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footfootfoot 04-13-2013 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 860506)
See, I'm so pure I don't even look.

WTF?!?!?! Baby's arm holding an orange?!

baby elepant

orthodoc 04-13-2013 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by jimhelm (Post 860563)
I hope to hell that's shopped... cuz that would be a fucking nuisance.

Maybe that's why he looks so bummed. No woman in her right mind would let him near her.

Gravdigr 04-14-2013 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by orthodoc (Post 860606)
No woman in her right mind would let him near her.

Some of us would like to believe that...:p:

Sundae 04-14-2013 04:21 AM

Said it before, wil say it again, size is not an accurate measure of quality.
Ortho is right - he might be the most wonderful chap in the world, but he came near me with that weapon... I'd run.

richlevy 04-14-2013 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 860651)
Said it before, wil say it again, size is not an accurate measure of quality.
Ortho is right - he might be the most wonderful chap in the world, but he came near me with that weapon... I'd run.

You completely misread the photo. He obviously bought a summer sausage from the mall Hickory Farms store and the bag broke, so he put it in his pocket.

Gravdigr 04-24-2013 01:50 PM



orthodoc 04-24-2013 05:00 PM

So .... do you guys think you can cope with THAT?

Maybe someone should make a poll. or pole

If I were a guy I think I'd be slightly terrified ... you might not get it back :eek:

footfootfoot 04-24-2013 05:22 PM

Oh no, I think it could be amazing. I wonder how many propositions she gets. She's probably a lesbian.

orthodoc 04-24-2013 06:00 PM

Not to be pessimistic, but - someone who spends 20 years doing that probably has her own definition of fun. Probably that IS her fun.

Gravdigr 04-26-2013 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 862406)
She's probably a lesbian.

Stoppit!!! You're fucking with my tumescence.:mad:

Gravdigr 04-26-2013 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by orthodoc (Post 862399)
So .... do you guys think you can cope with THAT?

I'd looooooooove to find out!

Gravdigr 04-26-2013 03:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 43851

Sundae 04-26-2013 03:50 PM

"I'm an over-moisturised palm away from being toast."

richlevy 05-05-2013 05:19 PM

And now for some music.......

Undertoad 06-08-2013 07:21 PM

Down here at the pawn shop, you know we always try to erase and factory reset all devices that come into the shop. A PS VITA, that might be sold to a child. I never forget to check the contents of any device that can store images. I've never seen anything downright illegal but some people in the ghetto are having fun.

ZenGum 06-08-2013 11:21 PM

So that's what a bitch-ass hoe is.

plthijinx 06-09-2013 02:45 PM

I'd hit it!.......with a Michelin condom... or two

DanaC 06-09-2013 03:21 PM

Fuck of a lot of judgement going on here of the woman in that photograph.

orthodoc 06-09-2013 04:32 PM

You're right. No excuse for it. Sorry.

footfootfoot 06-09-2013 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 867602)
Fuck of a lot of judgement going on here of the woman in that photograph.

That's only because she is black and presumably from the ghetto and doesn't seem to have the Puritan sexual shame that is so popular in the US.

If she hadn't not dressed like that...

zippyt 06-28-2013 11:06 PM

toranokaze 06-29-2013 12:26 AM

It reminds me of the vampire tea bag joke/

Sundae 06-29-2013 06:17 AM

Re UT's photo, I bought a used phone from eBay, back when the world was more innocent.
It had far more capabilities than my current phone, but I was on a good wage and still had contacts in Carphone Warehouse so that I was able to get a great deal on a tariff if I already had the hardware.

Learning to use my "new" phone, I came across a stash of video clips. This was over ten years ago.
All silly, personal, groups of friends mugging for the camera.
And one download.
A pregnant woman having a shit. Or eating one. Or having someone eat hers. I honestly can't remember now. I have blanked it from my mind. There is worse out there, but I choose whether to watch it or not. Almost always NOT.

This was like finding a dirty mag in the bushes as a little girl. Or the first time I saw a Salvidor Dali painting.

Gravdigr 07-07-2013 05:29 PM

Gravdigr 07-07-2013 06:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Close? Not even, but, he does appear to have his stroke down.

Attachment 44626

BigV 07-08-2013 01:16 PM

Close? So close, but no cigar.

Undertoad 07-09-2013 08:08 AM

BigV 07-09-2013 10:17 AM

tha's a fine piece of pillow right there, fine lookin.

Gravdigr 07-09-2013 12:28 PM

Oh, goddamn!!! I. Am. Dying. That's just too damn funny.:lol2:

Griff 07-09-2013 02:00 PM


footfootfoot 07-09-2013 05:01 PM

"it's like a dog porno"

"It's not even about color"

Sundae 07-10-2013 08:50 AM

A genuine WTF.

ZenGum 07-10-2013 07:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Only mildly NSFW, but plenty of WTF? to make up for that.

Handerpants! Because ... well, why not?

Attachment 44670

BigV 07-11-2013 11:50 AM

so you like whitey tighties?

Here you go man, go crazy.

eta: This store is ... ten minutes from my house. If you see something you like *snortgigglegiggle*, let me know, I'll be your huckleberry.

Elspode 07-11-2013 05:02 PM

If they made these in Victoria's Secret styles, Rosie Redpalm would have a whole new appeal.

ZenGum 07-11-2013 07:46 PM

V ... wow.

footfootfoot 07-12-2013 02:11 PM

WTF? but,

Hooray for Swedish Lesbians!

Gravdigr 07-12-2013 02:42 PM

Puppetry of the Punani!!!!!

Gravdigr 07-12-2013 03:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
WTF is going on in this pic??

Does it have something to do with drones?

Attachment 44700

Sundae 07-12-2013 03:24 PM

Blimey, Foot.

I don't have an issue with my own labia, but I don't really like to see anyone else's unless I'm turned on. Looks like a mouse's ear.

Gravdigr 07-12-2013 03:29 PM

Is that what that was? I thought some guy's glass eye had come out.

Sundae 07-12-2013 03:31 PM

In the country of the blind, the one eyed man gets fucked by Grav!

orthodoc 07-12-2013 08:33 PM

Wtf ... ow, ow, ow ... noooo .... :eek:

I have to second Sundae's opinion. Plus, all those clips .... ergghh. No.

footfootfoot 07-12-2013 09:37 PM

There is a "making of" video with commentary. Those clips are duct tape. Ouch.

xoxoxoBruce 07-12-2013 11:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
From Control of Conception, Dickinson & Bryant, 1932. Illustration dated 1924.

ZenGum 07-13-2013 02:32 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by BigV (Post 869943)
so you like whitey tighties?

Here you go man, go crazy.

eta: This store is ... ten minutes from my house. If you see something you like *snortgigglegiggle*, let me know, I'll be your huckleberry.

I acknowledge your walk-in store selling handerpants ... and reply with this Japanese vending machine selling sexy underwear for your smartphone.

Sumaato pantsu!

Gravdigr 07-14-2013 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 870154)
From Control of Conception, Dickinson & Bryant, 1932. Illustration dated 1924.

Wait, wait, WAIT, WAIT!!!

They knew where the clitoris was in 1924?!?!?!

Why didn't I get that memo? I thought it was discovered in 1987.

toranokaze 07-16-2013 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 870091)

WTF? but,

Hooray for Swedish Lesbians!

It is the evolution of the Vagina Monologs: the Vagina Choir.

toranokaze 07-18-2013 01:36 PM
I don't know what to say

BigV 07-18-2013 02:38 PM

well, it certainly was unforgettable.

Sundae 07-19-2013 10:54 AM

No explanation, no clicky.

I mean the explanation might be gross and I might look anyway, but it's my choice then.

Griff 07-19-2013 12:41 PM

Imma wait until Sundae looks.

toranokaze 07-21-2013 06:12 PM

It isn't gross gross, I will leave that to grav.

Sundae 07-22-2013 04:50 AM

I didn't like the initial picture, so I'ma not gonna play the video.
Too much vagina action before it even starts.
Something either has to come out or go in from there :headshake

It's a vagina! not a magician's hat!!!

(anyone who wants to PM me with a precis is welcome)

Gravdigr 07-22-2013 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by toranokaze (Post 871184)
It isn't gross gross, I will leave that to grav.


Gravdigr 07-22-2013 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by toranokaze (Post 870784)
I don't know what to say[.]


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 870794)
well, it certainly was unforgettable.


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 870885)
No explanation, no clicky.

I mean the explanation might be gross and I might look anyway, but it's my choice then.

It appears to be a drug mule in training. Or just some more weird Japanese pornish thing. Also, the song "Unforgettable" softly plays in the background. Kinda high-classes the whole (<--see what I did?) episode, if ya ask me.


Bar-fly-to-lady-in-bar: I sure do wish I had a little pussy.

Lady-in-bar-to-bar-fly: So do I, mine's big as a hat.

chrisinhouston 07-23-2013 03:51 PM

The Panty Hose Project

Funny how sexy they look on young attractive women...

ZenGum 07-24-2013 07:50 AM

Prehistoric Internet Porn:

Gravdigr 07-30-2013 03:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 45000

Sundae 08-03-2013 03:54 PM

Sign-makers' priorities:
No feet, no hands, no hair.
But we got the boobies covered so it's good to go.

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