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Chocolatl 01-18-2013 10:13 AM

Hope they can help you get sorted out, Sundae. Best wishes, as always.

Nirvana 01-18-2013 10:31 AM

I have had good results with topical witch hazel and oral horse chestnut and or bilberry caps.

Trilby 01-18-2013 10:43 AM

Sundae-I have those veins on my face (chin and under left eye) and they're from alcohol. They CAN be injected with saline (i think?) and they will go away but it's purely cosmetic and costs major bucks. Alcohol goes to the surface (that's why it appears to 'warm you up' when you're cold) and takes the blood with it - do it enough and those little capillaries burst. That's what we've got. Sun damage will do it, too.

Honey, if you were my patient (even though I only play doctor) you'dve had an ultrasound (is there a stone in your biliary duct?) a CT and then we'd go from there to see if we needed to do an MRI. Two weeks to get your blood drawn? Holy shit. I"m sorry, Mother England, but that's just WRONG. You could be hit by a bus in two weeks, ya know?

What is the anti-nausea drug called?

At any rate----I'm glad your liver is not as bad as first thought. but now am worried for other things. Don't you dare drink, Sundae. I won't either. At least not until next time....sigh.....

Trilby 01-18-2013 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 848876)
Glad to hear the liver damage isn't as bad as you thought. Maybe the other thing going on is a persistent infection? The antibiotics might not have fully cleared it the first time.

I was thinking pancreatitis. I'm sorry honey, but that's what I was thinking.

It's okay though as it can be managed quite nicely----and it probably isn't because pancreatitis gives you wicked, wicked belly pain.

Maybe it's just really horrid gastritis.

You need a scope done, too. Down the throat one. sorry, but I need you to be well.

Sundae 01-18-2013 11:03 AM

Well I did have extraordinary constipation where I couldn't even stand up straight.
But that was below the belt.

Can't remember if I posted it, but that Doc really pissed me off by telling me it couldn't be my liver because of where the pain was. Ahem - I never said my liver was painful, I was only trying to alert you to an existing medical problem. Just because I didn't study to be a Doctor does NOT mean I think my liver is in my lower intesting. Prick.

He's one of the ones that didn't think I needed a liver scan. Prick-plus.

Then again I shouldn't really be mean.
I told a girl to go in and press a wet towel against her leg after she fell over.
She was sent home from school after lunch.
Her Mum had to take her to the hospoital to get steri-stripped.
God I felt like a shit.

Sundae 01-18-2013 11:08 AM

I forget name of drug : Metoclopraide - 10mg

Trilby 01-18-2013 11:09 AM

well, what were you supposed to do?
you don't have steri strips there at the school, right?

she wasn't bleeding to death.

It'll be okay.

Trilby 01-18-2013 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 848901)
I forget name of drug : Metoclopraide - 10mg

Ok. Over here that's called Reglan. Good drug for what ya gots.

Sundae 01-18-2013 11:12 AM

Well our first aider also absolved me.

She said that it looked superficial and it was only the fact it kept bleeding, and bleeding and soaking down into her socks and bleeding that made them aware it wasn't your normal playground graze.

You get why I felt bad though.

Aliantha 01-18-2013 02:25 PM

Wow, over here you just take you doc referral into the pathology clinic and take a number. Normally the wait is less than an hour and usually no more than 15 minutes. Results in 2 or 3 days except things like hiv tests. They take a bit longer. All covered by medicare, so no up front charges.

We complain about our health system here too, but compared to most other countries, its not too bad.

Aliantha 01-18-2013 02:34 PM

Sunday, have they considered gall bladder issues?

DanaC 01-18-2013 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 848952)
Wow, over here you just take you doc referral into the pathology clinic and take a number. Normally the wait is less than an hour and usually no more than 15 minutes. Results in 2 or 3 days except things like hiv tests. They take a bit longer. All covered by medicare, so no up front charges.

We complain about our health system here too, but compared to most other countries, its not too bad.

Different areas are governed by different health authorities, and different clinics, GP consortiums etc have different provision arrangements.

At my surgery depending on the type of test needed, the GP may take the blood then and there, or you may be asked to see one of the practice nurses, or they make a referral for the local hospital path dept and you take your slip down any time you like during their opening hours. Sometimes you end up waiting an hour though if they're busy.

I've never had to wait to get in for a blood test I've only ever had to wait for results and that's usually 5-10 days. Similar arrangements for xrays: you get a referral and go down to the xray dept at the hospital anytime they're open.

Sundae 01-18-2013 03:43 PM

Only nurses take blood here.
And you've all seen the results, right?
Cellar page
London and Leicester were the same (okay, Leicester was a qualified phlebotomist in a hospital, but again it was same day there.)

It's in and out with me. Even though I do have tricksy veins.
They're only taking a lickle bit after all - I used to be in Blood Donors for ages.
And the results are back in 48 hours.
It's the qappointment that takes the longest. I guess what I've written already says that. But it's worth mentioning again because I'm still a bit cross.

Oh and OMG. Speidi are still in CBB.

Ali are y'am okay?
Jim says it's hot as hell in Brissy, and they can smell a tinge of smoke when the wind is in the right direction.
I know you're not in danger, just wanted an opinion.
You're in the news here you know. The country I mean, not you, personally :)
You may be the other side of the world but there are many many links between us.

DanaC 01-18-2013 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 848969)

Ali are y'am okay?

Was that a brummie accent?

Aliantha 01-18-2013 10:20 PM

Yeah, we're good here Sundae. :) Sitting in the aircon at the moment. spent the morning down at the park with Max and Aden and Adens mate Quinn. They were selling mangoes (not very well) and we were just hanging out. It was lovely actually. Lucky we're by the water so there was a breeze, although still hot. Not so bad in the shade though.

Jim is probably getting the smoke residue from the Bribie fires last week. They were pretty bad, and we've had no rain, so there are so many particles in the air. We need a good storm to clean it really. Not sure when that'll happen though. It's incredibly dry for this time of year.

Must be global warming. ;)

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