![]() |
STOPPIT!!!!!!!!!!! Too funny. My sides hurt! |
I didn't go any further.
Well you really can't until the UPS man shows up. :haha:
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Interesting Mother's Day idea. Maybe Ali can start making these??
A birthday cake, I get it. No, thanks, I don't want a piece with icing.
It certainly doesn't look appetizing, unlike the real thing. :blush:
I can't even start with how many shades of wrong that is.
As a woman I am not ashamed of my own bits, but I don't want to think about my mother's. In the same way I wouldn't eat a lollipop modelled on my Dad's dick. I'm not Outraged of Otley - it made me laugh. But only in a horrified way. |
Bio-engineered vaginas grown with patients' own cells.
I'm wondering when a living reproduction of Jenna Jameson's twitchet will be available for purchase...
I picked her(s) because I figure she'll be the first to jump on this new bandwagon. I also predict this will be the fastest advancing medical trial in history. Or, should be. Hurrah for bio-engineered vaginas!!:cheerldr::cheerldr::cheerldr: Whoever came up with this, may God bless, and keep them. |
Jenna Jameson? Couldn't you think of one with less mileage? You know, something tighter for us little guys. :o
No they start out new when grown in the lab!
And then they're aged, like Scotch. |
Only fortunate timing prevented explosive coffee ejection from nose there T.
I'm just waiting on someone to construct the 12-year-old joke. I know there's a joke there. Come on people.
Funny, but no. Turns out I have a *round peg*.
Scotch is very often aged for 12 years
that's not funny, that's just a waste of good c/Coke.
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That is some real sick shit.
Camel lover, huh?
:p: |
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"This one time, at band camp, I had my arm around this good looking girl with great tits...It was awful."
Attachment 52939 |
I think it's in the same chapter that covers the correct form of address when being introduced to an Archbishop. Then again... |
Wrestlemania 69!
Clash of the Titans! Sunday on pay per view Debrett's Etiquette vs The Internet :lol2: |
;) |
Defiantly Motorboat. When presented a rack like that, Motorboating is a must.
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"Born Free" :lol2:
Do ya suppose that's Blaze Starr in the pic?
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Come on Kids, let's play Garden of Eden with Pastor Bob. These 2 apples are still too green, but this little apple is oh-so sweet.
What happens in the Autumn? :eek:
I'm sure he will look back fondly on his salad days. I guess someone ordered the Cobb salad. Who puts lettuce on a hot dog? Ooooh...He put spinach on his whosiwahtsit, thinking it would do for him what it did for Popeye's forearms... |
To explain what you are looking at: This is Japanese VR-purposed PoV erotic toy-car highway play. I don't know how one goes about explaining this fetish to a partner... but the faact is, someone somewhere out there has this incredibly specific fetish. I LOVE HUMANITY. |
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traceur - The Japanese do have some unique fetishes. I came across this pic. How in the hell am I supposed to jerk off to it? I don't even know what it is?
Regarding post #4600:
I realize how weird it is for me to say, but... ...that's a little weird. |
Regarding post #4602:
That's actually a video still image. I think I may have posted the video here on the Cellar a couple years ago. You should look for that. It's...impressively weird. If I happen to find the post here, or the vid on the net, I'll post it for ya. |
Be right back...;) |
Maybe the video will be more erotic. I think the fuzzy yellow sperm guy is going to swim through the tube to her belly button. I've never been into alvinolagnia, but if I was I would like it pleasingly plump.
If I get this right, the box is a giant rectum connected to her digestive system so that Big Bird will be able to anally screw her with his entire body, in order to.. Find Lemmiwinks?
Look, the other guy is giving diving instructions.... And she has the biggest "You are going to do what?!!!!" look on her face ever... It all makes sense. |
re post 4600
I think you're all over thinking it. It's about racing cars. Race cars. There are uncountable instances of hot cars and hot girls together, this is no different. When I was a kid I had slot cars. These cars are a bit bigger, and they run IN the slot, not just a little rudder at the front of the car, but they're the same. I let the youtubes run past the end of the one you posted and there are *lots* more of the same kind of cars on the same kind of track. And they're being raced by little boys, they look... maybe ten years old? The girl in post 4600 is definitely not ten years old, and that track is a lot simpler, but the basic premise is the same. I'm not seeing some super specific fetish. And I have a pretty good imagination. |
traceur - I don't know. Gravdigr never posted the video explaining this.
BigV - Is the slot in the track symbolic of her vagina?? There has to be something to this of erotic content. Otherwise, what is the point of life? |
It's japan, the point is inscrutable. :haha:
Hmmm wouldn't it make more sense if the roads represented something masculine and the cars feminine?
I mean, vehicles in generally are usually treated as feminine, in some languages even literally (my own included), probably because it's something you go into. A road on the other hand is something long usually straight but sometimes curvy that you can be on... and I have it on good authority that in the alternative universe where matriarchy won history, female samurai have written fantastic poetry to geish[a] men while applying that. |
There is no explaining Japanese pornographic cinema.
Speaking of pornographic cinema, just ran across this: "Ask A Porn Star: What was your grossest on set experience?" ***NSFW Language*** Not safe at all.:headshake |
I'ma not gonna tell you about the time when I was in my late teens and didn't realise I had a marshmallow forgotten in my nonnie. The smell?! Could strip paint.
No blood, and it wasn't long before I realised something was up - if you get what I mean. What can I say? I was at a music festival, and camping leads to a relaxation of general hygiene. Oh wait, I said I wasn't going to tell you... Still, I never let anyone talk me into that 9 1/2 Weeks stuff again. |
Ladies and gentlemen (and by "ladies and gentlemen", I mean I told you that shit was weird. |
While we're weird:
Funky Forest, after school: |
You. Are. Welcome.
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So, there I am, watching a little morning porn, minding my own bidniz, when I have to answer the phone. I hit pause, get the phone (No, I do not want to lower my credit card interest rate, thanks for asking), come back to the porn and there's this ad.
Specifically, this ad: Attachment 53140 Wait, whaaaaa?? Sasha Grey (<---NSFW LINK) is gonna be here to blow me in ten minutes??? I gotta get a shower, PRONTO!!! But, did I click on that ad? You're goddamn right I clicked on it (pay hook-up site, ftr). I mean, I was pretty sure Sasha Grey wasn't reeeeally gonna show up and gargle my dangly bits. But, back there, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back there, in the very backest of the back of my mind, I thought..."Maybe.". It's been several hours now, and Ms. Grey has not shown up yet, not in the flesh, anyway. Ahh, the wonders of internet porn... |
Gee, I didn't know she was your neighbor, can you get me her autograph? :p:
It's Official, The Modeling Industry Is Run By Fucking Idiots
This woman is just too fucking fat to be a model.
I mean, look at her. Just look at her. She's hideous. Fucking idiots. Link |
Christ on a bike, and this is the same industry that claims it is seriously tackling the problem of eating disorders amongst models (and their role in fostering poor body image in everybody else!). Everybody gets excited because a few "plus size" models manage to build a career in the industry, meanwhile girls who are already if not dangerously underweight, then certainly bordering on it, are essentially forced to chase after a starvation build.
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