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I'd thought of that, but Adak seems somewhat more mild-mannered than Merc. I'm pretty sure they're different.
And I'm pretty sure there is more than one devoted Republican supporter willing to relay Party talking points onto the internet. :) |
You're quite wrong about the Republicans not wanting everyone to vote, though. Voting is the right of every citizen, and the more who exercise that right, the more that right is likely to produce a better democracy. It would be a great shame if somehow, our voting percentage fell way off. Terrible precedent for a democracy, imo. I don't know where Bruce lives, but in So CA, you need a photo ID for just about anything that involves a monetary transaction, without cash. You want to buy something with a DEBIT card (no less) at Fry's Electronics - you show your driver's license. You want a Blockbuster card, you show your driver's license, etc. You want to cash a check at a store, you show your driver's license. If the purchase amount is small, it may be waived, but most times, it's required. Bought some tools awhile back in Sears. They wanted to see my driver's license, of course. Then they requested my SS number! I told them they could get it, but only if they were going to contribute to my SS account. ;) The clerk had to call over her supervisor. As far as welfare goes, I've seen both sides of it. No doubt it's useful and a good thing, but it's also massively abused. Free school lunch programs are just one example. In CA, it started out with just the needy getting free lunches. Over the years, the people running it have let it be known that they aren't going to check your income requirements. I don't know if they ever did that check, but if so, they have stopped doing it. Now the percentage of kids getting a free lunch every day has soared to over 90% of the kids, in some schools. These aren't all poor kids - these are mostly kids who were encouraged to get enrolled with their parents, in the free school lunch program. And I've never seen a single student who was ON the free school lunch program, who was EVER taken off - for any reason. My favorite however, was a spinster we worked with for many years. Our business made her a millionaire, (and then some), over a period of about 18 years. After she reached "senior" age, she would ask me to drive her down to the community center, every two weeks or so, to pick up her bags of free food, for low income seniors. By then, she was a millionaire a few times over, with substantial income every month. How do I know? We did her tax returns. :D Which is one of the big problems with most welfare programs. They have (typically, in the past), had *NO* incentive for progress to get the person back into the work force, and off the public dole. Quite the contrary. Welfare recipients are viewed as "job security", by those working for the program itself. It's a lot of "nod nod, wink wink, and once a worker, now a welfare recipient, by the power of my pen". They're getting a bit better about the incentive to get them off welfare, but that's only for some programs - not most. Once you're on it, you stay on it. That's why we can't get a national healthcare system that works, and that we can afford. WAY too much fraud and abuse from both doctors (medical workers), and patients abusing ("working") the system, to make it affordable. I haven't seen Bruce's welfare links yet, but I look forward to seeing them. Thank you Bruce. I have only one handle, for the forum, btw. |
Adak is much more reasonable and eloquent than merc.
But he also shares that trait: you just said a lot so I'm going to repeat everything I said before but leave out my gaffes that were pointed out to me. Really have a hard time believing he was asked for his ssn at a hardware store. ;) Everything I do at work ties into a person's ssn, and we are still very discreet about asking for it. Its a big no-no in the era of identity theft. I think adak lives in 1957. But he has a time machine. ;) |
I was somewhat taken aback by the use of the word 'spinster'... but posting from 1957 would probaby explain this.
I have a few problems with Adak's statements.
First, a community food program does not usually ask for financial information to prove you "need" their services. If you are there, you usually need it. Often, they require that you help them or the community in some way as "payment" for the food package. Been there, done that, in my poverty days. I'd much rather do something to earn that food than be given it, outright. Secondly, asking for a SS# in order to make a purchase these days is a BIG no-no. If anyone (other than insurance or creditors) ask me that, they don't get my business. Thirdly, as a parent with two children attending public schools, I can testify that it is absolutely not true that 90% of the kids get free lunch. In order to get reduced or free lunch, you have to fill out and sign a financial need application form. According to the FDOE data report, the actual number is 41%.( FLDOE free lunch). That actually ties right in with the number of children living in low-income families - 44% (Child Poverty). In my poverty days, my kids got free lunch. Now that I'm no longer unemployed and poor, they do not. Additionally, as a former poor person, I can absolutely state that asking for and receiving "aid" is the most humiliating and degrading thing I've ever done. The very moment I could manage to make ends meet without it, I dropped it like a hot potato. There was absolutely none of that *wink wink nudge nudge* that you are referring to...more like, you lazy, stupid, dumb person who is getting a free ride while I, the person who signs off on your aid, is working hard and earning mere peanuts. Let me see how many ways I can make you feel subhuman to compensate for my disdain!! |
Perhaps they require a license (photo ID) in your neighborhood because you're hard on the Mexican border, and of course they would have to make it a uniform policy. Quote:
I, unlike you, provided plenty of links for my claims about Reagan's welfare myths. If you have more questions you can damn well do your own research... or just keep spouting Karl Rove's bullshit. I have no delusions about trying to sway you, your soul is lost. I'm posting to protect our gentle readers from your misinformation campaign. |
Also, I've worked with welfare housing and school policies, for many years. I've seen how it works, and how it frequently leads to co-dependency: The recipient has welfare benefits suitable to live with: *If they get a job, they lose those benefits. *the job would probably be a labor intensive type of work, and they would earn low wages. *If they subsequently lost their job, they would get some welfare benefits quickly, but have to wait a long time to get back their full welfare benefits, again. So why should they work? They're risking a lot, just to maybe work at low wages. Maybe not full time. The people who administer and provide support for these programs, will lose their jobs if the program stops. So it's in their best interest to enroll more people in their welfare program. Quote:
If Obama had any reasonable successes with his policies, I'd support him. As the first black President, I'd love to see him succeed. I was living in the Deep South during segregation. Yes, it was UGLY. Problem is, Obama hung out with radicals in college (according to him), studied their ideology, and he's picked up a lot of their socialist ideas. Some socialist ideas I'd like to see (National health care), but his policy to implement it, is absolutely a complete mindless farce. :mad: His other economic policies are likewise, a disaster. You do know that this is the worst economic recovery in our history? You can choose to believe Obama's rhetoric, or you can look around, read the stats from the non-partisan budget office, and choose to believe you own "lying" eyes. There IS a reason, why Obama's budget has never been voted for, by ANYONE, in EITHER PARTY. That's how far out his economic policies are. You can have your emotional tirade any way you want it, but the above is a FACT, and it won't go away, because you don't like it. We've had a LOT of political polarization going on in recent years. That's something we MUST get past. A good plan, is a good plan, no matter who came up with it. And vice-versa, as well. All of these ad hominem attacks against our leaders, are leading us down the wrong road, to an unhappy destination. If Obama had good policies and plans during his time in office, I'd be supporting him, but he did not, and does not. He may look smart and cool, and charming - but the President doesn't need to be cool, or charming, or even appear particularly smart. I don't give a rat's patootie whether he appears on The Tonight Show, or not. He needs to lead us into wise policies and practices, across a broad spectrum of economic, social, and as Commander in Chief, military, matters. And I don't need the damn EPA telling me I can't use plywood to build with, thank you very much! :cool: |
"Spinster" ?
[said in best Kensington Jewelers Elocution] Oh, Adak, you're simply a caution! DO try to come to BridlepathWoods for Christmas this year, darling. It simply won't be the same without you! |
Successes, we covered that. Quote:
In southern California....
:eek: |
Ahhh, southern California... that hot bed, birthplace of liberal radicals like Sam Yorty.
Back when the oil industry had starting to drill wells in LA harbor, Mayor Yorty pushed through a zoning change over a weekend, and the harbor was restricted to residential housing ... it stopped the drilling overnight ! |
Hang out with radicals In college? No. By the time you're in Columbia or Harvard law, you should know better.
The EPA had to back down on the plywood/oriented strand board issue, because they got a lot of flack about it, and there is no real substitute for these building materials. Yes, they give off some volatile gases, but so do tires. We still need them both. Quote:
The House was controlled by the Democrats for the first two years of Obama's term. Nobody would vote for Obama's budget then, either. Somehow, we have to learn to live within our means - or at least close to it. Obama's policies are so fixated on over-spending, it just boggles the mind. You may believe that a monetary crises could not hit this country, but it can, and it has happened before. If we keep spending a Trillion! dollars more than we earn, we will definitely experience a bigger crises than any we have known before. Socialism works fine, until the money runs out. I doubt our chowder heads in Washington could make it work right, but it is possible, if you are well set up for it. We are not well set up for it, however. Quite the contrary - and our politicians are nowhere near smart enough to lead us to that ephemeral goal. |
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