The Cellar

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vocalperk 06-10-2006 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
They sure did...that's why you should check in the Cellar every day. :lol:

haha...the Russian says "not for the nervous!!" (literally, "not for the weak-nerved!!")

Ibby 06-10-2006 02:21 AM

And truly, it is not.

xoxoxoBruce 06-10-2006 05:12 PM

Er....was not.
Thanks for the translation, vocalperk:thumbsup:

KinkyVixen 06-12-2006 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by glatt
I still don't know what it was that I saw. But I'll take a stab at it. A woman was inserting some sort of clear liquid filled sphere all the way inside her. And it was very large.

It looked like she had done it before, because things were swollen. Like a baboon's butt.

It was yucky.

:3_eyes: WTF! Weird...thanks for sharing though. I see the grossness but not exactly capturing the full extent of the nastiness. Damn. I'll remember to keep my eyes open to the cellar more often.

capnhowdy 06-12-2006 05:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
slightly uncomfortable, but effective.

zippyt 06-12-2006 05:30 PM

slightly uncomfortable, but effective.

Is this from Personal experence ??? ;)

capnhowdy 06-12-2006 05:48 PM


doesn't take a West Point graduate to figure that one out.;)

DucksNuts 06-12-2006 06:48 PM

Speaking of inserting things where they shouldnt be inserted......this morning I got an email of a girl with an Octopus inserted in the same place as that sphere.....who the fuck looks at an Octopus and goes...."ohhh, yeah, that will work...quick get the camera"????

Ibby 06-12-2006 06:59 PM

Reminds me of that story about Jimmy Page, two hookers, a bathtub, and a seafood joint down the street...

footfootfoot 06-12-2006 09:10 PM

"What's a girl like you ou ou, doin in a plaaace like this?"

And another thing Cap'n "effective at what?"

Happy Monkey 06-12-2006 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts
who the fuck looks at an Octopus and goes...."ohhh, yeah, that will work...quick get the camera"????

The Japanese?

Elspode 06-12-2006 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot
"What's a girl like you ou ou, doin in a plaaace like this?"

"What kind of girl do you think we are?! We wouldn't ball you just because you're a star! Don't call us groupies, that is going too far! What kind of girl do you think we are?!"

"These girls wouldn't let just anyone - spew on their vital parts. They want a guy...from a group...with a big...hit single in the charts!"

Man, I just listened to "Live at the Filmore" yesterday afternoon.

footfootfoot 06-12-2006 10:44 PM

Frank is (was) great.

Keeps getting better.

footfootfoot 06-13-2006 02:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is here to provide a link to "counting self control". It is, if I'm not mistaken, 96. ;)

capnhowdy 06-13-2006 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot
"What's a girl like you ou ou, doin in a plaaace like this?"

And another thing Cap'n "effective at what?"

Effective at making you want to get the fuck out of it prolly.;)

Kagen4o4 06-13-2006 04:59 PM

thats not 96. its 6P

footfootfoot 06-13-2006 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Kagen4o4
thats not 96. its 6P

well then I'll have to give up that slot for counting self control.:(

Shocker 06-14-2006 03:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 8978

Ibby 06-14-2006 03:24 PM


rkzenrage 06-14-2006 05:05 PM

Kagen4o4 06-14-2006 05:27 PM

23 weeks??? fuuuuuck

Ibby 06-14-2006 05:34 PM

I may not have one, but if I had a vagina, I sure wouldn't want chunks of 23-week-old fetus being pulled through it.

glatt 06-14-2006 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Ibram
I may not have one, but if I had a vagina, I sure wouldn't want chunks of 23-week-old fetus being pulled through it.

As a man I can't speak authoritatively on this, but I imagine that nobody wants 23-week-old fetus parts pulled out of them. I imagine that those that have the procedure think it's the lesser of two (or more) unsavory options.

Elspode 06-14-2006 09:42 PM

I am in favor of a woman's right to choose, but a woman who hasn't made up her mind at 23 weeks probably should be issued a chastity belt, and her prospective partners should be kicked in the nuts...twice.


wolf 06-14-2006 11:14 PM

The 23+ week D&E (or sometimes called Intact D&X, for Dilation and Extraction) is the much discussed partial birth abortion procedure.

What I'm trying to figure out is what's not safe for work about that image.

Kagen4o4 06-15-2006 03:38 AM

someone might think you are considering having an abortion at 23 weeks

York 06-15-2006 05:13 AM

Yuk man, where do you bump in to stuff like that? I guess u dont go looking for it....

Happy Monkey 06-15-2006 06:19 AM

That procedure is usually used for fetuses that have died in the womb.

footfootfoot 06-15-2006 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey
That procedure is usually used for fetuses that have died in the womb.

Thanks, that actually settles my mind a bit. I think there are folks who would like to have us believe that this is a common and routine form of birth control, rather than the exception.

Ibby 06-15-2006 09:51 AM

Still, either way, cut me open if you have to, but theres no way I would want little fetusnuggets coming outta me.

wolf 06-15-2006 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot
Thanks, that actually settles my mind a bit. I think there are folks who would like to have us believe that this is a common and routine form of birth control, rather than the exception.

Hystrionics and exaggeration are important aspects of political debate these days. On both sides.

footfootfoot 06-15-2006 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
Hystrionics and exaggeration are important aspects of political debate these days. On both sides.

I imagine hystrionics woud play a crucial role in any debate about uterii.(uteruses?)

Griff 06-15-2006 08:24 PM

oooo... word play nice.

Kagen4o4 06-15-2006 09:08 PM

oooo play nice, word

Undertoad 06-17-2006 01:24 AM

xoxoxoBruce 06-17-2006 06:16 AM

Shows what women will do when the men are armed.:lol:

richlevy 06-17-2006 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
Shows what women will do when the men are armed.:lol:

I like the WTF look on the woman on the left.

What is the source and caption for that photo?

Pi 06-17-2006 11:23 AM

Yeah she's got that look saying : Now wait a little bit stupid girl, when this funny looking men are going to do nasty things with you and when you have to carry 20 liters of water for 30km every day. Then it's gonna be much lesser pitoresque to play the bush-woman.

Or maybe it's what i'm thinking when i see that picture

richlevy 06-17-2006 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Pi
Yeah she's got that look saying : Now wait a little bit stupid girl, when this funny looking men are going to do nasty things with you and when you have to carry 20 liters of water for 30km every day. Then it's gonna be much lesser pitoresque to play the bush-woman.

Or maybe it's what i'm thinking when i see that picture

I'm getting that too. And what is that wooden thing she's holding?

BTW, she's pretty hot looking, and seems to be very happy considering it's probably hot so there is no other reason for her to make such a pointed statement.

Kagen4o4 06-17-2006 07:41 PM

caption "i finally found my birth mother"

footfootfoot 06-17-2006 09:51 PM

that is funny shit doooooooooooood

PLUS, as the inchling would say: It's all about the dowas.


capnhowdy 06-18-2006 07:40 PM

the Asians have the most beautiful nipples. Bar none.

zippyt 06-19-2006 12:06 AM

What the asian chick doesent relize is that little stool she is holding is so the guys in the tribe can sit ( see the cup to hold their balls , and the cut outs for her dowas(Boobs) ) and force feed her some tribe meat ;)

( not realy , I don't have a clue what the thing in her hand is for , just speculating by the look on the African chicks face )

zippyt 06-19-2006 12:08 AM

This World cup thing has gotten WAY out of controll !!!!

zippyt 06-19-2006 12:08 AM

the Asians have the most beautiful nipples. Bar none.

I have to agree !!!!!!

lookout123 06-19-2006 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by zippyt
This World cup thing has gotten WAY out of controll !!!!

stupid damn high school guidance counselor...
"lookout, you really should look at a career in business - art just isn't well... rewarding."

stupid sonofabitchin' cockblockin' guidance counselor. i could have been painting uniforms all this time.

xoxoxoBruce 06-20-2006 05:30 AM

Yeah, lookout, that would have really helped your love life.:right:

lookout123 06-20-2006 08:26 AM

hey Bruce, apparently we are different in that I"m willing to sacrifice for my art. sacrifice. deeply. and often.;)

capnhowdy 06-20-2006 10:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)

LabRat 06-20-2006 02:59 PM

Yikes, not the place I'd want a papercut...

xoxoxoBruce 06-20-2006 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by lookout123
hey Bruce, apparently we are different in that I"m willing to sacrifice for my art. sacrifice. deeply. and often.;)

Yeah, I guess we are different, if you can sacrifice deeply.:blush:

Trilby 06-20-2006 06:23 PM

Hey! I have that same bed spread!

capnhowdy 06-20-2006 06:47 PM

me too.... this was taken in my room.


Kagen4o4 06-20-2006 06:48 PM

omg...thats my girlfriend. DAMN YOU CAPNHOWDY!!

richlevy 06-20-2006 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by zippyt
This World cup thing has gotten WAY out of controll !!!!

I didn't realize the World Cup was a D.

zippyt 06-20-2006 09:24 PM

Hey! I have that same bed spread!

So are you saying Bri that that could be YOU ????
Inquireing Minds Want to KNOW !!!!!

zippyt 06-20-2006 11:45 PM

This World cup thing has gotten WAY out of controll !!!!

Look at the Fans !!!

Kagen4o4 06-20-2006 11:50 PM

mmmm brazillian girls

xoxoxoBruce 06-21-2006 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by zippyt
This World cup thing has gotten WAY out of controll !!!!

Look at the Fans !!!

That should be, Girls Gone Wild But Not With You. :o

BrianR 06-22-2006 09:32 PM

Those might not be girls! not REAL ones anyway!

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