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Undertoad 01-19-2017 06:04 PM

It was the vibes.

monster 01-19-2017 06:05 PM

awesome news! I made that happen by saying it wouldn't ;)

Clodfobble 01-19-2017 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by glatt
My friend fainted in a grocery store line years ago, and it was worse for her. She smashed many of her teeth out and broke her jaw when she went down. Took months to get better. And they wouldn't let her drive for a year in case it happened while driving.

I fainted once on my college campus, but the jackasses at the health center insisted that it happened because I had anorexia (which I absolutely did not have) and told me to go home and eat a sandwich. Never did figure out why.

Glad the Popdigr is back home!

sexobon 01-19-2017 08:17 PM

They were probably thinking of fasting hypoglycemia; but, mislabeled it anorexia. The term fasting is a category that includes many things (e.g. meds, hormone levels, ETOH overdose...etc.). Follow the link.

They probably thought you tied one on the night before causing your blood glucose level to crash and sent you home to get some carbs into your system. :D

Clodfobble 01-19-2017 09:15 PM

That still would have been stupid, as I told them repeatedly I'd eaten twice already that day. They assumed everyone who walked in was lying. At the college health center the only diagnoses given out were eating disorders, drug dependency, pregnancy, and STDs. It was not physically possible for a student to be sick in a way that wasn't directly their fault. I once went in with an allergic rash, and my diagnosis was, "Heh, you girls and your bath products." They honest-to-God told my gay friend he "probably" had AIDS without any kind of blood screening.

sexobon 01-19-2017 09:45 PM

Well then I'm surprised they didn't accuse you of holding your breath until someone gave you your way and when they wouldn't you passed out.

Gravdigr 01-20-2017 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 979970)
It was the vibes.

Fuckin' A.:devil:

My nerves are still jangling.

Sleep prolly ain't happening.

fargon 01-20-2017 06:31 AM

We be praying for Popdigr.

Griff 01-20-2017 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 979964)
They are on their way home.



Gravdigr 01-20-2017 02:50 PM

He's sore as shit today. But his head don't hurt. The docs gave him a copy of his ekg to take to his regular doctor, and they said the CATscan looked good, no problems from bumping his head when he hit the floor.

He seems a little down today, says he feels rough. He's got a little inner ear balance thing going on, he gets this a couple times a year, maybe just a coincidence.

Gravdigr 01-20-2017 02:55 PM

The lady what works for the store who watched him go out and fall called last night after she got home from work to check on him.

We have no idea how she got the number. Momdigr said she was a very nice lady.

xoxoxoBruce 01-20-2017 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 980019)
We have no idea how she got the number.

Probably from the store's lawyer.

classicman 01-21-2017 12:35 PM

Glad to hear the good news.

BigV 01-23-2017 10:40 PM

Such good news, sorry late to the party, thrilled for your good news.

Say hi to Popdigr and hope he's back in the saddle as soon as he wishes.

Pico and ME 01-24-2017 11:21 AM

Yeah, I'm late too. It was all over before I could post, but it good to see that all is OK :)

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