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Big Sarge 11-01-2013 05:38 AM

Wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it

Griff 11-06-2013 04:46 PM

Venting Steam Please Step Carefully

Little AA fella in my room, short hand: came to me with no impulse control, Dad in prison, and very angry. He's having a good morning despite the Milkies and Chinamen. His tantrums are coming under control. He's earning stickers most intervals and occasionally dipping into the prize vault. The ESL teacher who, imho, hates boys with special needs called saying she wouldn't be in to teach today, but needs to come in to talk to my TA and UPK co-teacher. I could see the little guy was getting jumpy so per discussions with OT I rolled him up in a leaded blanket like a burrito and rolled him around the room. The phone rings. I have to take the call. I tell the little man to go to circle and he actually does. ESL comes in he hops up goes to her and asks, "Can I have a hug?" She gives him her "warmest" "No! Go back to your seat and sit down! Boy is balling, tears rolling down his cheeks buries himself in his cubbie which is by my phone. Long story short his good day goes to shit. Why was she in my room?, you might ask. She came to pull my TA into a side room and warn her that the new boys we're getting are horrible! Gee, I was at the meeting bitch, that's why they're being placed in the behavior classroom with people who like kids and have a little patience. A mighty Fuck You to you.

thank you for the moment of vent

BigV 11-06-2013 06:40 PM


I second your emotion.


when you talk about the burrito therapy, you mean, you swaddle him, like I did for infant SonofV? I know it worked well on him, back in the day.


Back to the cluefree "teacher"... why is she in this line of work? It just staggers me that someone who dislikes children would seek to work with them. Is she just... sadistic? Masochistic? wtf?

Griff 11-06-2013 07:13 PM

Yeah, I think we're talking about the same thing. His sensory needs seem to change daily.

I only know her from disrupting my classroom once a week but I've seen teachers like this before, they think they're doing the kid a favor making him as miserable now as he will be K-12. Yelling instead of teaching the skill or building his tolerance. My outlook is that this is his first educational setting why not make it something enjoyable so he has a better attitude for the next 13 years, while patiently building in him a desire to learn and giving him some survival strategies. This kids mirror neurons need to fire in a relentlessly positive atmosphere. He's had a rough go but he's young he can develop on a different trajectory than society seems to expect.

I don't know anything about ESL training but I'd guess she thought she'd be more a consultant than a teacher. Maybe she's better with typicals but guess what, the world is integrated.

xoxoxoBruce 11-06-2013 07:18 PM

Since she is an ESL teacher I think you should give her a "fuck you" in more than one language. Don't forget sign language. ;)

Griff 11-06-2013 07:22 PM

You're saying I need to give the puta a talking to?

xoxoxoBruce 11-06-2013 07:27 PM

Possibly accompanied by a bitch slapping.

BigV 11-06-2013 07:34 PM

Possible a reposting but, I dedicate this illustration to you Griff. With my profound thanks.

The poem performed by the author:

xoxoxoBruce 11-06-2013 07:41 PM

Here's a link to that.

Griff 11-06-2013 07:44 PM

Pretty intense man, thanks.

DanaC 11-07-2013 04:56 AM

That was awesome!

Big Sarge 11-07-2013 03:33 PM


orthodoc 11-08-2013 09:39 PM

Stepped out of the car in smallville tonight after a 3 hour drive and my sister was on the phone. Our mother fell today and broke her pelvis. She's been in the ER since this morning, waiting for a bed to come available. She's stable and has pain meds - I called and talked to the ER doc, and things are stable.

But. I'm so tired after bringing my father here last weekend. I still don't rebound like I did before chemo. I should go see my mother but can't figure out how - I don't have the leave, and I don't have the energy. For tonight I'm just too tired. I'll see if things are clearer, or if I have the energy to jump on a plane, rent a car, drive drive drive, and come back again within 24 hours, in the morning.

Oh, and ... I put a little color in my hair today, just gave it some depth and a richer tone. I'm not brave with hair color. But my second son, who is on the autistic spectrum, was distressed and has cried and protested multiple times since I got home. Interesting - he didn't get upset when I was bald during chemo. But he doesn't do well with me cutting my hair or doing anything with color. It's not really upsetting because I've been here, done this before. But it just sort of finishes out the night.

Clodfobble 11-08-2013 10:06 PM

I'm so sorry, ortho. Is he perhaps so upset with the change this time because now he equates hair change with all the sadness and stress that went along with chemo?

orthodoc 11-08-2013 11:09 PM

It's hard to tell. He doesn't like me to look 'different', so being bald during chemo (even though I wore cute little caps and had a wig for public outings) probably was a big stress for him. But he's always, from a little boy, hated it if I changed my hair. I had long hair (almost waist-length) for years when he was little. The day I had it cut, he could not be consoled.

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