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Fuck cancer.
Also fuck dementia. |
Sorry, limey. :(
Sorry Limey.
I just found out its come back to fuck with my Godfather - the sweetest man on earth. Fuck you cancer, you fucking fuck! |
Just found out that either,
a) my health insurance was cancelled because I did not re-enroll during the open enrollment period, or b) my health insurance automatically renewed and I'm all good, or c) my health insurance was cancelled AND I am not eligible to buy a plan because open enrollment ended, or d) The New York State of Health website is one of the, if not THE worst, most poorly designed, piece of shit websites. e) if you told me some politician's nephew or girlfriend wanted to start a web design business and got the job through nepotism I wouldn't be surprised. For starters there is no way to log in to your account from the home page, nor is there any indication of what link to click to get to a log in page. What you have to do to log into an existing account is click on the link to begin the application process. Of course, why didn't I think of that? You know, just like how every other website in the world has a link to REGISTER but not a link to LOG IN, because why have a LOG IN for existing users? Now it's more bullshit that I have to deal with on Monday or maybe not or maybe I won't have insurance until next year. |
You won't have to wait until next year, open enrollment is when you can change plans or change your coverage. This guarantees the insurance company they've got you for a whole year, and the government that you don't have to pay a penalty for non-coverage, They were trying to prevent the car insurance scam of buying a month of insurance to renew your plates then driving without for eleven months. Worst case, a fine for missing the window.
Caution: That's the way I understand it but I'm not an authority, nor play one on TV... only the internet. ;) |
I'm going with (b)
I'm with monster. It automatically renews ... sometimes even when you cancel.
I switched jobs starting in Nov of last year and got a plan through the exchange for the last two months of 2015. I canceled it on 12/31/15 as another plan was much cheapre (relatively speaking) with a different carrier. So I canceled the one and started the other which I've been paying for. I got a letter about 2 weeks ago that my plan with company A which I canceled, will terminate on 4/30 and oh by the way, you owe us $1800+ in back premiums. We are still discussing the definition of "terminated" |
yay I knew something about insurance! I R all growed up now I had to get my own. which is costing us a fucking bomb. #grrrrr (so I guess that's what's upsetting me. Beest's chemo wiped through our family deductable in the first couple of weeks of the year so everything is free for all.... except that his company dictates that when spouse can get insurance through own job, they must. so I have my own stinking huge deductible. And torn cartilage in my shoulder.
His company doesn't give you the option of paying your portion of his insurance? I've worked for two companies that did that, and group plans cover much more than individual plans. Or is this a group plan through your company?
Not anymore Bruce. They are all trying their damnedest to get everyone onto their ow plan with a nice big fat deductible.
So I spoke with NYS of Health today about my coverage and I spoke with a young woman who had, for want of a better description, an 'inner city' accent which was a combination of soft spoken, a-tonal, and a continuous slur of sounds that vaguely resembled syllables.
Her voice was like the aural equivalent of when someone used a xerox machine to make a copy of a copy and then that was copied and so on until the result was a blurry simulacrum of text. Her speech was very impressionistic. I found myself sort of lazily following her sounds until she'd ask, "Do you agree?" and then I'd have to ask her to repeat herself. I have had a far easier time understanding Bharati Mukherjee from Dogsbody Customer Service than her. Nonetheless, she was nice and sweet and if I'm not mistaken we were able to renew my coverage based on my best estimation of my earnings so far this year, considering I haven't gotten any 1099s or W2s yet for 2016. I think I might have caught about 35% of what she said, so I believe I also elected to auto renew for the next five years.* *Unless anything at all changes in my life, in which case I must tell them and re-apply and re-apply to auto renew. Glad I did because as the letter clearly stated: "As of 4/30/2016 your insurance coverage was cancelled." Bold mine. I guess they underestimated how quickly the post office would deliver that letter. |
The letter says was because they had determined you hadn't jumped through the hoops so you was cancelled. :haha:
I axed the computer an it say nu-huh.
what? |
Mum's friend who has leukemia?
He goes into the hospice today. The cancer has reached his brain. I had hoped I'd at least be able to see him him when I finished my residential stay. Fuck cancer. |
Sorry, Sundae. :(
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