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xoxoxoBruce 04-06-2017 11:27 PM

Bet they heard thunder too. :rolleyes:

Gravdigr 04-07-2017 12:26 AM


tw 04-07-2017 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 986256)
It's raining Tomahawks in Ash Sha'irat.

Another Indian uprising? Are they trying to install a pipeline?

captainhook455 04-07-2017 01:08 PM

Sunshine for two weeks. You know that means rain at the end of the month when I go to Cherokee.

Lawdy lawdy let us pray for no rain in the mountens end of April.

Sent from my Z818L using Tapatalk

BigV 04-07-2017 03:26 PM

Spring storm predicted here. 40 to 60 mph winds.

Griff 04-08-2017 07:06 AM

Gotta melt some snow here but the flooding has crested, and warming trend from today.

captainhook455 04-08-2017 08:55 AM

That storm went by us. Scary night. Tornado warnings on the beach and I'm only 30 miles from there. Why do all the good storms come at night? If in the day I could watch that tree fall on my house. No we didn't have any damage. There are 86 tie downs under this trailer.
I have been riding my motorcycle around since March. A little cool it was, but I didn't have to wear gloves. It was 82 yesterday. The Gulf Stream is not to far off the coast so we benefit from that.

If one drives inland 200 miles then the temps feel like Merchantsville, NJ. I forgot how fucking cold it is up there. The day before I went up there I rode my bike down here. Sheesh how can you stand all those months of winter?

Oh well. I have the heater on now soon to put the ac on. My wife takes more thinners than I and she is a popsicle. She just woke and she wants her coffee.

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xoxoxoBruce 05-10-2017 12:32 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Some difference...

tw 05-10-2017 07:05 PM

"The coldest winter I ever saw was the summer I spent in San Francisco." - Mark Twain. I personally witnessed same.

BigV 05-10-2017 08:00 PM

Last week it hit 70 degrees for the first time since last October. We were almost done with April before it even hit 65 degrees. And we're already at about 140% of our water supply year which also starts in October.

You saw the pictures of the snow that ate our laurels and closed the driveway for a day. It's nice today a little over 70 degrees. Gonna rain tomorrow though so I'd better get out and finish demolishing the deck while it's dry-ish.

Undertoad 05-10-2017 08:43 PM

looks like this big low was pushing warm up at you but now it's gonna bring the storm,44.910

(n.b. location not exact, i just pointed somewhere near and clicked)

Gravdigr 05-13-2017 02:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Absofuckinglutely beautiful here today.

75 and sunny. I'm for watching it get dark on the river later. Maybe I'll hear coyotes. I'm taking my owl-hooter w/me, gonna try to get a turkey to gobble back at me.

No, not owl hooters, an owl-hooter:

Attachment 60514

You puff air into it while semi-voicing the phrase "who cooks for you, who cooks for you all". If a tom turkey hears this, he can't help himself, he'll gobble.

BigV 05-13-2017 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 988425)
looks like this big low was pushing warm up at you but now it's gonna bring the storm,44.910

(n.b. location not exact, i just pointed somewhere near and clicked)

You're very close.

Here's another map, not really about weather, but showing the local area. I live adjacent to the swarm of yellow and orange dots in the center.

captainhook455 05-13-2017 04:36 PM

Well now that is way over there Big. Temps over here in SE NC have been running 94 with a 65 dew point.
Rain today the first week of white bike week. Now known as Harley week. See used to be the white bikers would go one week and the black bikers the next. Then they switch so one or the other can have Memorial Day weekend. They still do it this way, but we must be politically correct on what we call it.
Yes a little rain is good. We need it bad. Nothing else it be down in the 80's this week.

Sent from my Z818L using Tapatalk

orthodoc 05-13-2017 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 988566)

No, not owl hooters, an owl-hooter:

Attachment 60514

You puff air into it while semi-voicing the phrase "who cooks for you, who cooks for you all". If a tom turkey hears this, he can't help himself, he'll gobble.

Can you record what that sounds like and upload it?
Why does a tom turkey respond to an owl-hooter?
Not being a smart-ass, I want to know.
We're tipping into warm weather here, finally ... barn swallows are back and nesting in the front porch, all the birds are busy. The irises are almost ready to bloom, lilacs just finished. This place is crazy beautiful in May.

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