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sexobon 02-15-2014 12:14 AM

Does the pawn shop make more money on interest from reclaimed items; or, defaults that are sold?

Undertoad 02-15-2014 04:32 AM

Don't know.

Clodfobble 02-15-2014 07:06 AM

In the early 2000s, in pawn shops in Texas, it was definitely from the loans, and especially the long-term loans. The pawn shops all hated selling the defaulted items, and if they thought someone was just pawning for cash with no intention of making payments on the loan, they would lowball him even more than normal to try to get him out of the store and avoid the hassle. They had central warehouses where they had to send stuff to be sold because people in the neighborhoods by definition didn't buy things. This was right when eBay was becoming the better place to sell a lot of that stuff though, so the internet may have changed the balance since then.

Undertoad 02-15-2014 09:01 AM

Customer (on phone): "Y'all open?"
Steve: "Yup"
Customer: "Yo man, you know tha date today?"
Steve: "Its the fifteenth."
Customer: "Of 2013?!"
Steve: "2014."
Customer: "Man! I KNEW I wasn't trippin! I'll see y'all soon!"

Clodfobble 02-15-2014 10:51 AM

To be fair, someone asked me how old I was the other day, and I gave the right answer--then corrected it wrongly, then back and forth a few times, all because I couldn't remember what year it was. I was caught off guard and just had a complete brain fart for about 20 seconds. What I do have, however, is a general inhibition that would prevent me from admitting this stupidity to a random employee at a retail business. Do you think maybe sometimes the only real difference between the middle class folks and the ghetto folks is that the ghetto folks don't have a fear of looking stupid?

Undertoad 02-15-2014 11:19 AM

That exchange there was more about that sort of brain fart, but believe me, there is no question at all that the average ghetto person is sadly and desperately ignorant.

And doesn't fear looking stupid, because who's gonna know?

lumberjim 02-16-2014 09:40 PM

If you're stupid, you don't even know you're stupid. Unless you have smart friends that are mean. Even then, they may not be able to convince you of your stupidity. Or you might be just too stupid to really understand that they mean you're full time stupid... Not just having a stupid moment.

Which I've just decided that I prefer to the term brain fart. I'm having a stupid moment, what year is it again?

monster 02-16-2014 09:54 PM

I think they used to call them Senior Moments, but the old folk/People Of Age reclaimed that phrase like the People Of Color reclaimed N1gger**, and now the AARP will sue you if you say it when you're under 55.

**I did type that out in full but then remembered the delightful people brought here by Google and it's ilk when you type such words

Spexxvet 02-19-2014 10:31 AM

Good article about Philly slang, including "jawn"

Undertoad 02-19-2014 11:24 AM

Sammy has decided to carry a handgun to work.

Griff 02-19-2014 05:05 PM

Is this good news like Lookout carrying or bad news like UG carrying?

Undertoad 02-19-2014 09:25 PM

I'd say it's on the level of good but it's also sad that he's come to feel it's necessary.

sexobon 02-19-2014 11:12 PM

It's probably good that he's carrying a handgun to work. If he puts it on a leash to tag along with him, it most likely won't keep up.

Undertoad 03-01-2014 12:07 PM

We're a day ahead of Snowmageddon III here, and the shop activity reflects that.

A guy came in and bought porn, and was unable to explain himself clearly enough to be understood. He picked out a few movies, and then took a good five minutes to explain that he had $100 and wanted to spend it all on porn. That's 17 movies. We played Retarded or High and the result: Retarded.

An hour later he returned and wanted two more movies. Apparently he looked over his new collection and either decided 17 of them was not enough in quantity and/or variety.

Still, we admired his ability to plan ahead. We'll probably be snowed in until Wednesday.

Also, people are more polite today. Apparently people get more polite when shit is about to go down.

orthodoc 03-01-2014 04:39 PM

That's good to know. It doesn't hold for the ER, but I hope it's true if I slide into the ditch on my way to the airport around 0430 Monday morning.

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