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Big Sarge 07-27-2013 07:06 AM

Totally bummed out. I was in the VA hospital again this week. Someone stole my cellphone and billfold while I was out of the room. I hope I get a replacement phone today. Worse than anything, I stood up BusterB for a meet & greet in Hattiesburg.

Oh yeah, I have to return to VA outpatient on Wednesday. Fun, Fun, Fun!

Sundae 07-27-2013 10:37 AM

Ah Sarge.
There are some arseholes in this world.
So sorry to hear that - how much did you lose? I know it's not about that but maybe we could chip in to replace it? Restore your faith in strangers?

I know Buster will understand, although I'd love to see a pic of you two together.

Keep your chin up darlin', we respect you even if random arseholes don't.

Big Sarge 07-27-2013 01:06 PM

I lost less than $20 in cash. It is simply the headache of getting a new driver's license, military ID, debit card, and Military Star card re-issued. Plus, I lost all of my phone contents. Sigh. Plus I spent 4 days/3 nights in a crappy hospital ward dealing with migraine/cluster headaches.

It could be worse, I'm just royally inconvenienced

DanaC 07-27-2013 02:46 PM

Shitty thing to happen, Sarge. *hugs*

orthodoc 07-27-2013 06:24 PM

That really is the lowest of low things to happen, Sarge. I'm sorry you have to go through all this hassle.

ZenGum 07-27-2013 07:30 PM

Someone stole stuff from guy in a veterans' hospital???

What a cunt*.

That is all.

* Really, this is an insult to actual cunts, which have warmth and depth, can give pleasure, and bring life into the world. Come to think of it, cunt should be our highest compliment. This perp was an anti-cunt.

sexobon 07-27-2013 08:13 PM

Thank goodness the identity thieves didn't get his Cellar password ... or DID they? :eyebrow:

orthodoc 07-27-2013 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 871623)
Someone stole stuff from guy in a veterans' hospital???

What a cunt*.

That is all.

* Really, this is an insult to actual cunts, which have warmth and depth, can give pleasure, and bring life into the world. Come to think of it, cunt should be our highest compliment. This perp was an anti-cunt.

No ... cunt is a pejorative intolerable four-letter word that is the antithesis of a woman who gives pleasure, receives pleasure, and brings life into the world. Just my perspective, but I find this word the worst insult, which is the reason I reacted so strongly to Ibby calling everyone a cunt at the slightest provocation, or hell, non-provocation.

I appreciate the thought behind your post, Zen, and respect you for it ... but that word, thrown out there as a pejorative, isn't redeemable in my opinion.

limegreenc 07-27-2013 10:56 PM

I agree, it is an offensive word

Clodfobble 07-28-2013 07:33 AM

Well, FWIW, it doesn't bother me. Not to take away from how it makes you feel, ortho and limeg, you certainly are entitled to your own reactions, and many others would agree with you. But to me, words are really just words.

Sundae 07-28-2013 10:41 AM

For me it depends on the venom with which it is said.
When people spit it out as if it's the vilest possible ephitet in the world then I worry about the misogynist overtones.

Nothing Zen has written in any of his posts suggests this in his case; in fact he went further and questioned even his own use.

I use it myself when I want to use a really bad swear, as we said as teenagers.
I'm not sure I've ever said it audibly in company, polite or otherwise. This is probably not true, but it would have been used humorously.

When I used to stack shelves there were a good few brands of poorly designed shampoo bottles which would fall over if you so much as breathed on them, taking out all their pals so you had to redo a whole section. They got a whole litany of bad swears muttered at them.

Undertoad 07-28-2013 11:49 AM

They say it a lot more in England imo, it's weird what is considered what level of offensive between us.

I would never say P*ki any longer, even though it's considered completely inoffensive in the US; and n*gger is offensive in the US and how offensive is it in Britain?

Sundae 07-28-2013 12:04 PM

N*gger is very offensive.
Black teens/ young men use it between themselves, but it's verboten in other situations.

I don't use the term Eskimo, preferring Inuit.
If I explain to people that it not considered polite they get a bit huffy and start muttering about "PC gone mad" under their breaths. But why use a word if you know it causes offence?

(Oh, ditto Jap, after it was flagged as rude here on the Cellar).

ZenGum 07-28-2013 07:13 PM

I am quite amused by this thread derailment.

There does seem to be a niche for the phrase "silly cunt" which seems much less offensive.

sexobon 07-28-2013 08:16 PM

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