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Aliantha 08-01-2009 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 585277)
He knows Texas has bigger cockroaches than the rest of the world. :p

I don't reckon Texas has bigger cockroaches than Queensland.

DucksNuts 08-02-2009 01:11 AM

Queensland has the biggest mo fo roaches I've ever seen!!!

Where you been, Ali?

DanaC 08-02-2009 05:01 AM

My back. I don't know wtf I have done to it. Thursday evening it started. Friday I was in such a bad way mum had to come walk the dog for me. And then again yesterday.

Today is marginally better but still painful. can;'t sit here at the desk for more than a few minutes.

Bloody annoying thing is I had loads planned for this weekend. Wanted to sort my house out (sort through loads of old papers, hoover up, wash curtains etc). Can't even stay here long enough to upload my graduation photos (another task I had planned for t his weekend).


I just hope it's sorted out by tomorrow. I have a busy week ahead, i can;t afford to be out of action.

Griff 08-02-2009 07:15 AM

flu-like symtoms

morethanpretty 08-02-2009 07:21 AM

Looking at all the shelter pet postings on craigslist, and I can't adopt a single one. They look so sad!
A stupid family down the road moved, leaving their chow-chow behind. Stupid fucks. Now its hanging around our house and we can't keep it. we'll have to turn it into a shelter, but its shy and we haven't been able to catch it. It turns my stomach. Stupid irresponsible fucks leaving behind their dog.

Griff 08-02-2009 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by morethanpretty (Post 585548)
Looking at all the shelter pet postings on craigslist, and I can't adopt a single one. They look so sad!
A stupid family down the road moved, leaving their chow-chow behind. Stupid fucks. Now its hanging around our house and we can't keep it. we'll have to turn it into a shelter, but its shy and we haven't been able to catch it. It turns my stomach. Stupid irresponsible fucks leaving behind their dog.

...maybe a small yurt?

capnhowdy 08-02-2009 08:29 AM

In my area abandoning an animal is a criminal offense. They deserve to be reported and prosecuted.

Aliantha 08-02-2009 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 585526)
Queensland has the biggest mo fo roaches I've ever seen!!!

Where you been, Ali?

The boys have been sick mate. The doc suspected swine flu, so they were both on tamiflu all week last week. Mav is back at school today, but Aden is having one more day home today.

Tomorrow I have to go to a funeral and it sucks. I know I'm going to lose the plot. It was a family friend who died of the same type of cancer as my Mum and he was about the same age. Cancer fucking sux and I'm fucking sick of it interfering in people's lives.

Griff 08-02-2009 05:25 PM

Me too Ali.:thepain:

skysidhe 08-02-2009 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 585596)
The boys have been sick mate. The doc suspected swine flu, so they were both on tamiflu all week last week. Mav is back at school today, but Aden is having one more day home today.

I think here in the US anyone suspected of swine flu is tested. I don't know if there is a post immunizaton. I hope it isn't the swine.

I don't usually get flu shots but I've been wondering if I should for this one. Might be a good topic for a thread around flu season?


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 585597)
Me too Ali.:thepain:

I hope you don't have the swine flu griff. :thepain:
Get better soon.

Griff 08-02-2009 05:38 PM

I was hating on cancer. I don't know what I've got but it probably doesn't rise to full blown flu... just uncomfortable as hell.

Aliantha 08-02-2009 05:39 PM

sky, they didn't test the kids. They just said to quarantine them for 7 days and put them on tamiflu. That's really the only treatment they'd have for it if it were swine flu anyway, and it was a viral infection, so the tamiflu would have treated that anyway, so either way, they were covered. The reason they thought it was probably swine flu is because they had come into contact with someone with it, and within 24 hours they had most of the symptoms themselves. That was the point at which I took them to the doc.

I was really pissed off about them getting it from our neighbours, who invited them over to watch the footy last weekend, and then half an hour later said, "oh yeah, we've all have swine flu this week". Idiots!

eta: Just as a side note to this, people who take their kids out or have other kids over when there's illness about give me the shits. What kind of fuckwits invite you into their house when it's possible that it might still be contaminated??? Especially when they know you have a baby in your own home who could really suffer if exposed to a virus???? The other thing that shits me are people who don't seem to care about passing their bugs on to other people. WTF planet do these people live on??? Do they think it's ok for other people to suffer just because they are or do they think they're providing some kind of service to the universe?

I'm sick of fucking idiots and I'm sick of...well, just a lot of things right now.

skysidhe 08-02-2009 05:45 PM

They got it from your neighbors! who knew they had it!
what dummys! what were they thinking!? grr

side note
I guess the CDC discontinued official reporting of individual cases on July 24, 2009.

DucksNuts 08-02-2009 10:45 PM

I had that argument with one of the ladies here at work, I was pissing n moaning because there was a kid at Kinder with gastro, the Mum said she had the runs n pukes all the day before, but still send her to Kinder.

The lady at work was like....oh some Mum's dont get paid if they dont go to work. Tuff shit, I keep the boys home when they are sick.

Pie 08-03-2009 08:24 AM

And lose your job? Then what?

morethanpretty 08-03-2009 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 585596)
The boys have been sick mate. The doc suspected swine flu, so they were both on tamiflu all week last week. Mav is back at school today, but Aden is having one more day home today.

Tomorrow I have to go to a funeral and it sucks. I know I'm going to lose the plot. It was a family friend who died of the same type of cancer as my Mum and he was about the same age. Cancer fucking sux and I'm fucking sick of it interfering in people's lives.

Fuck cancer.

Trilby 08-03-2009 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by morethanpretty (Post 585708)
Fuck cancer.

and then butt-fuck it in the mouth. (ref. this months cellar calendar!)

Clodfobble 08-03-2009 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Pie
And lose your job? Then what?

If you have absolutely zero flexibility with your job (usually kids being sick just means you use up your own sick/vacation days to stay home, but let's say you have no sick days left,) then you have to have another option in place--a relative you can leave the kids with, or maybe the kid's old enough to be left home alone and you come to check on them during your lunch break, or you get hardass with your boss and invoke FMLA to stay home without pay. But dropping the sick kid off at school is free and convenient, so most people take that option if they can get away with it.

Shawnee123 08-03-2009 10:58 AM

So, what is the deal with this swine flu anyway? Have there been many deaths? Have there been more deaths than is usual with any type of flu?

I hear about people being ill and suspecting swine flu, but I don't see droves of people falling over dead, as we were led to believe. Of course, I haven't left my office in a couple hours. :lol:

So, while all flu sucks, can't we just get the regular old flu anymore? Is the swine flu the big deal it was supposed to be?

Shawnee123 08-03-2009 12:41 PM

My car is totalled: transmission damage among other things. Pretty good for a kid who was just slowly cruising down the road obeying all traffic signals. He hit it HARD! I should have known by the way my head slammed against the door frame. :mad:

They're saying there just aren't that many cars like mine left out there: I know they have a few in Cincinnati, Columbus... Someone's ass is going to find me an exact replica. Or the twilight blue is nice, I'd settle for that. ;)

Nightmare entering Stage 2, progressing toward light at end of tunnel. Sigh...

bbro 08-03-2009 12:46 PM

That sucks Shawnee! Hang in there.

Shawnee123 08-03-2009 12:47 PM

Thanks bbro. :)

TheMercenary 08-03-2009 12:51 PM

Damm that sucks, tell them since you can't replace that one they have to get you one that is better.

Shawnee123 08-03-2009 12:55 PM

Yeah, the Saturn Sky is pretty freaking sweet. ;)

TheMercenary 08-03-2009 12:58 PM

Ok, I am digging that. It would look great in black or candy apple red.

note to self: Do not let wife see this car.

TheMercenary 08-03-2009 12:58 PM

Isn't GM dumping Saturn? I thought I read that somewhere.

ZenGum 08-03-2009 07:58 PM

Shawnee, I think it is GOOD that your car is totalled. If it was repairable, you'd get it back, 95% fixed, but it would never be the same again.
This way, you get a new shiny one with no subtle twisting of the frame or doors that don't quite shut perectly or anything. So long as you like the new one. Keep squeaking.

Oh and swine flu is no more dangerous than regular seasonal flu. Possibly even less dangerous. The vast majority of people who have died with swine flu had other, much more serious, medical conditions as well.
New Scientist is maintaining a web page about it at .

Aliantha 08-03-2009 08:59 PM

That's right. The only reason the doc put Aden and Mav on tamiflu was because of Max. He wanted them to be 'non-contagious' as quickly as possible. Supposedly it's 4 days once you're on the drugs.

Shawnee123 08-04-2009 07:30 AM

@ Zen, I think you're right about the car being totalled. My biggest fear was that somehow I was going to end up paying for a brand new car and not get it replaced because I would SOMEHOW get screwed over in the deal, and be stuck with nothing. I had a talk with my big brother over the weekend (who has been through something very similar) and he explained things more to me. It will be over, it's just a car, and I'm OK...but DAMN it's been frustrating (and I worked so hard to finally be able to buy it.) :)

Yeah, I'd just wondered about the flu thing. I was really hoping for all colleges to shut down for a week or so, to avoid the droves dropping over dead. ;)

glatt 08-04-2009 08:11 AM

The seriousness of the swine flu varies according to who you hear from.

The Washington Post had an opinion piece on Sunday by a guy who is saying that around 10 Million people will die of the swine flu globally. Possibly a lot more.

The article says that around a third of the people exposed to the virus are currently catching it, and around half a percent of those are dying of it. Those statistics are coming mostly out of the industrialized world. He expects it to get much worse once it hits lesser developed countries with poor health care.

Trilby 08-04-2009 08:14 AM

I just woke up and I am not yet upset.

Aliantha 08-04-2009 04:28 PM

I had a totally suckful day yesterday and I had an argument with my whole family last night, mainly because I feel totally taken for granted atm, and because I was feeling very down after the funeral I just thought they might have had a bit more compassion.

No such luck.

So I told them all what a bunch of selfish arseholes they are and went to bed.

I feel no better this morning.

eta: It was to do with the boys having to be asked numerous times to clean up their room (big deal) along with a few other little things, and just a residual issue with Daryl from the weekend that resurfaced because I felt like shit (yes I don't do that usually. It's counterproductive, but I needed to get my feelings off my chest). Basically they were just being the same as they always are - boys - and I feel isolated at the moment for some reason. My hair is falling out and my skin is out of control and I just feel like it's the end of the world. I talked to the doctor and they said it's normal. I'm starting to think she's wrong.

Flint 08-04-2009 04:54 PM

You got the womanitis.

Aliantha 08-04-2009 05:07 PM

Yeah, I'm feeling this way just because I'm a woman.

Sundae 08-04-2009 05:22 PM

Oh, ba.
You love them and they love you.

I'm sure they're shits short term though.

The red-tops like to suggest women are both ridiculous, and irresponsible (if they work) or hard bitches who are unreasonable and overly appreciative of the real value of money if they don't (which is why they feature shirts at £230 and bags £500+.... of course)

I never thought I'd have an issue with another woman - well, at least one I didn't know. But I'm sick & tired of a witch who has a combined income of £80k writing about restaurants, bags and shoes. Fuck you. You're not even interesting! Come write wbout not being able to afford Occupational Pottery. Eh? Stuff that up your skinny arse!

ETA - sorry. Not addressed to anyone here. Watched a bit too much TV tonight.

Trilby 08-04-2009 06:01 PM

'Skay. I know that woman. She IS a bitch.

Aliantha 08-04-2009 06:08 PM

You know who shits me from Pommy TV? The bloody Tamsin Day-Lewis chick.

God I wish my life was that fucking perfect!

TheMercenary 08-04-2009 06:50 PM

Nothing to worry about, no one needs to get any flu shots. Nothing to see here, just move right along.

Jaydaan 08-06-2009 11:41 PM

I can SEE the forest fire from our window...BAH

It's very pretty and terrifying at the same time.

ZenGum 08-07-2009 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Jaydaan (Post 586453)
I can SEE the forest fire from our window...BAH

It's very pretty and terrifying at the same time.

Get off the bloody internet then. Either prepare your house, defend your house, evacuate, or at least take some flamin' pictures!

Seriously, best wishes for you Jaydaan, those things are scary and dangerous. Let us know when the danger has passed.

Aliantha 08-07-2009 12:18 AM

Yeah, I was thinking that unless there's a bloody great river between her and the fire she needs to do something other than look at it.

I second the 'let us know that you're safe' thought expressed above Jaydaan.

Jaydaan 08-07-2009 12:57 AM

there is a great bloody lake between me and the fire... and I have a picture on my facebook.....

Jaydaan 08-07-2009 12:59 AM

It is kilometres away, and honestly there IS a lake between me and it.. but this is the first time we have been close enough to
SEE it.
Smell it, have smoke every where... have ashes cover our car and deck.... but SEE it is different.......

Clodfobble 08-13-2009 08:13 AM

My son's PPCD teacher sent his school supply list in the mail. Finally. School starts in less than two weeks--which is plenty of time for bullshit things like construction paper and glue and all that, no problem.

But... number one on the list is a full-size backpack, because while she acknowledges the 3-year-olds look ridiculous trying to carry something that's 3/4ths as tall as they are, it's really necessary in order to fit all the progress folders that get sent home.

Fair enough. But it would have really, really helped if I'd had this information an extra two weeks ago, before I took Minifob to pick out his special (miniature) Lightning McQueen backpack, put photos of it in his social story about starting school, and let him play with it each day. I'm trying to make some small dent in the nasty, nasty transition this is going to be for him, and she just set us back farther than we would have been if I'd not tried to prepare him at all.

Right now, my plan is to go buy a full-size Lightning McQueen backpack on the sly, take new photos, re-print and replace his social story on his bookshelf, and act as if this has been his special new backpack all along. He will certainly notice, and there will be fits because we obviously don't deal well with change, but the only way he'll get past it is if the old one is quietly eaten by ninjas in the night, never to be seen again.

Shawnee123 08-13-2009 08:16 AM

wtf? A full-size backpack? How big are these reports anyway?

Clodfobble 08-13-2009 12:13 PM

Well, they're like a normal-sized school folder. And to be fair, one of those wouldn't really fit in the miniature preschooler backpacks without crushing the top of it. The problem is there isn't much in the way of "in-between" sized backpacks.

Queen of the Ryche 08-13-2009 12:49 PM

Would one with wheels help? And do you think he'd be amenable to that? (That's what PRincess had for Kindergarten.)

Shawnee123 08-13-2009 01:23 PM

I'm getting 4 grand less than I paid for the car. Fucking fucker fuck insurance motherfuckers. The law makes you have insurance, but they'll screw you over if you try to use it.

What a disappointment to come back to after a lovely lunch.


classicman 08-13-2009 01:30 PM

What? How/why is that?

Shawnee123 08-13-2009 01:31 PM

My attorney says Geico says that "that model depreciates pretty quickly." 4 grand for two weeks and 507 miles? What a fucking crock.

I'm so upset. I guess I won't be replacing it with the same car, unless Saturn can find me a really good deal. :(

For something that wasn't even remotely MY fault. All I ever did was work my ass off. Fuckin' world.

depmats 08-13-2009 01:44 PM

You have the option of not settling for that amount and pushing for more. Ask that they replace your vehicle with one in the same condition. Have your attorney push harder.

Shawnee123 08-13-2009 03:13 PM

I tried, lawyer says no go.

I'll just have to work with what I have. Oh well. It's not the worst thing that could ever happen, just disappointing.

classicman 08-13-2009 03:31 PM

Fuck that - Tell the scumbag, punkass mo fo's insurance company - NOT YOURS!

Cicero 08-13-2009 04:11 PM

Shawnee-I just saw the photo of your new car. Then I found this thread. From happy to sad in a couple of seconds flat. I feel like cussing. I'll spare you guys......this time.

Aliantha 08-13-2009 05:21 PM

When you get insurance over there, do you have the option of new for old replacement if the vehicle is written off within the first two years?

It's pretty common place over here, although it is fairly recent (last few years). I suppose I figured it would be pretty much the same most places.

That's a bummer Shawnee, can you maybe get the same model and just extend the loan or something?

Shawnee123 08-13-2009 07:34 PM

I was a bit uninformed about what I was covering, and never expecting this to happen. I set it up online, without the knowledge of an insurance expert. So, I will take the fault for that.

They are trying to get rid of the Astras, as they are not shipping them over anymore and they need the lot space. I might be able to replace it. If not, I have a Plan B. I just never expected any of this.

Thanks for the kind words everyone. :)

In the grand scheme, it IS just a car. Just so very disappointing.

And Cic? Please, cuss away. I have! :lol:

ZenGum 08-13-2009 07:44 PM

Shawnee, I'd encourage you to fight. Your lawyer is a pansy. You do not have to accept the insurance company's offer.

Maybe you could get an "ex-demonstration" model from a dealer, with a few months use on it.

Shawnee123 08-13-2009 07:47 PM

I like my salesperson, and think he will help me out. If not...I will.

My lawyer was highly recommended. But what money is there in a tiny property claim? Sigh...

I should get The Tiger on my side. Bri will know what I'm talking about. :)

Shawnee123 08-13-2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 587664)
Well, they're like a normal-sized school folder. And to be fair, one of those wouldn't really fit in the miniature preschooler backpacks without crushing the top of it. The problem is there isn't much in the way of "in-between" sized backpacks.

Oh, I see. I like your game plan. It will work out with nary a notice, I'm thinking.

ZenGum 08-13-2009 08:15 PM

Shawnee, Minifob has autism. He will notice. He will not like change. There will be tantrums. It will have to be managed.

Teacher could have done better.

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