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Nirvana 01-18-2014 07:12 PM

Sexobon I entered into an implied contract when I was hired "I work you, pay me" This is an "at will" employer they could fire me for no reason and I may quit for no reason, at any time, they do not need to give reason nor do I.

My first day was Jan 2nd. My pay was to be 1 week in arrears, I should have been paid on Jan 10th. When I was not paid on Jan 17th I find them in breach of "our contract" I personally think they need to pay me ASAP or our working relationship is no longer.

I already looked up the Wage and Hourly division laws in the state of Indiana. However I do think they will pay me but they have ruined any incentive I might have had to go beyond what may be asked of me in their work environment.

For some reason10 new hires did not show up for orientation and I suspect they could not pass the drug screen. Finding people to suit them seems a bit tough for them and all their hoops one must jump.

The fact that they pay you to sit through videos on orientation [4 hours] safety in the work place, charity works they are doing in other states, and how to treat fellow employees leads me to believe they do have the money to pay their people they just have as Bruce declared, sloppy management right now.

I already thought of interest ;)

They do give you a voucher for prescription safety glasses as long as you buy them at WalMart. I have been there twice but feel reluctant to purchase when I have not been paid :)

sexobon 01-18-2014 11:49 PM

I hear what you're saying about at will employment as it pertains to labor law. I don't hear you recognizing that most at will employers have policies requiring advance notice of resignation without which they may not give you a favorable reference and they may bar you from ever working for them again, meaning at all of their locations everywhere, their affiliates, and possibly employer contracted organizations.

Your orientation was done to meet regulatory and insurance requirements in addition to avoiding lawsuits (perceived discrimination or other) arising from employees' interactions. Charitable work is tax deductible eye candy for internal propaganda and external advertising. If they simply have sloppy management right now, it's because they got what they paid for and simply couldn't afford better.

If the safety glasses are free and you don't have to work there for a specified period so the cost won't be taken out of your paycheck, get them before you quit. That may be the only compensation you get for all the aggravation they're causing you now and may cause you in the future. That's also your interest on the late paychecks.

Of course, I'm just playing devil's advocate now. You're the person embedded in the situation. You have all the insights. You have all the answers. You're also the one who hasn't been paid; so, I think I'll stick with playing devil's advocate. Good luck.

monster 01-19-2014 12:06 AM

ha. The commute's a little far for me, but I'd take it. I'd get paid too. In blood if necessary ;)

If you started on the 2nd, I wouldn't expect the first payday to be earlier than the 17th. Which was yesterday. You get paid on Fridays? And is it definitely every week? Almost everything here pays two-weekly. And on Thursdays. if you started a job on the 2nd here (a Thursday) and got paid by the 16th, you'd be bloody lucky. It usually takes a couple of weeks to get the direct deposit set up.

Have you checked with the other workers to confirm when pay is deposited and asked them how long it took for they pay to get set up?

Nirvana 01-19-2014 11:53 AM

Sexobon first I do appreciate your advice :) I have a 56 page handbook this is their written out policy...
Employment At Will

Unless otherwise stated in writing and signed by the CEO associates are not hired for any specific length of time. This means any associate or XXXX [company name] may terminate employment AT ANY TIME, for any reason with or without cause.

They also say they are committed to providing competitive wages ;)

The safety glasses are not entirely free, they pay most of the cost, they do not pay the cost of an eye exam and my eyes are bad so my prescription also runs over the cost of what I am allowed. They will cost me $96 out of pocket. While I may not quit if they don't pay me tomorrow I felt good saying it. :) I don't have to have this job that is my luxury. I am asset rich and cash poor but I consider a cow a liquid asset I won't starve. :) I am just angry that the whole experience working for them so far is tainted now and them potentially saying sorry doesn't really fix it for me.

Monster pay is weekly [weakly;)] I was surprised by this as well because most companies are as you say.

Nirvana 01-19-2014 11:57 AM

I forgot to say I asked other employees about pay and how it was set up and no one ever said they were not paid in accordance to what the policy states [one week in arrears] I also asked what time of day pay was in their accounts. 6 hours after that quoted time, mine was not there so I knew I was screwed. Oh and to make matters fun Monday is a holiday yay!

Undertoad 01-19-2014 12:08 PM

You may be complaining about a system that counted on one particular employee not taking a vacation.

Sundae 01-19-2014 12:09 PM

That's really odd.
The payment schedule I mean. Only one job in my whole lifetime has paid fortnightly, the rest have been monthly (unless they were cash, ie Saturday jobs, which were then paid weekly).

It's funny the things you don't even realise are so different from place to place.

Oh, it was casually dropped into conversation today that my days off are changing. Again.
Tuesday and Saturday now.
Not that it's been mentioned officially. The person who draws up the rota is off on Sundays. But the colleague who requested a change in her days off has had it confirmed and was told I'd be covering for her.
I think she was a little embarrassed when I was cross about it.
I did reassure her it wasn't her fault (although she is the sort of person who should think before she speaks more often).

So tomorrow I really am going to raise the issue of common courtesy.
ASK me first.
I will almost definitely always say yes, and with good grace.
But don't bloody well assume.

Nirvana 01-19-2014 12:15 PM

UT that was the excuse given for me not being paid on Jan 10th ;) I can't wait to hear the new excuse. Venting here is helpful because I am German and you can tell a German but you can't tell em much. [/temper tantrum]

Common courtesy is certainly lacking in many aspects of life Sundae. As a courteous person it is hard to understand those that are not.

Clodfobble 01-19-2014 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae
The payment schedule I mean. Only one job in my whole lifetime has paid fortnightly, the rest have been monthly (unless they were cash, ie Saturday jobs, which were then paid weekly).

Mr. Clod used to have a job where they paid every 2 weeks, and this caused all sorts of havoc for him because in the US, child support is ordered to be withdrawn automatically from your paycheck. The child support payments were monthly, and periodically there would be three paychecks in a month, so they were perpetually over- or under-drawing from his paycheck, and then he'd have to get on the phone together with his HR department and a state worker for up to an hour, trying to get the problem corrected. He wasn't allowed to just write them a check for the correct amount, because the system inherently assumes dads are untrustworthy.

monster 01-19-2014 07:08 PM

but mostly the third payday in a month is a bonus. ;) Shame it doesn't happen more often. A financial blue moon.

Nirvana 01-20-2014 11:44 AM

My horoscope for today as it pertains to this thread made me laff

There is good financial news coming your way. If you are looking for work, it is a good day to set aside time to polish your resume. If you are working, volunteer to take on a new responsibility. If you are in business for yourself, you could get new clients today.

xoxoxoBruce 01-20-2014 10:55 PM

That wasn't in the company paper was it? :eyebrow:

Nirvana 01-21-2014 12:39 AM

Ha ha Bruce :) If they have a newsletter they send out, I will never get it. When I got to work I got a "live" check that has an incorrect mailing address for me and they shorted me 4 hours pay :eyebrow:

Since I could not really look at the check until I got home [2nd shift] I will have to again call HR 'if' the company is open tomorrow, we are on the edge of a 1-2ft lake effect snow dump :greenface

xoxoxoBruce 01-21-2014 05:31 AM

And tell them the snow will continue until you've been properly compensated.

monster 01-21-2014 08:53 AM

Did they have the check there waiting for you, or did they cut it when you went in to see them? At least you got a check and quickly!

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