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orthodoc 02-13-2013 09:39 PM

I use it, but I keep losing it. Careless, I know. I blame it on the mustard gas. I really need to stay off that stuff.

So, no dice even with a pretty please, foot? But I'd take good care of it this time ... none of that wacky yewbaccy, I promise.

footfootfoot 02-13-2013 10:16 PM

wacky yewbaccy. Your sense of humor is intact.
That's more than a lot of people have going for them.

Give yourself time and prioritize what you want to remember and what to forget. You've got to free up space on your hard drive and trim your RAM usage. Think Mac classic for a while.

orthodoc 02-14-2013 06:36 AM

That's me, a cute little Mac classic ... although my RAM will choke and die when I have to put together my PowerPoint presentations with streaming audio and upload them to the online learning site.

I'm gonna free up space on this hard drive, though, starting with my daughter's booked flights (3 trips) home this spring. Rebooking on Southwest has no change fees, but all the fares have gone up. To keep anywhere close to what I paid originally she has to be picked up/dropped off at the airport in the middle of the night, a 2-hour drive each way. Every time I rebook (because she doesn't know yet when she'll come, she just isn't coming this weekend) it'll cost more. I found this out last night, taking time from studying to pore over flights through Sept and coming up with nothing.

So I've decided to stop agonizing over it and throwing good money after bad. She will miss her flights and lose the money this month and next. We'll see about April. If she wants the April trip changed she can pay the difference. Otherwise these $400 flights will end up costing $600 or more each. She can save toward her airfare when she wants to travel.

There! That was easy. Eat the loss, why should I mind losing that much money, right? If I've watched my budget and carefully put aside funds so I could help her while I eat rice and beans, well, I can afford it, right? It's just one more way she's picked my pocket this winter (she asked me to book the flights after she'd decided not to re-enroll, saying she needed to come home more often during the semester - I think she just wanted some plane tickets available for use whenever, once the sh*t hit the fan).

Hard drive clean(er) and re-organized.

monster 02-14-2013 07:38 AM

vision :(

orthodoc 02-14-2013 08:19 AM

Sorry monster :thepain:

footfootfoot 02-14-2013 10:46 AM

Shit Monster, I'm sorry.

Orhto, good for you.

Nirvana 02-14-2013 11:08 AM

What is upsetting me? All that money for health care and it doesn't seem like it helps anyone. Go see a Dr REALLY? :neutral:

Trilby 02-14-2013 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Nirvana (Post 852808)
What is upsetting me? All that money for health care and it doesn't seem like it helps anyone. Go see a Dr REALLY? :neutral:

Amen. The only doctor's who help you out are the one;s who get indicted for helping hurting people out.

ortho----chemo brain does sort of go away. Now, the pain in my legs and my loss of balance...fairly new. Maybe (hopefully) MS so I can die slow and painfully, the way I;ve lived. Karma;s a beeyotch, Trilby. rememeber that, stupid girl (me, not you)

morethanpretty 02-15-2013 12:51 PM

I feel ill and I don't know why. I'm feeling very low and depressed.

DanaC 02-15-2013 12:53 PM

You mentioned elsewhere that you've stopped all your meds, including the antidepressants. Could that have something to do with it?

infinite monkey 02-15-2013 01:12 PM

Yeah, what meds, also? The half-life for Effexor is the shortest, and the withdrawal after one day is horrific.

Did you just stop cold turkey? Did you do it under a doctor's care? It can be dangerous, MTP. Take care of yourself, will you?

morethanpretty 02-15-2013 06:30 PM

I stopped cymbalta, seroquel (I hadn't been on it long), abilify, and some med they gave me for PTSD called prazosin. I don't have PTSD, just bad nightmares about work.
Yes I stopped cold turkey, yes I know it was bad. But I couldn't function on the drugs, I think the seroquel was the worse of it. I stopped pretty much the day they fired me. I tried taking seroquel the other night and then couldn't function for 24hrs. I just couldn't do the drugs anymore and clearly they were not helping me with my job which was the whole reason I was taking that shit anyway.
Don't worry, I don't plan on not being under a doctor's care. I just have to find a new one, one thats not gonna insist on putting me on drugs. I'm done with them. I want to be in therapy and all I'm just waiting until I have new insurance.
I have a touch of bronchitis and I haven't been feeling well since I bumped my head yesterday morning. Maybe I have a concussion.

Lola Bunny 02-15-2013 07:14 PM

goodness, mtp. That sounds bad. Werent' you an antibiotics for your bronchitis? Make sure you monitor yourself.

IamSam 02-15-2013 11:33 PM

That Seroquel can be powerful stuff. I am prescribed it, and when I first took it, I got knocked for a loop. However, I have the tolerance of a mule, and after a few days, I was OK with it. Still, if it's not helpful to you, I sure wouldn't mess with it. Hope you can find a competant doc to monitor your meds. It's no fun when some idiot doctor gives you a script for something that makes you feel even worse. :(

orthodoc 02-16-2013 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by IamSam (Post 853123)
It's no fun when some idiot doctor gives you a script for something that makes you feel even worse. :(

Sometimes it takes perseverance and honest discussion to figure out what works when you've asked for help in a crisis.

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