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lumberjim 12-18-2008 09:53 AM

as well you should have. slacker. I've seen better moves on dancing with the stars.

Trilby 12-22-2008 09:56 AM

HOLY SHIT! I've GOT to get my Ambien refilled pronto!

I've been having nightmares for a week but today - ! ACK!

I got up at six, hung around and then went back to bed at nine-ish. Just woke up now because (here it comes) I dreamt I was at a beach resort in South Carolina (Myrtle?) and I was getting stinking drunk and doing dumb stuff and BRITNEY SPEARS AND HER STUPID LITTLE SISTER WERE DISSIN' ON ME FOR BEING DRUNK AND DISORDERLY!

When Britney Spears is giving you shit because of your behavior in your own private dream, that means something. I don't know what, but something. Probably significant.

Earlier I dreamt I got drunk in front of Sundae and her Mum and Dad and they weren't too happy with me, either.


SteveDallas 12-22-2008 10:04 AM

I hope you smacked Britney and Jamie-Lynn good. (You didn't just stand there and take it did you???)

Trilby 12-22-2008 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 515863)
I hope you smacked Britney and Jamie-Lynn good. (You didn't just stand there and take it did you???)

Actually, I WANTED to smack those two idiots but I was too drunk to do it. I recall going to a giant liquor store, buying MORE Smirnoff and weaving back to the campsite (another anomaly: I DO NOT camp) trying to avoid all the Marines.

Sundae 12-22-2008 10:53 AM

As I said in the happy thread, I told Mum and she forgave you.
The sad thing is she admitted she would have reacted exactly the way you said in your dream - very disapproving and a bad influence!

Trilby 12-22-2008 10:54 AM

I was v. ashamed of myself, Sundae. Consequently, I drank MORE to deal with that.

I'd better hit a meeting, eh? :)

lookout123 12-22-2008 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 515882)
Actually, I WANTED to smack those two idiots but I was too drunk to do it. I recall going to a giant liquor store, buying MORE Smirnoff and weaving back to the campsite (another anomaly: I DO NOT camp) trying to avoid all the Marines.


1: you don't drink
2: you don't camp
3: you don't avoid marines

skysidhe 12-29-2008 11:16 AM

Before I tell about my dream can I appologize for my ugliness of a year and a half ago? lol Long time I know but it is never to late to appologize.

So, I never dream unless it is a message? Well, they say dreams are messages and since I have a thick skull maybe that is the only way I can admit or see the truth.

Last night I dreamed of UFO invasion but the crafts look like average jets but they maneuvered like they say UFOs can. I remember putting on layers of clothing and telling those around me to do the same. I watched out the window as they swooped and took over the airspace without a thought in my head only the feeling of awe and only a little fear just resignation that this was the end. I didn't like this dream at all.

I went to an interpretation site.
To see a spaceship in your dream, symbolizes your creative mind. It denotes a spiritual journey into the unknown and signal self-development and self-awareness.
**See The Meaning In Action: "Spaceship In The Old West" & "End Of The World"

To dream of an invasion, represents your need to be more assertive. Stand up for yourself and let your voice be known.

To see a UFO in your dream, signifies your desires to find your spiritual purpose in life. Alternatively, it indicates that you are feeling alienated from those around you. The dream may also be a metaphor suggesting that you are a little "spacey" or� have "spaced out" attitude. You need to be more grounded and come back to reality.

and then putting on layers of clothes. Well that one is obvious and I won't take up more room copying that interpretation.

So I think part of this is because when looking at a Christmas photo of myself I noticed I looked sad.
and I hated the pity it provoked in myself. I need to own up to the fact that trusting someone who was incapable of love the first time for a second kicking really messed with my self esteem.
Those stupid non smoking pills I quit because I can't concentrate and I do feel closed in.

thanks for listening....I'm just bored. I'm going to Portland Wednesday. Maybe I'll wake up then

DanaC 12-30-2008 04:37 AM

I always find when stopping smoking, especially if using nicoteine replacements, that I have very strange and vivid dreams. Funnily enough one of the dreams I most clearly remember from last time, involved an alien invasion of earth.

I don't think it meant anything significant in my case. I watch and read a lot of sci-fi and there's a part of me kind of already exists in a world of phasers and tardises. That's where my subconscious went to. And what's more it really was like being in a movie. A very small part of me worked out that it wasn't entirely real, which allowed me to go with the fear and the adrenaline. It was wonderful. I'd pay money for a trip like that.

I remember very clearly, running with J and someone else, through rows of allotments with their sheds and greenhouses. It was nighttime and we'd only just managed to get clear from the house we'd been in. I think we were trying to get back to Halifax. Whatever was flying above was bombarding the sheds and things get a little confused after that. We made it back to Halifax (to a house, from an earlier life in Bolton, in which it seemed abot 20 of us lived. Very strange) and ended up trapped in the house. Now things shifted to a kind of zombie type film, with things crowding the windows and doors trying to get in to us. There was panic as we realised the upstairs windows were open....then I remembered the patio doors and went running in to shut them.

That's all I recall. Best dream evah. Except for the one I had when I was in my late teens. I had a recurring dream that I woke up as a 28 year old, having been dreaming that I was 18 again. I then lived a very ordinary portion of life before 'going to sleep' and waking up as an 18 year old who'd been dreaming I was 28 :P

I was imbibing strange substances around that time did play with my confidence in reaity somewhat.

skysidhe 12-30-2008 02:22 PM

True DanaC. It could be the nicotine replacement effects or maybe even simpler.

Maybe wars bother us who are not living among them more than we admit to ourselves.

At least I don't have the real horrible nightmares like visitations from Britney Spears. LOL

actually that is scary :) Even worse than dreaming of going on a date with McCain.

Griff 12-30-2008 03:15 PM

I popped by UT's house to survey his property. He didn't know I was the sub-contactor. With all the other tradesmen going in and out of the place, I just wandered in, set up a borrowed transit in an unused corner bedroom and found his pin within 1/8" of where it shoulda been. He was pretty annoyed that I just walked in and did the job without saying hi first, but he covered it well. I'm pretty sure this means I'm friggin coo coo for cocoa puffs.

Undertoad 12-30-2008 03:19 PM

Do you do bathroom tile work? How about drywall?

Flint 12-30-2008 03:20 PM

Holy Hell--I just read Griff's post without realizing what thread I'm in.

Griff 12-30-2008 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 517649)
Do you do bathroom tile work? How about drywall?

Strictly amateur work, but I've done both. What's going on with your house?

Undertoad 12-30-2008 05:07 PM

- Complete siding replacement needed, some areas becoming desperate
- Deck unusable: earlier owner painted it, causing wood underneath to rot

- 1/4 of plywood soffits are falling away. (Want complete replacement with non-wood product.)
- Earlier soffit replacement attempt did not replace pipe insulation, with the result that kitchen hot water pipe freezes when outside air is 25 or below.
- 4 holes in livingroom drywall, about 1 sq. foot each, from earlier plumbing problem
- Bathroom shower tile in poor condition, UT repair even poorer, only manages to keep water from dripping downstairs and causing...
- Minor drywall damage in UT "office"
- Missing carpet in UT office and hallway to UT office, due to flooding from hot water heater leak
- Front outdoor stairs railings dilapidated and dangerous, need replacement
- Downstairs toilet weak on its mount

Before sale:
- Paint interior to cover candle soot and kitchen grease marks
- Vertical blinds in shitty condition?

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