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glatt 02-20-2015 07:13 AM

Cold temps cracked one of the outside rails on my metro line this morning. Major delays. But it was announced on the radio, so I rushed and got to the station about 45 minutes early, and made it in to work just on time.

Guys, it's cold out there.

Undertoad 02-20-2015 07:35 AM

Cracked a RAIL!

bbro 02-20-2015 07:53 AM

Central NC has had a crappy week. Local schools have been out all week. I worked at home for three days - I would have loved all week. We got snow on Monday which was covered with ice that persisted for a few days. There are still some ice chunks sitting around parking lots and some black ice.

I am sick of this cold! I moved south to get away from this for fuck's sake - it's not supposed to be 7 degrees here. Yes, I know there are colder places, but this is the south, dammit. Give me back my 40 degree winters you fuckers :(

glatt 02-20-2015 08:16 AM

Sing it, sister!

infinite monkey 02-20-2015 08:20 AM

I know, right? I want to yell at someone or something about this cold crap. It won't do any good but it feels like someone (or something) needs to take some goddam responsibility for it!

I'm off Fridays and haven't ventured far from cozy bed and warm electric blanket. I need to go to the laundromat, but it might wait until tomorrow, though everyone and their dog will be there tomorrow when the tropical heatwave of 36 degrees hits.

glatt 02-20-2015 11:12 AM

A little excitement this morning at work. A sprinkler head in the first floor restaurant in our building went off, flooding the restaurant. No big deal, except we have workroom space below the restaurant, and it's raining in 5 of the workrooms as the water finds its way through every hairline crack in the restaurant's concrete floor slab.

I mention it here, because somebody is claiming it is cold related, although I don't understand how that's possible with an interior sprinkler head.

Never rent space below a restaurant kitchen.

Lamplighter 02-20-2015 01:20 PM

1 Attachment(s)
...without comment...

Gravdigr 02-20-2015 02:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Lows last night:

Attachment 50433

glatt 02-20-2015 02:48 PM

I thought it was cold here, but damn. Just damn.

Gravdigr 02-20-2015 02:52 PM

That's what we said.

Only it came out "D-d-d-d-aaaaaaaaayum!"

monster 02-20-2015 08:41 PM

how in the fuck did that happen? did you piss off some ice queen?

busterb 02-21-2015 01:15 PM

Yesterday when I left to go to DR. was 23º. This morning was 59º on way to 70º. Folks wonder why they're sick. Chance Freezing Rain Monday nite and Tuesday. Fucking hell.

xoxoxoBruce 02-21-2015 01:20 PM

That's why they invented Mud & Snow tires, buster. :haha:

Lamplighter 02-23-2015 02:02 PM

OK, I want a resounding "Poooor Baaaby" for this post...

We are still in late February.
There have been 2 consecutive weeks of brilliant sunshine,
warm temps, and mild breezes here in the PDX area.

The camellias are blooming and trees are budding out.
Our grass has been growing for the past week.
All this doesn't happen around here until late March or April.
We can, and probably will, have more snow/freezing temps/etc

The grass needs mowing.
My lawnmower is empty of fuel and put up for the winter.
I've misplaced my red plastic gas can.
I'm feeling incredibly lazy.

But since we are going out of town tomorrow, I've got to do it today.
... go buy new gas can, get gas, get mower started *,
mow the lawn, drain the tank, put the mower away again.

*and in all likelihood I'll have to overhaul the carburetor in the process.

Bah humbug.

Gravdigr 02-23-2015 02:11 PM

Aaawwww, pooooor baby...:lol2:

If it ain't one thing it's another, ain't it?

Glad somebody's having decent weather, anyway.

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