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JayMcGee 11-19-2006 05:56 PM

what a wonderous thread........


Although I know that Ford said 'history is bullshit', I might remind UT that your did not in fact invent cars...... just the means to mass-produce them more effieciently.... which led to another problem... how to sell them.... so you invented marketing....

JayMcGee 11-19-2006 06:11 PM

...and as for us UK folks not needing 4x4's, i tend to agree..... except the Wicked StepDaughter went out and bought one the other week just so she could tow the horse-trailer (hi, lookout......).... I may never speak to her again. Not that she' d understand my Public School accent anyway (hi Bri, how's it keeping? That time of month again?)

lookout123 11-19-2006 07:15 PM

not to point out the obvious, but you are a petty little man, aren't you?

JayMcGee 11-19-2006 07:27 PM

who, me?

Nah, surely I'm too pretty to be noticed by the likes of you.

lookout123 11-19-2006 07:43 PM

you know, you actually kind of remind me of a couple of twits i had to deal with in the british embassy/ Riyadh in the mid 90's. the condescending fucks constantly referred to the US as "the colonies". dumbshits. i don't feel i'm superior to you because you CHOOSE to drive a different car than me. i don't feel superior to you because you CHOOSE to believe the type of car a person drives reflects on their character. i feel pity for anyone so self-righteous that they look down on another because of a stupid vehicle. makes me wonder what other intolerant attitudes you hold.

JayMcGee 11-19-2006 07:53 PM

mmm...... ok, now I know why you DON'T feel superior to me....

tell me why you DO feel superior to me...

lookout123 11-19-2006 08:00 PM

*scrolling back through posts* which post was it that i wrote something about not liking people because of a simple vehicle they choose to drive??? let's see now... oh wait - i didn't. i didn't step up to the plate and state anyone was stupid for NOT driving the same thing as me. i don't care what you drive or even if you DO drive. you've made a decision that SUVs are bad. ok. good for you. but then you step up and condemn those who don't share your view. uh, sounds a bit condescending to me. that i don't like - but it doesn't make me superior to you. only more open minded.

JayMcGee 11-19-2006 08:06 PM

I don't remember saying SUV's were bad. Or condemming dissidents to my POV. I do remember say you were all wankers, though.

lookout123 11-19-2006 08:10 PM

read post #77.

Aliantha 11-19-2006 08:12 PM

Well this is a thread I'd have been better off having not read.

There is similar debate over here about large vehicles on suburban roads.

I agree that some people would be better off saving the environment and the rest of society by buying something they can more easily drive.

At the same time, large vehicles were originally built for a purpose, and that was for towing, off roading etc. We're considering buying a 4x4 because we want to get a bigger boat, but we wont be able to tow it unless we have a bigger vehicle. Alternatively, maybe we'll just get an even bigger boat and moar it instead. ;)

btw, I'm the one that does all the towing too, so I have a right to comment on this issue. :)

jinx 11-19-2006 08:13 PM


Aliantha 11-19-2006 08:14 PM

btw...glad you'll all ok jinx. Smashes are never good. :(

JayMcGee 11-19-2006 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by JayMcGee
...and as for us UK folks not needing 4x4's, i tend to agree..... except the Wicked StepDaughter went out and bought one the other week just so she could tow the horse-trailer (hi, lookout......).... I may never speak to her again. Not that she' d understand my Public School accent anyway (hi Bri, how's it keeping? That time of month again?)

That one, lookout? where I was agreeing with your viewpoint that SUV's & 4x4's were irrelevent to an urban enviroment except in certain extenuating circumstances? like towing horse-boxes to off-road commons?

Sorry, my fault..... should'nt have used irony on you yanks...

Ibby 11-19-2006 08:35 PM

Jeez, both of you shut up!

lumberjim 11-19-2006 09:22 PM

big suv's in an urban setting are silly. so are cowboy hats. making suppositions about a person's character based on what they drive or wear can be hit or miss. not all brits are haughty and condescending. not all americans are rednecks or blingers. being smug and abrasive, however, will only lower your stock.

i hold these things to be self evident.

the associated debates are rather interesting, though. personally, i find myself more interested in the differences of viewpoints with respect to the nationalities of the posters. it makes sense that an urban ensconsced Londoner would deride the SUV, as in their reality, they are not useful, just wasteful and annoying. but to an american, whose lifestyle supports the expense, and hobbies require the utility, it makes perfect sense.

we could have bought a minivan to cart the kids around, and a little 4x4 for our adventures, but the cost of insuring and maintaining 2 vehicles didn't compute. If i had a choice of a daily driver, i'd be driving a GTI which gets 25+ mpg. jay, sproglet, don't project your emotional response to our car onto our personality, and i won't assume that you are a charicature of a monacled british prigg.

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