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Shawnee123 07-16-2009 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 581896)
WOW! that totally sucks. Sorry to hear about that. From reading the rest of the threads it sounds like they are going to take care of things. Was it brand new?

Well, it was getting old, I'd racked up 700 miles on it. ;) Had it 2 weeks to the day, and brand-spanking new. It's an 08, but there are no 09 Astras to be had.

I think my brother's right...put pressure on them with the lawyer and get this off my plate. Being sick, then the accident, tomorrow is a retreat much to do at work. I need this job to pay the attorney to get my car fixed to get to the job that pays the attorney that gets my car fixed and this is the house that Jack built.

I still crack me up, even when I'm cracking up. :p

TheMercenary 07-16-2009 08:50 AM

:thumb: Hang in there. Remember the legal term "To make whole". Which is the obligation of the kids insurance company. I hate insurance companies, all kinds, auto, health, malpractice, home, they all suck. Yet our society has made us their slaves.

Shawnee123 07-16-2009 09:05 AM

I completely agree with you about insurance companies!

monster 07-16-2009 11:34 AM

Kick 'em in the cunt, shaw.

Shawnee123 07-16-2009 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 581942)
Kick 'em in the cunt, shaw.

That is the best idea I've heard yet! I'll have "my lawyer" (I love saying that I feel like someone important) kick 'em in the cunt! Supposed to get a call this afternoon.

lumberjim 07-16-2009 12:29 PM

Counsel: AHEM....your honor, approach?
Judge: Come
Counsel leans in: move to kick the defendant in the cunt, your honor?
Judge: Motion granted. Bailiff!

monster 07-16-2009 12:30 PM

:lol: Would the defendant please rise....

Shawnee123 07-16-2009 12:33 PM

Lawyer might take that case pro boner.

dar512 07-16-2009 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 581966)
:lol: Would the defendant please rise....

Defense Lawyer: Your Honor, my client is unable to rise due to the kick-in-the-cunt judgement previously applied. If it please the court, he will continue to lay on the floor and writhe in agony.

dar512 07-16-2009 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by capnhowdy (Post 581832)
The bar is always stocked tho. Hell... I stock it.:D
Another one of life's little pluses;).

Sounds like a good deal overall. How long did it take you to clean up the TP?

Jaydaan 07-16-2009 02:16 PM

Well... we tracked down 1 of the 2 shipments of lingerie.... at our old house 2 years ago, and 2 orders ago... sheesh. Get this, it was opened, cause the lady thought it was a joke. The box was open, the outfit was not. When I asked at the door if a parcel was sent there by mistake, he had to go ask his wife, but then during our conversation admitted to knowing it was there... they were going to keep it! The other half of the parcel (3 outfits) was sent the day before, chances are they got that one too.
So I finally get my outfit and ...... its not the one we ordered! This one is white, we ordered black. This one is a tux style jacket, we ordered a short crop top style. This one has a pleated skirt, we ordered a tight form fitting mini skirt... BAH

lumberjim 07-16-2009 02:24 PM

nevermind all that. where are the pics?

bbro 07-16-2009 02:52 PM

Ok, so I was having a good day, now, I am having some side effects to the procedure that I had last week (trust me, you don't want to know) and now I have to go back to the freaking doctor tomorrow! I thought I was done with them for a couple months! ARG!!

bluecuracao 07-16-2009 05:16 PM

Oh, we want to know...but you don't have to tell us.

I hope it works out okay, bbro!

capnhowdy 07-16-2009 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by dar512 (Post 581981)
Sounds like a good deal overall. How long did it take you to clean up the TP?

I found out this AM that it was a group of 8 kids. Six of them are our employees at another business. A neighbor ratted him out and in turn, the kid spilled the beans on the rest of the gang. I threatened them with their jobs and the police and VOILA! They all came back later and cleaned it up. Smart move. It took all of them about 5 hrs to get it done. I was meticulous about it too. Every scrap. I even made them wash the dish soap off of the driveways.
A deputy rode up as they were cleaning and asked if I needed a report. Those kids were sweating bullets. I told him no... they were employees and assisting me and I had no clue who it could have been. They were grateful, I think. Swore they'd never do it again. Case closed. At least until our boss gets back from vacation.:D

Shawnee123 07-16-2009 07:43 PM

Wow, at my rural HS, it was an honor to be toilet-papered. Of course, the 'rents were always like "Yeah, YOU'RE cleaning it up" and we did. Football season it was almost mandatory. My mom said my brother called her after he got to school one day and said she had to drive to the little town near my HS: a bunch of kids had tp'd the entire main street. Mom went, and thought it was awesome. She couldn't believe how thorough they were...sleepy little one horse towns, no one heard a thing. One of my friend's moms even drove us around one night to tp: we got caught by one family of schoolmates and they chased us down the street...we hopped into friend's mom's getaway car and friend's mom sped off. I mean, it was fun! It wasn't, like, criminal. ;)

capnhowdy 07-16-2009 08:30 PM

It IS hilarious. Until you have to clean it up in 100 degree weather. Or have to pay a few hundred bucks to get it done. I actually enjoyed it this time. Last time was a different story. Took me 12 hrs hard work to get it done. With all my friends riding by honking and laughing. Most people think it's funny. Then it happens to them.

capnhowdy 07-16-2009 08:33 PM

If the recipient chooses to press charges, kids are stuck with a criminal record for the rest of their lives on two charges:
criminal trespass
and vandalism.

Tulip 07-16-2009 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 581696)
A kid ran a red light this morning, when I was almost to work. Demolished my car. I haven't had it but two weeks.

Everyone is OK. Though there were witnesses who saw him run the light he is claiming it's a conspiracy against him, but he is OK and I am OK and they're just vehicles. In the grand scheme, it means nothing. But, still, I'm a bit sad.

Damn, I'm always late. Anyways, glad to hear you're okay, but it really sucks what happened to your car. Sorry to hear what you have to go through with the insurance company. Hope everything will work out.

As for everyone, I AM SORRY TO HEAR THAT YOUR DAY SUCKED! :p Sorry, I don't have much time anymore and after reading a few pages, I feel bad for not being here to give my consolations. Seems like so much can happen in a day or two.

Shawnee123 07-17-2009 06:05 AM


From now on, Miss Tulip, I expect you to read every thread in the Cellar thoroughly before responding. ;)

Thanks for your kind words.

dar512 07-17-2009 09:16 AM

Nicely handled, Capn. All's well that ends well.

limey 07-17-2009 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by dar512 (Post 582096)
Nicely handled, Capn. All's well that ends well.

Whoops, read that as Capon :eek:

dar512 07-17-2009 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by limey (Post 582126)
Whoops, read that as Capon :eek:

Hey. I never said he was chicken.

Shawnee123 07-17-2009 03:38 PM

And get off my lawn!

xoxoxoBruce 07-18-2009 01:07 AM

... ya whippersnappers! :mad:

DucksNuts 07-18-2009 02:27 AM

You love you some whippersnappers, Bruce!

xoxoxoBruce 07-18-2009 02:49 AM

Only you, love.

capnhowdy 07-18-2009 09:06 AM

Well I'll have you know ... I've snapped a few whippers in my younger days as well.:whip::lol2:

xoxoxoBruce 07-19-2009 09:18 PM

Yeah but these ain't your younger days, ya old fart.:p

zippyt 07-19-2009 10:19 PM

The central AC is just humming !!!
And we just had it fixed ( supposedly )

capnhowdy 07-20-2009 07:09 AM

Another funeral today. One of my close friends died in a boating accident. At least I don't have to sing at this one. RIP, Jerry.

Story (from local news)

TheMercenary 07-20-2009 09:11 AM

Sorry to hear it mate. RIP.

Jaydaan 07-22-2009 08:47 PM

The wildfires are closer than I would like. My best friend's parents are on evacuation alert, and the ashes are covering EVERYTHING! We are hoping it gets contained, and they do not have to leave and/or lose their home. The smoke is quite thick here too.

We have 3 fires atm: Terrace mountain, Glen Rosa Kelowna, and another one on Westside.....

Makes for great pictures of the sun, which is bright red atm, mind you.

Sundae 07-25-2009 07:18 AM

Ouch - Jaydaan, that's crappy.
Very sorry to hear it. Hoping for the best.
There are fires out of control in Spain too, affecting one of Mum's friends.

Talking of Mum's friends - a different friend.
Breda has cancer.
The "bad arm" she's been getting painkillers for is actually cancer. I don't have all the details, but I am worried because the first sign my Nan was ill was when she lost control of her arm and it turned out to be cancer. They couldn't even locate the primary source - by the time she got to hospital it was everywhere. Three weeks from diagnosis to death.

I'm trying to be rational about Breda, but I have just found out (a call from her daughter - Mum's out) so it's hit me hard - her daughter says it's inoperable.

Breda is (very) Irish, (very) Catholic - she is one of my nephew's Godmothers, and was our neighbour for years. She is very close to Mum - they used to visit eachother every Sunday morning, and still talk at least once a week. She is a lovely lady, and it's just really close to home. I even got a birthday card from her this year - I think Mum told her I'd be alone on the day.

Just sharing.

Clodfobble 07-25-2009 09:29 AM

Sorry to hear about your mom's friend, SG. :(

Sundae 07-25-2009 09:44 AM

She's round there now.
I might have some more accurate news once she comes back.
Poor Breda of course (& family & all) but poor Mum too.

She had a call that Aunty Alice's house was sold just this morning. That's her Aunt - my Great Aunt,
That means that probate can finally go ahead and all the Aunts & Uncles won't keep calling and subtly implying that it's all taking too long. She's taken a lot on her shoulders in the past year and it's not fair. Sadly, she's taken it out on Dad (and that's splashed on me too) but it is unfair - she doesn't inherit a penny, and yet it's consumed her life for the past year - worry and stress and phone calls and visits to the house. I loved Alice, but she was selfish in nominating Mum an executor - sensible (Mum is SO organised!) but selfish - some of the other cousins actually live in the area. She'd have been better leaving no will, the money would have been distributed exactly the same way (to the siblings - Alice was the first to die) and Mum would never have had all the worry.

Anyway, so she finally gets some good news re the house - then she has this to deal with.
See what she says when she comes back re Breda.

Shawnee123 07-25-2009 09:48 AM

My mom is also very organized, and often gets put in that position. She's a trooper, but I can't imagine taking anything like that on. This is, sadly, a trait I did not get from my mom. I can barely take care of my own crap, let alone help someone else. I really wish I were more like my mom in that respect, but I am the polar opposite.

Keep me updated on Breda.

And, fuck cancer! :(

Sundae 07-25-2009 11:23 AM

Spine and lung apparently - exactly the same as Nanny.
She'll have radiotherapy - waiting for an appointment - but no prognosis currently. The impression given is that it's really just pain relief from here on in (like Nan).

Bloody hell.
Mum's blaming herself of course. Thinks she should have spotted it. Hasn't gone to Mass tonight (Dad's just left). She doesn't fit the stereotypical Catholic image in that way - she's upset therefore she doesn't pray. I wonder if I can get away with a Fuck Cancer card? Maybe Sod Cancer would be more acceptable - and probably shocking in its difference to other cards anyway.

Damn - she's a good woman.

Shawnee123 07-25-2009 12:01 PM

My heart goes out to your mom and her friend. :(

Sundae 07-25-2009 12:38 PM

You'd (all) have loved her.
She's like Mrs Doyle in Father Ted.

And I am always lovely in her eyes.

Oh isn't your hair lovely now, and your dress and doesn't that hair colour suit you now, and look at those lovely shoes, and have you caught the sun - it suits you, and look at the weight you've lost, and would you like a cup of tea now, and don't you look lovely?

Will keep you updated.

Crimson Ghost 07-25-2009 01:05 PM

All the best, SG.

limey 07-25-2009 01:23 PM

Hugs to you and your mum, SG.

Queen of the Ryche 07-28-2009 01:16 PM

So sorry Sundae. Fuck Cancer.

fargon 07-28-2009 01:31 PM

Wal mart pissed me off good today, after getting everything on the list I got to check out. And when I tried to use my debt card it would not work. The idiot running the register asked me if I had another way to pay because they are remodeling and the card readers do not work. so now I have to go to the other walmart and do it all over again. I left the cart sitting and walked out. If their equipment is not going to work during the remodel they need to close until it is done. Am I being an asshole or not?

glatt 07-28-2009 02:59 PM

You are being reasonable. If they won't take your money, they can restock that crap themselves, and they should apologize to you for wasting your time. This is 2009. Most people use plastic to pay for large shopping trips. If the machines are down, the store ought to close, or at least have a huge freaking sign on every door when you go in that it's cash only.

Flint 07-28-2009 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by fargon (Post 584720)
Wal mart pissed me off good today, after getting everything on the list I got to check out. And when I tried to use my debt card it would not work. The idiot running the register asked me if I had another way to pay because they are remodeling and the card readers do not work. so now I have to go to the other walmart and do it all over again. I left the cart sitting and walked out. If their equipment is not going to work during the remodel they need to close until it is done. Am I being an asshole or not?

The idiot checkout person stood there and scanned in your entire basket full of items, carried out the whole transaction without saying a word, all based on the assumption that you carry around a big roll of hundreds around like a drug dealer?

I would have done worse than what you did. I don't know what, but I would have caused a scene.

Edit: The Service Industry in America Edit: Jimmy Dean Sausage Complaint Call

Shawnee123 07-28-2009 03:54 PM

Walmart sucks.

jinx 07-28-2009 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 584778)

Thanks flint... I lol'd all over again. Awesome thread.

Shawnee123 07-28-2009 08:15 PM

Oh wow, I'm so glad I looked


Originally Posted by Flint

This is so true, and why I get fvcked all the fvcking time! Really, I only yell on the internet. :lol:

My dad was just talking about this, as we discussed my current nightmare with my new car, telling me I need to be a squeaky wheel. They want the squeaky wheel to stop fvcking squeaking, so the squeaky wheel gets what they want.

I wish I could be a squeaky wheel.

Also, that Jimmy Dean call is hilarious!

xoxoxoBruce 07-29-2009 02:14 AM

Or get a professional squeaky wheel and sue.

ZenGum 07-29-2009 06:51 AM

Upsetting me today:

dunno, you'll have to ask my large intestine.

Shawnee123 07-29-2009 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 584907)
Or get a professional squeaky wheel and sue.

Part of the problem is that my professional squeaky wheel isn't squeaking to my satisfaction. So I should squeak at my designated squeaky wheel, right? The whole reason for the professional squeaky wheel was to avoid me trying to squeak and only end up looking stupid, and sounding squeaky.

However, my car is FINALLY being transported to the Saturn dealer for repair. It's a good repair shop, by all accounts, and they'll have it as new again as is possible.

Apparently, Collision Boy's insurance still needs to step up to the plate: so I'm out the deductible until that's settled. :right:

yesman065 07-30-2009 01:56 PM

Petty Motherfucking Bitch who is only concerned with herself and her own bullshit. Get a fuckin' life of your own fer chrissakes! Like there isn't enough REALLY important shit going on right now that you gotta start on my Fuckin mom and not let her pray at the rehab for her grandson - Holy Fuckin shit - Its a good thing my guns are at my dads!

thank you all - as you were

Shawnee123 07-30-2009 01:57 PM

I second that! And I don't even like guns!

Though at first I thought you were yelling at


Sundae 07-30-2009 02:40 PM

All I can say is, things are very different in America, esp attitudes towards customer service and shooting people. Don't get me wrong, I get pissed off at bad service. I whinge and rant. But it's not considered a "right" here (we don't have them :)) Then again, I've come up against this before, here.

And relationship/ family disputes... still I should realise that praying, rehab and guns in one sentence take it out of the realm of my understanding.

Okay, so what I came to vent is small beans compared to Yesman's case. Sorry.

Mum has been reacting to a financial issue all week.
And it's not all that bad (the issue) because my Great Aunt's settlement is finally in sight.
But the pressure, plus the fact she is on her own all day (paid petsitting at my SIL's parents' house) means she's been a complete bitch every night. Sorry, but she has - I've stayed in my room in earplugs, and eaten at 17.00 so I can avoid being around when she comes home.

And yes, I have done all I can in terms of housework etc to try to assuage her.
I don't know exactly what the problem is, apart from her usual simmering anger, but nothing is right and she resents both me & my Dad this week.

Funnily enough, this is not to do with Mum - although the problems with her are stopping me sleeping this week.
I asked if she would like to see La Cage Aux Folles in the West End because John Barrowman is in it. She wants to use up the theatre vouchers she got when she retired. So it's a yes! Happy, happy!

She asked Dad - of course. I'd love it to be a family outing. But she said, "I don't think you'd like it." She started her desription of the musical with, "Two gays are bringing up a son...." My Dad turned his face away at once. Now I'm not blaming Mum for her precis - which was basic, but accurate I suppose. It's my Dad's homophobia that bothers me. I know it's there. I've heard it more than once. But the idea it extends to fiction/ musical theatre. When he's been to see so much in the West End/ watched musicals on TV. It's like, gay talent is fine, as long as it's played straight.

The child of his time/ adopted religion.
It just hurts that a man I love so much and admire, and I know to be so gentle and tolerant in other ways can hate and dismiss so many people.

Upsets me.

Flint 07-30-2009 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 585191)
... it's not considered a "right" here ...

In your muddled attempt to frame this as some sweeping cultural chasm, what exactly is it that you think Americans consider a "right" that is unrealistically owed to them--specifically, that has been central to any of the stories presented here?

Shawnee123 07-30-2009 02:57 PM

They tore my car down to see if there was more extensive damage. There was. I don't know what's going to happen now. :sniff:

Little Fuckboy is going to fucking pay, one way or another, law-breaking motherfucker go back to your home country if you can't act like a fucking human: we have enough lying motherfuckers who we have to keep because they were born here. :mad2:

monster 07-30-2009 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 585193)
In your muddled attempt to frame this as some sweeping cultural chasm, what exactly is it that you think Americans consider a "right" that is unrealistically owed to them--specifically, that has been central to any of the stories presented here?

Brit consumer laws are much more well defined than American ones, and legally-speaking consumers are better protected.

But this is fairly recent in the scheme of things, and Brits are so used to shitty service and products, and making a scene is socially unacceptable even if you are in the right (stiff upper lip) ....that many people do not follow up on their complaints and write off the loss.

Compared to US where -in general- consumer protection laws are minimal, but standard practice is not to require customers to justify complaints and making a scene gets results rather than disapproval.

If you had behaved in the UK as you described, you would probab;y have been arrested for causing a disturbance of the peace. And it's very unlikely you would have got a refund/replacement. But then brits don't expect presents for every occasion like Americans do. And when we get them, we open them straight away. Most Brits, anayway. it is a cultural chasm. But then you live in texas -WTF would you know about the rest of the world? :p

xoxoxoBruce 07-31-2009 01:55 AM

He knows Texas has bigger cockroaches than the rest of the world. :p

monster 08-01-2009 08:19 PM

and bigger cocks.

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