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fargon 07-01-2013 10:51 AM

EEK, that is hurtie!!!

classicman 07-01-2013 11:56 PM

That is odd, UT. I would have thought of several others... Wait where did the accident happen? Was he in DE?

chrisinhouston 07-02-2013 07:38 AM

Saw my dentist yesterday in the late afternoon when he had an opening and after getting an xray (rather hard for a wisdom tooth when it hurts to open your jaw wide enough to get the film plate back there) he said the tooth's nerve is infected and the infection has spread to the tissue surrounding the roots. He prescribed a strong antibiotic and some more hydrocodine. Said the pain and swelling should go down within 24 hours. After the infection is gone he will pull the tooth as it isn't worth doing a root canal on a wisdom tooth, I had 2 that were left in 40 years ago as they came in without incident unlike the other 2. I hate taking hydrocodene during the day so will try to just get by with over the counter pain meds today. :yeldead:

Chocolatl 07-02-2013 07:40 AM

Yeouch. :(

glatt 07-02-2013 07:43 AM

Jeez Chris, sorry. I'm glad he was able to fit you in and there's a plan.

Undertoad 07-02-2013 08:04 AM

The accident happened in his house in Norristown. His sister lives in DE and she was the one who went and got him, so we can only assume she figured she knew the best hospital for him, and carted him down there.

He doesn't remember the accident, only that he woke up in his living room in pain.

Aliantha 07-02-2013 09:15 AM

We had to come home early from our trip cause we all got sick. I am still trying to cough up my lungs. Oh well. Shit like that happens. We saw family, but no snow and no zoo. :(

glatt 07-02-2013 09:25 AM

I'm sorry Ali. I had high hopes for you guys and your road trip.

orthodoc 07-02-2013 10:55 AM

Getting sick on a road trip is horrid. Sorry you had to cut it short, Ali.

BigV 07-02-2013 11:09 AM

get well soon Ali, and your kiddos too.

Aliantha 07-02-2013 07:11 PM

Thanks guys. I am very upset about it. I feel like it might have been tge last chance for a hol with both the big boys. There are some ruminations about trying the trip again in september hols, so we will see how that goes.

ZenGum 07-02-2013 09:03 PM

Aww, bummer. Couple of days bed rest all round.

chrisinhouston 07-05-2013 04:13 PM

Well, still a bit sore in the back of my mouth but early morning Wednesday my tooth was hurting so much I called back my dentist. He said it sounded like the infection was worse than he could see in the Xray and I probably needed to see an orthodontic surgeon. He recommended several but being the day before the 4th of July it was hard to find one who would fit me in. Finally saw one in the early afternoon who after yet another xray said I needed to have the tooth removed immediately. He and his team did surgery and it was out in 30 minutes and I don't know what they put in their anesthesia but I saw all kinds of bright colors and pretty things.

Spent the 4th taking it easy and had a post op check today and some kind of drainage tube removed. Cleared to fly to Seattle on Monday which is good. He said I had a severe abscess and that the infection left unattended would have caused all kinds of problems.

BigV 07-05-2013 05:08 PM

Glad you're on the mend!

Say hello to Seattle for me, willya?

DanaC 07-05-2013 05:59 PM

Mum called about an hour and a half ago to tell me she'd found out that Martin and Jen were at the hospital with our Sophie (youngest niece, 15 years old) with suspected broken wrist from a cheerleading fall. Just heard from her again: they've plastered her up, but they may have to transfer her to Huddersfield, remove the cast and operate. Not sure why. Maybe a really bad or complex break?

Anyway. Feeling very sorry for Sophie and also my bro and SiL. What a horrible way to spend a night. Poor bloody kid.

We've all been worried something like this might happen. There've been other kids in the squad/team(?) who've been hurt and she's had a few near misses herself.

Recently she's been getting into dancing as well, and blew everyone away with her performance at a show last week. So, we've all been quietly hoping the cheerleading would be naturally pushed aside by the dancing.

Small mercies: she finished her exams this week. Given it's her right hand, this could have really screwed up this round of exams and that would have been a shame, because she's worked really hard.

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