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limegreenc 07-30-2013 10:21 PM

I can relate-my husband works for 'the phone company' and works 6, 8 days in a row with 1 off. I've had to do all the yard work and house work by myself, plus meals, groceries etc. I'm glad its summer, or I'd be in a depression also. When he's off he's in bed, or running around to the bank doing his own business. There's lots of stress there because we don't get to sit down together and talk, or have a meal because he's on the road. I try and see the good in all this; I can do what I want when I want to do it, I can eat kd whenever, play the stereo full blast, talk on the phone with my friends for hours, take a nap without being disturbed. Yet it does get lonely having only the 2 cats to talk to.

Aliantha 07-30-2013 10:29 PM

We have 4 kids lime. Thats my biggest gripe, and he spends all his spare time fishing, while i stay home with the kids.

I've just about had enough to be honest.

orthodoc 07-30-2013 10:31 PM

Tomorrow is the anniversary of my diagnostic mammogram and biopsy. Even though I got the pathology results on August 2, July 31 was the day I really knew. It was unmistakeable on imaging. I didn't think I'd care, other than to give a fist pump for getting through the year ... but I'm surprised at how low I feel tonight.

Aliantha 07-30-2013 10:34 PM

No wonder ortho. Its not like you're celebrating something good is it? Maybe better to focus on something else instead?

orthodoc 07-30-2013 10:39 PM

Yes, I thought that being on Mackinac Island would be a great diversion, and it is definitely beautiful. It's just tonight ... I'm sure I'll do better tomorrow.

I'm sorry things are tough at home, Ali. I hope your husband has an 'ah ha!' moment sooner rather than later.

monster 07-30-2013 10:40 PM

just ignore it the best you can. Not all anniversaries need noting or celebrating. acknowledge the shittiness when it creeps up, thenremember the "out and clear" and carry on as normal. Maybe take a copy of your recent NFSAM*/whatever results to the bathroom mirror as a reminder that it's done and not worth losing a day moping over.

*Not Fucking Sick Any More

Lola Bunny 07-30-2013 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 871859)
For real??

Well, I understand phasing out "Indian style", but what's wrong with "cross-legged"? Why not "lotus position". (Hm, actually, I can see why not, because yoga = SATANISM ... In some states.)

But ... "applesauce"? Uh?

Hmm....I must seem racist as heck. Don't see what's wrong with the term "Indian style." But I've been hearing and using the term lotus style more often these days. By the way, yoga = satanism???!!!???? For real???????????? I need to to follow current events more. :rolleyes:

limegreenc 07-30-2013 10:43 PM

Gotta have a Plan B. When we're on the outs, I call a couple of girlfriends and we hash out what we're going to do. then I tell the man when I'm going, and with whom. Say what you mean-mean what you say-but don't be mean when you say it. Explain that 'this is my time' Use your imagination, what would make you feel yourself again? Campouts? Bungee jumping? Rock climbing? Laying about on a beach somewhere... the world is your oyster! The house won't fall apart with you gone a couple of days, and your man will have his chance to grow closer to his kids-everybody wins

Aliantha 07-30-2013 10:47 PM

All good in theory lime, but my real life is not like that. I will work it out. As i said, i just need to vent for now.

xoxoxoBruce 07-30-2013 11:02 PM

You can dump on me, Ali. Really, I can take it. ;)

sexobon 07-30-2013 11:11 PM

XoB can take a dump.

Aliantha 07-30-2013 11:17 PM

You know Bruce, i once had a guy ask me to pee on him and said no, and i didnt even like him as much as i like you. ;)

xoxoxoBruce 07-30-2013 11:21 PM

Heh heh heh. :smack:

ZenGum 07-31-2013 12:00 AM

I'm pretty sure Bruce can take the piss, too. ;)

The upsetting you thread is not usually this amusing.

DanaC 08-01-2013 07:45 AM

Walking Carrot about an hour ago, I'd stopped at the kerb, waiting to cross the road, with carrot sitting next to me, and a car went past. A lad in his early 20s or thereabouts, stuck his head through the window and yelled at me in an angry tone: whos fucking walking who?

I smiled first, because people have said that to me before when Carrot's been pulling and it's a bit of a common joke amongst dogwalkers.

It was a second or so later i realised he'd just called me a dog.

Ffs. I'm old enough to be that lad's mum.

Just getting over a really bad eczema flare and today was first day in weeks I was feeling quite happy about how I look.

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