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Lola Bunny 07-28-2013 10:41 PM

Ortho, I'm sorry that you feel bad about your hair. I, like others, think you look absolutely cute with your short. However, if you feel awful with your short hair, by all means wear a wig if that'll make you feel happier. Like I always say, what's important is how you feel and not what others think, even if it's a positive opinion. Wear that wig and be happy. :)

monster 07-28-2013 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 871657)
I don't use the term Eskimo, preferring Inuit.
If I explain to people that it not considered polite they get a bit huffy and start muttering about "PC gone mad" under their breaths. But why use a word if you know it causes offence?

How often do you actually use the term Inuit? Just curious, like.

I've met a few part-Eskimos, but never a part-Inuit. Well never one that introduced themselves as such, anyway.

DanaC 07-29-2013 06:40 AM

For some reason, the fact that they're 'not really Eskimos but rather Inuit' has properly taken hold over here. Using the word Eskimo instead of Inuit kind of marks someone out as being a bit old fashioned and unaware.

I have no idea why this is, given we're not exactly overflowing with people of Inuit descent, but I would feel slightly uncomfortable with the word Eskimo. It may be to do with the growing cultural awareness of our imperialist past.

ZenGum 07-29-2013 08:16 AM

From Big Sarge's wallet to British Imperialism as it relates to Eskimo in less than 20 posts ... :lol:

Sundae 07-29-2013 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 871696)
How often do you actually use the term Inuit? Just curious, like.

I've met a few part-Eskimos, but never a part-Inuit. Well never one that introduced themselves as such, anyway.

:lol: I very nearly wrote, "Not that I've met any"!
Perhaps it's because of a history of British Polar expeditions...?
Although my interest lies more in the uninhabited Antarctic.

I'd be stumped as to whether Pygmy is cuturally acceptable for example, because it's not something I have read up on..

ZenGum 07-29-2013 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 871716)

I'd be stumped as to whether Pygmy is culturally acceptable for example, because it's not something I have read up on..

:eyebrow: :lol:

Sundae 07-30-2013 04:00 AM

Although the "up" wasn't intentional.

orthodoc 07-30-2013 03:36 PM

Canadians only use the term Inuit or Inuktitut because the Canadian indigenous arctic peoples all fall within that group. I gather that Americans use the term 'Eskimo' because the Yupik, who are one of the indigenous groups in Alaska, don't identify as Inuit. The broader term is therefore used.

Clodfobble 07-30-2013 06:05 PM

Heh... You give us waaaay too much credit, ortho. I don't know a single American who knows those tribal nuances, or even that there's anything other than Inuit. We say "Eskimo" because that's what our parents and grandparents said.

Meanwhile, my kids have to keep reminding me that their seated position is called "criss cross applesauce," not "Indian style." Someday I will be their old racist relative, and they'll apologize for me by saying, "she grew up in a different world, you know?"

DanaC 07-30-2013 06:16 PM

hehehe. We all end up out of date eventually:P

I still occasionally have to stop myself saying 'halfcaste' instead of mixed race, because that's what we said when I was growing up.

Likewise 'gypped' for ripped off, which I still use sometimes without thinking.

Lamplighter 07-30-2013 06:30 PM

Now if we can get those Hispanics and Latinos to stop calling us "Gringos"

DanaC 07-30-2013 06:39 PM

hehehehehe. Indeed.

ZenGum 07-30-2013 06:46 PM


Meanwhile, my kids have to keep reminding me that their seated position is called "criss cross applesauce," not "Indian style."
For real??

Well, I understand phasing out "Indian style", but what's wrong with "cross-legged"? Why not "lotus position". (Hm, actually, I can see why not, because yoga = SATANISM ... In some states.)

But ... "applesauce"? Uh?

Lamplighter 07-30-2013 07:05 PM


But ... "applesauce"? Uh?
Because it's a more acceptable rhyme for kids than: "Criss, Cross, Show your moss"

Aliantha 07-30-2013 08:10 PM

I wasn't sure what thread to put this in, mainly because I'm half pissed off and half upset. Not sure if I'm sliding into a depression or what, but I just don't feel good about anything much lately. I'm irritated with my husband. He just doesn't seem to get that he's required to actually participate in the family that he wanted to have. Also, that I need some time to myself now and then, and a bit more often than one night out with friends in about 6 months. I'm am tired and worn out. I've been pretty sick for ages and I am not getting the support I need.

I'm just sick and tired of pretty much everything right now. Life is not good. :(

eta: You don't have to say anything. I just need to vent a bit or I'm going to go ape shit on someone soon.

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