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beauregaardhooligan 08-06-2017 06:01 PM

Hay, Bruce!
My bad, I was...distracted.

xoxoxoBruce 08-17-2017 02:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Every time the Nazis raise their ugly head we are reminded by the Jews...

Gravdigr 08-17-2017 02:59 PM

Problems there are if one needs to be reminded.

DanaC 08-19-2017 04:33 PM

And problems there could be again.

Gravdigr 08-22-2017 04:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Nevermind the nipple.

Can you spot the alien?

Attachment 61586

fargon 08-22-2017 05:37 PM

I found him. If I knew how I would point him out.

glatt 08-22-2017 07:17 PM

He's in the background by the toilets

fargon 08-22-2017 08:49 PM

Yes he is. You are good.

Gravdigr 08-23-2017 01:43 AM

Silvery-skinned devil.

Gravdigr 09-24-2017 10:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 61895

Lemonade has gone up.

Gravdigr 09-24-2017 10:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Just what, not why[/PaulHarvey]:

Attachment 61896

Gravdigr 09-27-2017 12:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Attachment 61931

I really like that cd-rom storage tower on the desk.

xoxoxoBruce 09-27-2017 07:24 PM

That's it, no more EHOWA for you. :haha:

Gravdigr 09-28-2017 01:04 PM

I'll never stop. Never, I say!

Gravdigr 10-07-2017 01:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Maybe this was one of those ruin-the-dress photo shoots?:p:

Attachment 62041


fargon 10-07-2017 03:59 PM

Yee Haw!!!

chrisinhouston 10-08-2017 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 994082)
Every time the Nazis raise their ugly head we are reminded by the Jews...

You also had some very fine people on both sides there. :smack:

xoxoxoBruce 10-08-2017 08:03 AM

But, but, they were just following orders. :facepalm:

BigV 10-09-2017 09:38 PM

Maybe it's one of them newfangled turnabout's fair play things. Now *he's* wearing the blue outfit.

Pamela 10-12-2017 07:40 PM

I hope that was the groom and not the best man! Who named the best man that anyway? Shouldn't he be the second-best man?

xoxoxoBruce 10-12-2017 08:29 PM

It's because the best man is already taken.

Gravdigr 10-25-2017 01:13 PM

Da fuq dis iz? NSFW Language

Undertoad 10-25-2017 06:45 PM

Da faq wazzat?

BigV 10-25-2017 08:36 PM

she likes dick

Gravdigr 10-26-2017 12:46 AM

I believe she does.

Gravdigr 11-18-2017 03:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is bad, so very bad...

Attachment 62413

Gravdigr 11-23-2017 12:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
They had to cover the statue. I can't imagine why.

Attachment 62455



Crimson Ghost 11-29-2017 08:32 PM

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

///for the win!!!

fargon 11-29-2017 10:01 PM

Yes that's what he said.

Gravdigr 11-30-2017 03:52 PM

I don't think He advocated the passing out of the Loaf of Cock. I mean, he didn't say "Suffer, little children..."


Gravdigr 12-18-2017 03:50 PM

I don't even know what this is.

I know it's Japanese.

I know it's porn(ish).

I know it's absotively, posilutely, beyond the darkest shadow of a doubt, above all, NSFW, or anywhere else.

I dare you.


xoxoxoBruce 12-18-2017 04:59 PM

That's sick.

DanaC 12-18-2017 05:22 PM

I only made it third of the way.

fargon 12-18-2017 08:08 PM

I only watched parts of it, and decided that it's Bizarre.

xoxoxoBruce 12-18-2017 08:33 PM

Worse that bizarre, pointless and stupid.

lumberjim 12-19-2017 02:16 PM

You seem angry about it.

captainhook455 12-19-2017 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 1000492)
You seem angry about it.

Mellow yellow, its just a jello, maybe hello. No anger here. I just told my wife to shut the fuck up.
Since she is deaf as as a post she said, ehhh? Mellow as a jello.

Yesiree Jimmy this is the message for the twenty teens. Tell your wife to shut the fuck up and then get a jello.

I need some music to this.

xoxoxoBruce 12-19-2017 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 1000492)
You seem angry about it.

Moi? Angry? No, disgusted at the waste of time and effort to make that.

Gravdigr 02-01-2018 03:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
NSFW yogurt ( . v . ):

Attachment 63042


Gravdigr 05-11-2018 12:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hell, she ain't got room for a man...

Attachment 63756

...on second thought, she's prolly got plenty of room.

Gravdigr 05-11-2018 12:39 PM

That's not only a lot of buttplugs...That's a lot of big buttplugs.

BigV 05-11-2018 07:11 PM

I don't even want to contemplate how the tall one in the corner is deployed.

fargon 05-11-2018 07:17 PM

I'm Skeered.

xoxoxoBruce 05-11-2018 07:39 PM

Hey, hey, I'm tired of you narrow minded pilgrims thinking you have the right to tell a girls which toy must be used in which orifice.
Back off buttheads, this is the 21st century and a lady has a right to chose her toys and orifices.

fargon 05-11-2018 08:08 PM

She reminds of an old Girlfriend.

Gravdigr 05-13-2018 02:56 PM

At least her farts don't make noise. Not even the sound of a gentle breeze.

Gravdigr 06-05-2018 05:39 PM

Optical Illusions - NSFW Edition
1 Attachment(s)
How about a nice cold glass of penis? Does that sound refreshing, or what?

Attachment 63941

Popdigr didn't see it. At all.

fargon 06-06-2018 11:25 AM

I saw it.

Gravdigr 06-06-2018 02:47 PM

I'm not sure I can un-see it.

BigV 06-07-2018 08:36 AM

you guys talk like you've never seen a cocktail before.


Gravdigr 06-08-2018 01:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 63982

xoxoxoBruce 06-12-2018 05:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Coloring book? do you need more than one crayon?

Gravdigr 06-14-2018 03:56 PM

I know the name Morgan Hastings. I have no idea why.

xoxoxoBruce 06-14-2018 06:02 PM

Sons of Katie Elder?

fargon 06-14-2018 07:58 PM

Gravdigr 06-15-2018 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1010166)
Sons of Katie Elder?

I bet that's it! I love that movie, seen it dozens of times.

That's gotta be it.


xoxoxoBruce 06-26-2018 05:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
25 cents? Dream on...

BigV 06-26-2018 09:28 PM

That is teh LOL

I could easily mfg my own fill batch.... Might take me.... Five minutes

xoxoxoBruce 06-26-2018 10:05 PM

Make Jack Daniels in 5 minutes? :eek:

BigV 06-27-2018 09:26 AM

Make a bowl full of 50 ml bottles of booze

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