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Boehner is my congressman, so I guess I have enough inside knowledge that I'm about ready to run for president.
Plus I've waited on him at parties. I'm gonna be queen of the world! |
1 Attachment(s)
Certainly! I dub you King Don!
Is that harsh? Yes, sometimes. Is it fair? No. Life isn't fair, people are not born with equal skills, and aptitudes, and we don't get equal parenting and education, etc. I've been working on a program (computer), and just haven't gone through his links yet - but I'm going to view them before the debate today. Politicians say a lot of things - Obama saying we have the wrong number of states, for instance, or Sarah Palin saying she can see Russia, from Alaska. But look at their actions, while they're in office. Did Reagan cut Social Security? Did he increase our take-home pay by cutting our taxes? Did we in fact, have a significant recovery AND get our Iranian Embassy hostages returned, AND see the destruction of the Soviet Union's hold over several countries, during his terms in office? Was everything perfect? Oh hell no! But our nation as a whole, was stronger economically, AND stronger militarily. Also, several countries were finally freed from the grip of the communists in Russia, for the first time since the end of WWII. This was all done (with the exception of throwing out the Cubans from Granada), with hardly a shot being fired. If it didn't work, over and over again in our history, I wouldn't support Conservatism, as our political philosophy. I can think of a political philosophy that is much nicer - but it just doesn't work nearly as well. I believe we have to be pragmatic about what we do, as well as idealistic. |
Which do you believe is cheaper and more efficient? 1) A bag lunch from home: Sandwich, an apple or other fruit, and a small bag of chips or 2) A selection of hot and cold foods and drinks: pizza, salads, sandwiches, rice, potato, meat, fruit, milk, chocolate milk, soda, fruit juice, and milk shakes, etc. All catered or served up by professional food service companies. Add in the cost of hot and cold serving tables, commercial refrigeration, and at least a basic kitchen, and you have a LOT of money tied up in lunches! (Actual menu will vary from day to day, of course). There's simply no comparison. No way that "free" lunch costs less than $5 per lunch. More probably, $7.50 - $10.00 The bag lunch from home - probably less than $3, AND the taxpayer doesn't have to pay for it. The idea that low income families can't afford to give their kids a healthy lunch is CRAP. They've been doing it for decades, and what? Now they're suddenly too strapped for it, even during the Clinton years? What next? How about giving them the latest Nike sneakers, as well? |
Reagan broke the seal on deficit spending and taught the country that it was OK to spend more than you had. I clearly remember Mondale in a debate accusing Reagan of writing "bad checks" to fund the government, and Reagan getting really pissed off. "Reagan taught us deficits don't matter." Go ahead and Google that quote and who said it (besides tw.) |
It was a bad recession, one of our worst ones, but Reagan had a plan - which was to destroy the Soviet Union in an arms race. The Soviets had been spending more $$$ than they could afford for at least 20 years already. They were at the "tipping point", but felt determined to match us in whatever military hardware we came up with. It was a matter of national pride and security for them. So yeah, Reagan spent a lot of money, BUT he also got a LOT of bang for the buck. He was responsible for freeing more countries from the communists, than any president, ever. By cutting taxes from over 50% for some categories, to a max of 33% iirc, and cutting it for EVERYONE, not just the rich, and not just the "somebody else" -- EVERYONE, he got the economy going, and we had a ROARING recovery. Meanwhile, the Iranians wanted NOTHING to do with Reagan, and returned the hostages on his first day in office. They disliked Carter, but also, they recognized that they could pull our tail, as long as Carter was the Commander in Chief. Try that with Reagan, and you would get shredded. I don't have the facts before me, but I believe our deficit did increase under Reagan, but you don't increase our military, with your piggy bank, and he started out with a large Democratic gov't - not the smaller and leaner one that he would have preferred. He did cut it down, but it takes time. Without cutting taxes, you don't get the economy running as it should be. There is no motivation for people to expand, and spend on their business, when the vast majority of the money just goes to the gov't, anyway. That's why Conservatism works so well. It doesn't rely on people being idealists, or on a gov't that will somehow, someway, know how to spend your money, better than you do. You might think it's great having the gov't pay your way, but I'm saying, it won't be long before the gov't is telling you EXACTLY what way you can choose, in every part of your life. More government, means less freedom for you and me. Never doubt that. Sometimes you need more government, but you have to WATCH out, and be sure to also limit that government, when it's not necessary. Not just let it grow and grow, and control more and more. PULL IT BACK, from time to time. Otherwise, you can kiss your freedom, good bye. |
Here's what I hear:
"next to of course god america i love you land of the pilgrims' and so forth oh say can you see by the dawn's early my country 'tis of centuries come and go and are no more what of it we should worry in every language even deafanddumb thy sons acclaim your glorious name by gorry by jingo by gee by gosh by gum why talk of beauty what could be more beaut- iful than these heroic happy dead who rushed like lions to the roaring slaughter they did not stop to think they died instead then shall the voice of liberty be mute?" He spoke. And drank rapidly a glass of water --e.e. cummings |
I'm dizzy. That post is all over the place.
But at least I got a good laugh at this line Quote:
Let's talk about the Welfare Queen!
So I'm managing some properties, and here comes the section 8 housing applications. Yep, welfare moms. And every one of them had the exact maximum number of kids, that was most efficient for collecting benefits, according to the size of the unit they applied for. I'm sure it was just a coincidence. Section 8 housing - √ food stamps - √ free lunch program for the school kids √ money back from the IRS √ food bank √ school supplies donated √ extra nutrition program for young kids √ (I forget the name of it) low income phone service √ low income gas and electric service √ free medical √ and more that I didn't even know about. These were healthy women - they could have gone to work, but why should they? They couldn't have a man in the house without upsetting the welfare free bus trip, but they had male "visitors" from time to time. The best fraud cases I heard about, were the ones that had enrolled for benefits, in three or four states. They lived near the point where the state lines came together, and just "hopped" from state to state, to pick up their monthly benefits. Two of my friends also convinced SS that they were "disabled", and got a check every month, that way. Neither was disabled at all, but they knew how to act up, so it appeared they had "Asperger's Syndrome". I hired them for manual labor, from time to time. One of them, was a good friend, and died from leukemia before he was 35, at Stanford Hosital. OK, Mike was so ornery, he maybe did have Aspergers. ;) RIP Mike. |
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