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classicman 06-14-2010 11:06 AM

Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk

One perspective:

Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-N.C.) appeared unreceptive to the question of an anonymous reporter this weekend, when he grabbed the self-identified "student" after he asked the congressman if he "fully supported the Obama agenda."

Etheridge appears visibly irritated and immediately asks, "who are you?" before knocking the interviewer's camera to the ground.

In the next shot, Etheridge grabs the reporter's wrist and continually asks him to identify himself. The cameraman replies, "we're just here for a project...we're just students."
and another:

Let’s recap what we saw on this video. A sitting Congressman–a presumed living extension of James Madison and other founding fathers–was asked on a public street whether he supported the President’s agenda. His response was to hit away a video camera and assault a student. The age of Pericles this ain’t.

classicman 06-14-2010 11:06 PM


Etheridge held a press conference today to once again apologize, calling his actions "unacceptable."(video at left)

"No matter how partisan and no matter how difficult things get sometimes, that's no excuse for my response," he said. "I came today to say I'm sorry."

Etheridge said the confrontation happened after he came out of a meeting in Washington, D.C.

"The truth is, I had a long day, it was the end of the day -- but that's not the issue," he said. "I've been through a lot of tough situations... I've been spat at, pushed on and threatened before, and that's no excuse for... not walking on by."

Etheridge said he still did not the identity of the students in the video. Asked whether he thought Republicans set up the confrontation, he responded, "I'll let you find that out. Maybe somebody will, I'm not going there."

The Democratic National Committee is going there, Politico reports.

"Motives matter, and I think you can see who was behind this," DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse told Politico. "This was a Republican party tracking operation. If it wasn't a party tracker or intern, why is the face blurred and why is the source hidden? You know if it had been a right wing blog, they'd identify themselves and they'd be booking this person on TV all day... If that doesn't tell you this is a Republican Party hatchet job nothing will."
Video here

Does it really matter - the guy snapped and assaulted the young man. He could have easily done the right thing and kept walking.

Spexxvet 06-15-2010 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 663133)
Video here

Does it really matter - the guy snapped and assaulted the young man. He could have easily done the right thing and kept walking.

The young man might've had a gun! Too bad the politician didn't have a taser - now that would be some good video.

classicman 06-21-2010 04:02 PM



Republicans ARE practicing seditious DEMAGOGUERY and anti-democracy OBSTRUCTIONISM intended to destabilize our economy for purposes of political exploitation.

Republicans AREN'T making a sincere effort to STOP the bleeding THEIR incompetent leadership and failed policies created. Instead, they're using inflammatory lies and accusations as a smokescreen to conceal their subversive agenda, which is to cause President Obama and America to fail so they can blame Democrats for the consequences of THEIR calamitous mismanagement.

Republicans ARE preposterously professing that THEIR disgraceful political WHORING had nothing to do with the banking, real estate, stock market and employment catastrophes that resulted.

Republicans ARE trying to hamstring Democrats to prevent them from repairing the damage caused during a Republican presidency that was irresponsibly enabled by Republican Senators and Representatives.

Republicans ARE offering ridiculous arguments meant solely to disrupt and prevent progressive change. They'd rather divide America and create political gridlock than endure the political consequences of effective Democratic governance.

Republicans AREN'T the LOYAL OPPOSITION; they ARE the ENEMY WITHIN whose mercenary priorities have eroded their moral and ethical standards to the point that depravity and betrayal have become their preferred modus operandi.

It's one thing to advocate their conservative beliefs; it's another thing entirely to willfully sabotage America's government because a successful Democratic presidency would not be vulnerable to the greed, fears and hatreds that have produced and sustained the despicable Republican anti-government corporatism and anti-Christian faux theocracies that are poisoning and crippling American society.

classicman 06-25-2010 01:55 PM

on a more lighthearted note...


If a person gets caught fishing without a license, in most cases, it results in a fine of perhaps a few hundred dollars.
For those aboard Citation, however, the infraction represents a setback of nearly $1 million.

The vessel's anglers had been participating in the 52nd annual Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament, June 11-19 off North Carolina. Andy Thomossan landed what was by far the biggest fish: an 883-pound marlin, a tournament record.

The team on Saturday was declared winner of the prestigious competition, and there was plenty of celebration.

However, there also was a post-event lie-detector test, after which it was revealed that one of the hired crew did not possess a valid fishing license, available in North Carolina for only $15, or $30 for non-residents.

That was a violation of tournament rules and after lengthy deliberation, according to Evans Kistler of the Carteret County News-Times, tournament officials late Tuesday disqualified the catch and and denied the Citation team the winning purse.

End of celebration.

"No record. No money. No fish. No nothing. Yep, it's a nice ending to the story isn't it?" Thomossan told the Jacksonville Daily News. "He failed to get a fishing license, but we didn't know it. He told us he had it. He didn't. So you take a man at his word, you know?"

That man is Peter Wann. According to the state's fisheries division, he went out and bought a license after the catch of the monster marlin, bringing more shame to his team. He'll be fined $35 and ordered to pay court costs totaling $125.

The new winners are those who fished aboard the vessel Carnivore and caught the second-largest marlin, weighing 528.3 pounds. They net a grand total of $999,453.

Michael Topp, one of Citation's owners, figured the tournament board would not rule in Citation's favor.

"I think the Big Rock committee is doing what they have to do," he said. "I understand that. I'm a retired colonel. I know about rules."
On a personal note, all the sport fish are declining in numbers and there are plenty of tournaments which are "Catch & Release". Why aren't they all? The trollers and long-liners kill far more of these animals than sport fishermen. Still this bothers me. We all need to do our part.

lookout123 06-25-2010 02:02 PM

hey Classic, could you put links to your sources when you are putting these up? I promise I'll only dig deeper into your stories in an effort to embarrass and annoy you. wait...did i say that part out loud?

classicman 06-25-2010 02:43 PM

Here ya go

classicman 06-25-2010 02:56 PM

Cop Fired for Putting Paper Bag on Perp's Head

A Fort Lauderdale cop is out of a job after he put a paper bag over the head of a spitting mad perp.

Part-time reserve Officer John Wezkiewicz had been with the force 20 years before he was sent home last month, according to the Sun-Sentinel.

The incident that got him fired happened Nov. 1, when a man, Gerald Feldhaus, was arrested outside Yolo Restaurant on Las Olas for trespassing and resisting arrest.

"He was spitting and screaming as he would look and yell at other people," Wezkiewicz told investigators.
Rather than use a department-issued hood designed specifically for prisoner control, Wezkiewicz used a brown paper bag.

"Poor judgment prevailed concerning his decision to utilize a brown paper bag," Capt. Rick Maglione wrote in a report on the incident.

Claiming Wezkiewicz "shed a negative light" on the department, the report said using the hood instead would not "be falsely perceived as an attempt to humiliate an individual."

What a bunch of shit. Just because some people would FALSELY perceive it as humiliation you fire the guy???

I think he did the right thing. What if the guy had aids and the cop allowed him to spit on the officer and passersby? Can you say lawsuit?

wolf 06-25-2010 05:58 PM

Only problem I see is that if the guy continues to spit, he would eventually spit his way out of the paper bag. It's not like it was plastic, or anything!

We have the spit hoods. They work quite well, and allow the spitter to see, which means it's less traumatizing. It's all about "trauma awareness" these days. The paper bag is better at maintaining the prisoner's anonymity for the perp walk, though.

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