA to protect herself.

It's taking everything I have to not email back "You stupid fucking cunt. Shove it up your ass."

Mother fucking fuck. They are trying to kill me. They really are. I don't want to do any more of this giant project if that's how it's gonna be. I'm not gonna wrap it up all fucking nice so they don't have the mess to deal with when I'm gone.

How much more pain can I take? How much more can they shove me around? And fucking WHY?

Time to invoke FMLA except I don't trust HR either and I don't know where to start. I feel like slicing my wrists just so they have blood to deal with. They'd see me before I died but I could bleed all over her, screaming...and they won't be happy until I'm shut up in the psych ward.

God damm this hurts.

Trilby 01-16-2013 12:05 PM

ok. calm down. Find out if it really IS the policy. She's creating a hostile work environment.
NOTHING is worth this, honey. NOTHING. Go to the ER and rant and freak and you'll get some help pronto and they will have to shut up about it (HIPPA)

make notes.

anonymous 01-16-2013 12:09 PM

The caveat "at supervisor's discretion."

I'm freaking out. I feel like sticking this fork in my fucking eye. I can't fucking take this. I can't listen to this anymore. I don't deserve it. It's killing me.

Someone has to help me. My family won't help me. I'm losing it.

I can't live like this. What should I do? what should I do?

Trilby 01-16-2013 12:17 PM

go to HR and ask for the FMLA paperwork and say nothing else.
get to the doc's ASAP - scream and threaten if you have to - have them fill out the FMLA and you get a break to gain perspective, get better, etc.

do it. don't say anything to anyone. NO ONE.

Trilby 01-16-2013 12:19 PM

PS when I left the Most Evil Woman in the World I took my rolodex with me.

dick move, I know as the other nurses then had to figure it out; but hey. They didn't exactly support me either. I would get pleasure thinking they'd go looking for a number and .....ooops! Not there! I also didn't teach anyone the case management program. No one asked to be taught, I'd given two weeks notice, I figured it was their problem for not being pro=active. That gave me some happiness too, knowing they were dickless for a while. I drew the line at ruining the Xray film. That would only hurt the patient; but I thought about it. I thought about exposing the entire bin of film (there's no way you can tell if it's been exposed) so all their xrays would come out blacker than the ace of spades...when I walked out of there I felt the world slide off my shoulders.

do it before you lose control of the situation and decisions are made FOR you. you don't want that, believe me.

limey 01-16-2013 12:21 PM

Please do what Trilby says. She knows. Please do. And particularly don't explain to anyone you don't have to by law.

anonymous 01-16-2013 12:35 PM

doctor told mem to go to er. I have to tell someone that is what I was advicsed by my physician.

anonymous 01-16-2013 12:35 PM

I will be in toucn when I can.

monster 01-16-2013 12:43 PM

oh anon :( good luck in the ER. I'm sure I don't wish the evil bitch the worst upset tummy ever invented on the day of her next appraisal. I'm sure I don't.

Trilby 01-16-2013 12:43 PM

good for you. Now. Breathe. drive safely. be in touch when you can. it's over for now.

we love you.

Nirvana 01-16-2013 12:55 PM

:eek: :sniff:

glatt 01-16-2013 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by anonymous (Post 848411)
doctor told mem to go to er. I have to tell someone that is what I was advicsed by my physician.

Good for you. You can do this.

Trilby 01-16-2013 01:00 PM

I am relief. she needs this. Now let's say a collective prayer that she gets some real fkking help with some compassionate people instead of the burned out messes that usually work the ER. Please Universe, take good care of anon. She feels too much right now and needs to know You are there, are taking care of her and that You love her. Get her to the right ER, right Doc, right nurses, etc.

thank you.

Sundae 01-16-2013 01:16 PM

I don't exactly know how you feel, but I certainly remember being at the end of my tether.
Grief at home, awful job - the only pleasure I has was riding on buses. I used to get off at Oxford Circus to take the 172. It extended my journey by about an hour and a half. Shitty, shitty life.

Seriously. nothing is worth this. You work hard. You make a difference. Fuck them if they can't see that. Quit and take a low pressure job in a bar or a supermarket or a sandwich shop. You'll get bored of it on the second day, but pretty much everyone will be nice to you. And it will give you the push you need to get back into something fulfilling.

Wish you had a financial safety net over there. When I moved back to Aylesbury, Dani suggested I went on Disability Benefit. It was 100% the right thing to do. I had the time to volunteer at a school. The school I now work at. The only way I could be happier with my job is if they paid me 5x my salary so I could get a place of my own.

Readjust your perception of failure, Anon.
Your fambly might not like the decisions you make, but they're a lot better than having to read that note.

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