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zippyt 05-23-2004 07:17 PM

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Now i like ladys with a little meat on her bones , but DAMN !!!!!!

Kitsune 05-24-2004 11:01 AM

BrianR 05-24-2004 02:13 PM


Originally posted by zippyt
is this a super silencer or just some weird joke ???
And if it is a silencer i bet it makes the loudest FART sound in the world !!!!!

Are you kidding? That there's one o them devices to make unloading your tank see smaller models at shooting ranges and police stations everywhere! This is just the large, economy size government model!


wolf 05-25-2004 12:30 AM

Does slang know you were sneaking around taking pictures of his "going to New York" car?

hollyoake 05-25-2004 10:21 AM

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just something i found... as you do!

lumberjim 05-25-2004 10:32 AM

holly, you must have an amazing collection of cool pics. that is friggin hysterical.

hollyoake 05-25-2004 10:36 AM

yes it is sad really how many i have!!

hollyoake 05-26-2004 01:36 AM

don't worry! he didn't fall - i pushed him!!

bwah ha ha

wolf 06-05-2004 01:14 AM

So that's what the expression "wrapped around a tree" really means.

Nothing But Net 06-05-2004 01:37 AM

And such an orderly forest it is.

Looks like this driver de-barked up the wrong tree.

wolf 06-05-2004 01:47 AM

I've seen accidents like that in pro-rally. Trees tend to be very unyielding.

That reminds me.

Some dumbass kid put his car into a tree along the state hospital fence about a year ago now.

Our ambulance was on the way out to pick up a nut, so they were first-on-scene and contacted county radio and had to wait around with the dead guy until the cops and community ambulance showed up. Dude was doing about 95 mph when he put the car into a tree, turned his car into a pretzel and did some major damage to the tree. There wasn't enough left of him for organ donation.

As is lately the custom, his little friends set up one of those roadside shrines ... laminated pictures, tearstained letters of loss and longing, those tall jar candles (which are often lit at night), stuffed monkey, flowers. I expect it to be festooned with graduation tassels soon.

Just one little problem. They set up his shrine against this venerable oak tree along the fence line, right outside Gate #2.

Dumbfuck put his car into one of the trees that stands between Gate #3 and Gate #4, closer to Gate #4.

They put the shrine against the wrong tree.

Nothing But Net 06-05-2004 02:33 AM

Bob, I want what's behind Gate #1.

Kitsune 06-08-2004 03:06 PM

There is some beautiful art for sale on the internet. Kind of brings a tear to my eye and I don't even smoke.

Kitsune 06-27-2004 10:12 PM

Saw this as I was hiking back from watching the sunrise in Lake Meade National Park. Not comforting, as it was also riddled with bullet holes of various calibers.

Kitsune 06-27-2004 10:13 PM

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[try that again...]

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