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ZenGum 09-23-2009 09:24 PM

Classmate Death Pool!

Bonus point for dickhead profs.

monster 09-23-2009 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 596630)
Classmate Death Pool!

Bonus point for dickhead profs.

that would be a good app for

Trilby 09-24-2009 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 596628)
Not Juni?

No. As it turns out, Juni is a perfectly lovely hippie. (Yes, Juni, I loved the tie-dyed dress and the long skirt!)

the soon-to-be-strangled classmate is a man in his 30's, and (of course!) a "preacher" - OF COURSE!

I'm gonna git that sucka.

capnhowdy 09-24-2009 06:18 AM

From hobos to preachers.... that's a really broad spectrum, Bri!

Trilby 09-24-2009 06:39 AM

I'm cultivating misanthropy. :biggrinba

ZenGum 09-24-2009 07:39 AM

Cultivating? it seems to be thriving in the favourable conditions! :D

Trilby 09-24-2009 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 596722)
Cultivating? it seems to be thriving in the favourable conditions! :D's damp. :)

capnhowdy 09-24-2009 11:29 AM

Quote:'s moist.
There. Fixed it for ya.

monster 09-24-2009 11:52 AM

Friend's daughter reported that her friend -15yo boy- who's mom died of breast cancer 5 years ago, was getting into it with some asswipes in their class, and one kid says to him "Why don't you go home and cry to your mommy -oh, you can't, can you?"

wtf? Where do these kids learn to be that nasty?

Trilby 09-24-2009 12:00 PM

Karma is just waiting for that little fucker.


Shawnee123 09-24-2009 12:01 PM

it makes me ill. effed up world.

Queen of the Ryche 09-24-2009 12:05 PM

Fuck cancer.

classicman 09-24-2009 12:10 PM

I'd help that lil fuckers karma if I were closer. I got all kinds of aggravation induced aggression with nowhere to vent it.

monster 09-24-2009 12:15 PM

yeah it's a damn good job for that kid's sake that i didn't overhear it, I tell ya.

dar512 09-24-2009 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by capnhowdy (Post 596709)
From hobos to preachers.... that's a really broad spectrum, Bri!

Bri does not discriminate based on life-style or creed. :D

dar512 09-24-2009 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 596846)
Friend's daughter reported that her friend -15yo boy- who's mom died of breast cancer 5 years ago, was getting into it with some asswipes in their class, and one kid says to him "Why don't you go home and cry to your mommy -oh, you can't, can you?"

wtf? Where do these kids learn to be that nasty?


classicman 09-24-2009 12:25 PM

Certainly not politicians.

monster 09-24-2009 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by dar512 (Post 596869)

rather than the internet? Maybe it's a real-life overspin of the 9/11 you insensitive bastard type thing?

Pie 09-24-2009 02:50 PM

Nah, they've been that nasty at least since I was in school. A bloody awfully long time ago.

TGRR 09-24-2009 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 596846)
Friend's daughter reported that her friend -15yo boy- who's mom died of breast cancer 5 years ago, was getting into it with some asswipes in their class, and one kid says to him "Why don't you go home and cry to your mommy -oh, you can't, can you?"

wtf? Where do these kids learn to be that nasty?

This is exactly why I hate people. Well, one of the reasons.

capnhowdy 09-24-2009 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by dar512 (Post 596867)
Bri does not discriminate based on life-style or creed. :D

"So you're saying there's a chance"? //Jim Carrey//:eyebrow:

Razzmatazz13 09-27-2009 04:27 AM

It's 5:30 am. There is a damn mouse in my wall, right next to my bed. He needs to die.

Razzmatazz13 09-27-2009 04:36 AM

It's 5:30 am. There is a damn mouse in my wall, right next to my bed. He needs to die.

capnhowdy 09-27-2009 08:06 AM


Griff 09-27-2009 08:25 AM

Rmtz needs a sawed off shotgun for wall crawler management.

Razzmatazz13 09-27-2009 08:45 AM

also, the cellar told me it couldn't post that the first time, so now I look extra dumb.

Shawnee123 09-27-2009 08:50 AM

I just figured the mouse had you all discombobulated.

I used to have that in my old apartment...stuff in the walls. It was a really old place. May have been squirrels, or bats...who knows?

Trilby 09-27-2009 02:53 PM

my 80 year-old father was driving on the hywy today (with me in the car) and was drifting into another lane and I said, "You're drifting," and he turned to me and said, "Shut your effing mouth! I am NOT going to take any bullshit from YOU!" only he didn't say "effing"



that pretty much sums up our entire 45 year history with one another.

Clodfobble 09-27-2009 03:05 PM

I'm sorry, Bri. :(

Sundae 09-27-2009 03:10 PM

Things that we can laugh off from other people, or at least that help us to shake free of them, just hurt like hell from parents. They have an Agent Orange type burn.

Sorry he hurt you chick.

Shawnee123 09-28-2009 11:12 AM

An ex cow orker has been ill for some time. I just got word he is at Cleveland Clinic struggling to hang on: he needs a liver transplant.

This guy is the kind of guy who seems all gruff and grizzly, rough around the edges, and he is actually a big-hearted old hippy who I had a a great time working with. We'd bitch and laugh...a LOT!

I'd watch him from my office window, smoking a cigarette as he rode the riding mower on a beautiful day, and think "right now, I want to trade jobs."

I hope he can get a transplant and gets better. I was lucky enough to run into him early summer at (what I call) the Chicken Festival. He looked ill, but seemed to be getting around well. He had two canes, and told me "I normally only have ONE cane, but I won the other one today." Great guy.

Shawnee123 09-28-2009 12:03 PM

It occurred to me I've posted about this before. He was told, at one time, he had very little time left...and he just keeps plugging away.

I hope he gets his transplant. :(

jinx 09-28-2009 02:02 PM

Me too Shaw, sorry to hear he's struggling.

Was his liver damaged from acetaminophen do you know?

Shawnee123 09-28-2009 02:04 PM

Actually, he has some form of hepatitis...I don't know much about those kinds of things.

elSicomoro 10-21-2009 01:15 PM

I got rejected by a placement firm yesterday...because I don't have enough recent administrative experience. Never mind that I have 17 years of admin experience and 5 years of management experience...not to mention the fact that I kept up with the world around me while I was not in an office setting.

Frustrating...but I gotta keep moving forward.

Griff 10-21-2009 07:16 PM

Gah! Sorry bro, I'll keep my eyes open.

Sundae 10-24-2009 02:44 PM

Mum's friend Breda died last night after a pretty damned short battle with cancer.

Mum blamed herself, because Breda had some of the same symptoms as her mother (Nan) did and she thinks she should have seen it. I pointed out to her that if she went around diagnosing friends with cancer, she'd work through them pretty quickly. It's up to doctors to diagnose after all. And it didn't help that Breda had been given a rambunctious chocolate Lab as a present (I agree with Mum, completely unsuitable) who was yanking her arm off on walks every day. Why would you assume arm and shoulder pain was a symptom of cancer?

Anyway. I am glad she's dead simply because we all knew it was coming and all that was left to her in life was pain. She died before she had to go onto the really heavy duty drugs. Also, a devoted Catholic all her life, she received Communion and Last Rites before she died.

She was the archetypal Irish mother - sorry, might not have mentioned she was Irish, although with a name like Breda... Her house was always an open house. She'd give you the shirt off her back and the last teaspoon out of her silver. She had time for everyone. Christmases when I came home to visit the 'rents, I was always invited over. I'd sit in her overheated, stuffy house, and be plied with sherry, mince pies, sausage rolls, and told what a saint my mother was. Then she'd shake her head at how glamorous I was, and tell me how proud my Mum was of me and how she talked about me all the time. She ignored how fat I was and complimented my hair, my skin, my clothes.

Okay, she spun a yarn. The weakness of the Irish.

If I believed in God I'd say Breda was what he had in mind when he created the human race. Instead, I just have to stick with saying she was a beautiful human person. She touched many people and will be missed.

skysidhe 10-24-2009 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 603039)
Okay, she spun a yarn. The weakness of the Irish.

Are you Irish? ;)

limey 10-24-2009 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 603039)
Mum's friend Breda died last night after a pretty damned short battle with cancer.
.... I'd sit in her overheated, stuffy house, and be plied with sherry, mince pies, sausage rolls, and told what a saint my mother was. Then she'd shake her head at how glamorous I was, and tell me how proud my Mum was of me and how she talked about me all the time. She ignored how fat I was and complimented my hair, my skin, my clothes.

Okay, she spun a yarn.

OMFG SG you are going through it at the moment. But remember this, Breda was NOT spinning a yarn - she was seeing the good in you, as we do here on Teh Cellar. You are glamourous, you have fab skin and hair, and a glorious twintle* in your eye (except maybe not just at the moment). You are fabulous SG. Remember this - Breda is right.

*I like the word twintle, I think it's better than twinkle, okay?

skysidhe 10-24-2009 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by limey (Post 603045)
OMFG SG you are going through it at the moment. But remember this, Breda was NOT spinning a yarn - she was seeing the good in you, as we do here on Teh Cellar. You are glamourous, you have fab skin and hair, and a glorious twintle* in your eye (except maybe not just at the moment). You are fabulous SG. Remember this - Breda is right.

*I like the word twintle, I think it's better than twinkle, okay?

I always try to tell her so but she never listens to me. I hope you and Breda have better luck.

oops I didn't realize she was referring to breda spinning a yarn about SG. Sorry SG. I thought you meant generally.

Clodfobble 10-24-2009 07:02 PM

Sorry for you and your mom's loss, SG. Don't be so hard on yourself, and don't let your mom be too hard on herself, either. :(

monster 10-24-2009 07:37 PM

Breast Cancer is not usually fast, but it's usually secretive. That's why it's so fucking lethal. Mostly/especially in the bad cases... by the time it's physically detectable, it's way too late to do anything. By the time it's causing pain ...too late. That's why mammograms are so important. No-one -not even doctors doing a touchy-feely boob exam can be blamed for missing it. Certainly not friends who knew someone with similar symptoms.

monster 10-26-2009 09:17 AM

cat piss is upsetting me today. And yes, it can be life-threatening.

glatt 10-26-2009 09:57 AM

Yeah, life threatening for the cat.

monster 10-26-2009 10:49 AM

that's the one....

capnhowdy 10-26-2009 11:34 AM

I repeat: I love cats. They taste like chicken.

Sundae 10-26-2009 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by skysidhe (Post 603043)
Are you Irish? ;)

I know you didn't get what I meant originally, but for the record - I am not Irish, but I am of Irish heritage (as we say these days). Mum was not born in Ireland, but her maiden name is Doyle.

The Doyle family are as Irish as they come, and all shades of Irish too. He has the silver hair of the Irish (called White Irish) - which turned in his '20s - no Grecian 2000 in those days! Great Aunt Alice was Black Irish. She was grey by the time she died (last year, our closest great Aunt, much missed) but her hair was black for an unfeasibly long time - she had no vanity so I refuse to believe she dyed it. And Great Aunt Emma was a fiery redhead. Suited her job as a union rep and before-her-time feminist. Now in her eighties and legally blind, she still gives Mum an earful about "Your young gels" when Mum visits. Bless them all - brought up on home grown food - rabbits & geese & cabbage![/quote]

Originally Posted by monster (Post 603094)
Breast Cancer is not usually fast, but it's usually secretive. That's why it's so fucking lethal. Mostly/especially in the bad cases... by the time it's physically detectable, it's way too late to do anything. By the time it's causing pain ...too late.

Oh yeah. Both Nanny and Breda were fobbed off by doctors for months. Then it was only guesswork that narrowed it down to breast cancer, because it had rampaged through their bodies and was presenting everywhere. Nan, being a woman of a certain generation (when the Doctor cost good money) wasn't diagnosed until she couldn't move her arm. Literally - she lost all feeling and movement. Her journey was doctor, hospital (that afternoon), hospice, home to die - it took a matter of weeks. When Breda was diagnosed it was already too late for treatment. It's heartbreaking - Mum proves it can be treated in day surgery. Bri proves a more aggressive strain can still be survived. Sigh. Funeral next week.

And the reason I'm posting?
It's just bad news week all round. My Uncle Charlie (not Dad's bro who I sometimes post about, but Nan's bro) had a very bad stroke on Saturday. I didn't know him all that well - some visits, but he's been ill for a long time so I haven't seen him in years. Mum is always in contact with Cousin Susan, who I know a lot better. She's been told by the staff at the hospital that there isn't really any hope and she should say her goodbyes. He's been on oxygen for months, but this has shut him down completely. Sounds like they're going to be asked to make a decision re the machines.

Originally Posted by monster (Post 603363)
cat piss is upsetting me today. And yes, it can be life-threatening.

Doing my litter tray solid removal today, what was on top? Nice shiny turd with a red elastic band running through it. Red bands are only used by postmen, to hold the letters together. Lord knows where he got it from, but he ate it and it passed right through. Didn't upset me - made me laugh as much as a woman bent over a litter tray can. Didn't seem appropriate for the happy thread though ;)

limey 10-26-2009 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 603398)
... Great Aunt Emma ... Now ... legally blind...

As opposed to illegally :cool:?

No but seriously. Sorry about Uncle Charlie. As we agreed the other day (I think?) - life's a bummer at times.

Trilby 10-26-2009 05:11 PM

Ah, Sundae - you need some Happy-Time Lucky-Good Fun. Things have been grim it seems - death and diarrhea! :comfort: You can always depend on change, though, so here's hoping some good change is on your doorstep, sweetie.

And just for the record - my breast cancer was actually not very virulent. It was negative for all the baddies - was HER2 negative, wasn't any of the three really deadly types - what it was, though, was a stage 3 based on how freaking huge it was - and why was it so huge? Didn't I feel it? Oh, yes. I felt it - for about 18 months; but I didn't have health insurance! I waited until I got insurance and then, that very day, I made the doc. appointment where I got a mammo. After the mammo, things moved very fast as I was set up with biopsy, MRI, etc. (remember, I was enrolled in a clinical trial and got things maybe some other women would not get due to that)
My tumor was large but relatively slow growing and not fed by estrogen. The virulent part came with the type of chemo I got - that was an experience I'll never forget.

Juniper 10-26-2009 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 603363)
cat piss is upsetting me today. And yes, it can be life-threatening.

It's upsetting me too.

My mom's cat, Tabby, is about 19. She's skinny and scroungy-looking and matted, and I think she's deaf. But she still eats, drinks, jumps on the bed, licks the shower curtain, roams all over the house and does other normal cat things so she doesn't seem to be suffering. But she PEES ALL OVER THE PLACE. She pees in my son's room, in front of the litter boxes we have throughout the house (we have 6 cats, we give them lots of opportunities to be good) and we think she peed on the couch yesterday. One of the cats peed in my office, too, and it reeks. I highly suspect it's Tab. I know for a fact she's the one that peed in my son's room and on the dining room floor, and regularly pees on the floor of our master bath (which is gutted for renovation, so she's peeing on the subfloor!)

I am so torn about this - logical thing to do is put her down, but how can I do that? I've never had to put down a cat that wasn't obviously sick to the point of death, so that the euthanasia just sped things along mercifully. Tab doesn't seem to want to go just yet.

We've tried everything I can think of - shutting her in the laundry room and listening to her cry all day, putting her in a cage and listening to her cry all day, laying down newspapers and trash bags, and the latest one is creating an extra-shallow litter box in the bathroom hoping she just doesn't want to climb (yet she has no problem with the bathtub, go figure).

So I live in a house that smells like cat piss.

That's upsetting me greatly.

TheMercenary 10-26-2009 08:27 PM

Have you had her tested for diabetes?

Juniper 10-26-2009 08:33 PM

Nope. I did have a diabetic cat years ago, so yeah, I know how it goes with sick cats. I do need to get her into the vet. I think there's blood in her pee too. I was planning to call the vet today, just never got 'round tuit. :(

monster 10-26-2009 08:38 PM

ours is a 1yo neutered male. little git. twice in 24 hours, spraying. maybe there's a new cat on the block.

Pie 10-26-2009 09:09 PM

I've heard cats can also go into marking overdrive if you bring a potted plant from outside that's been sprayed by some outdoor cat into the house.

monster 10-26-2009 09:17 PM

We didn't do that, but are about to bring 2 in, so thanks for the heads up

morethanpretty 10-27-2009 05:15 PM

I thought neutered males did not spray. Odd, my parent's male has never sprayed that I know of.

monster 10-27-2009 08:59 PM

They can do. It just doesn't smell do bad. Today the little shit brought in a live bird just as I was going out.

Undertoad 10-27-2009 09:16 PM

J'ever try that Nature's Miracle or Simple Solution or Pet-tas-tic or whatever they're calling it these days? Enzyme-based cleaning, it's always done a good job here.

Cloud 10-27-2009 09:59 PM

the story about the gang rape at a homecoming dance in California. Up to 20 people knew, watched, and did nothing. why are we raising such animals?


Cicero 10-27-2009 10:15 PM

O.k. Cloud just bummed me out.

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