Sundae |
01-22-2013 01:23 PM |
Feel a bit better about things today.
Found out the Occy Health appointment tomorrow is NOT a blood test - which worried me because of my lapse, but just a review. And the magical blood test I thought existed to say exactly what you've drank and when in the last 5 months is actually a liver function test, and mone have been coming down every time I've been tested, even when I was just cutting down, let alone going for weeks without a drink.
This suits me right now. I'll have more weeks of abstinence behind me when the nurse draws my blood on 01/02/13. Which is less about seeking approval and more about wanting to know I am not being missed by checks that have seemed cursory in the past. Even though I don't get my results until 06/02/13. With a different Doctor. Dr J is great but is on annual leave that week.
So I'm seeing Dr M and I'm not sure if I've seen he/ she before. I just know I don't want to see Dr M again. He's the one whtold me my extreme constipation could not be conneted to my liver issues because it was in my lower abdomen and the liver is not located there...
Dani, I know things are busy now. But flu season at my practice seems to last until summer holidays and then start again, with vaccinations thrown in somewhere along the line. And my tests are "routine". As have been things like Dad's scans. The NHS moves exceeding slow.
Apart from that, all is good apart from Mum being in a pissy mood because it's been snowy and icy. And of course she thinks she bears the brunt of everything that needs to be done outside the house now. Despite the fact she does not drive and refuses to walk anywhere. How can Dad be at fault for the fact that she agreed to houesit my bro's parent-in law's cat this week? Or that she would need to go to the solicitors in this weather? Oh actually the latter is his fault because he is the one who has Alzheimers. And she can't trust him to go to Tesco alone on Sundays in case he comes home with the wrong thing. Damn, I was hearing that when I was still married! Only now she can be nasty about it because there is a diagnosis.
I know what she is really expressing is her fear at losing the man she loves and the difficulty they will face in the future. But ignoring me because I had Friday afternoon and Monday off (schools closed - snow) isn't really going to change anything is it? Why did I mostly stay in bed? Because she was having a shit-fit. I just put my earplugs in, read Luck in the Shadows, cuddled Diz and hoped she didn't hit Dad in the mean time.
Anyway, Seb (counsellor) said today what everyone always says to me. Don't care so much. She doesn't understand and never will and I can't change that.