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Gravdigr 05-15-2017 02:26 PM

The turkey responds because the owl and the turkey are either natural enemies, or competitors for the same area, I'm not really sure. But it's weird, that turkey just cannot not gobble when he hears that kind of owl.

My hooter is pretty much the same as this guy's, but, mine doesn't have the extra ports, and is a bit deeper/lower in tone, but the technique and sound is very similar to this:

Instead of the trill at the end, around these parts we end with more of a 'hoo-ah'.

Gravdigr 05-15-2017 02:30 PM

Maybe it's because the turkey is jealous of the owl's silent flight?

BigV 05-18-2017 03:28 PM

am I missing something about the number of syllables in the second phrase who cooks for you all?

Gravdigr 05-18-2017 11:26 PM

The last part, 'you all', comes out kinda like Pacino's huu-wah. The guy in the vid puts more of a trill on the end.

captainhook455 05-20-2017 10:31 AM

I would've thought that since you from KY you would know the correct pronunciation is y'all.

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Gravdigr 05-20-2017 12:22 PM


Turkeys enunciate.

Gravdigr 05-21-2017 01:25 PM

LOTS of rain lately. Going down to the river to see how high it's gotten. See if m'table and chair are gone. Pretty sure they will be. They're probably in the next state. Literally. It's only about 2, maybe 4 river miles to the next state.

'Sposed to be 80 today, w/sun & clouds.

Gonna be bad muddy, though. Might have to walk from the gate, as I have street tires on GC1. That's almost a mile. Through muddy tractor road, or walking alongside it, through waist high grass. And the blood-thirsty, sabre-toothed redneck ticks (not to mention the deer ticks) that infest it. I guess it'll be long pants, duct tape, and Permanone. I'll have to burn some herbaceous substance, as well.

Y'know...To keep the mosquitoes away.;)

captainhook455 05-23-2017 08:54 AM

Rain yesterday and today. Thank Buddha. It was drier than a toad fart down here.
I had to water my roses so the fucking bugs could have something sweet to eat. Sevin dust and Raid took care of those buggers. Then it supposed to be pl

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captainhook455 05-23-2017 08:55 AM

Then it supposed to be pleasant so off to the beach for the weekend.

Sent from my Z818L using Tapatalk

BigV 05-23-2017 10:07 AM

80 degrees here for the first time since last August.

And it's just 10 weeks until next August.

Gravdigr 06-08-2017 04:13 PM

It's June 8, in south central Kentucky.

We're freezing. Today, all our house windows have been closed. All the doors closed. All day.

It's the coldest 72 degrees I've ever felt.

Popdigr said if we hadn't already killed the pilot light, he'd have had the heat on last night.

captainhook455 06-08-2017 09:48 PM

I have the heat on. Its 62 out there. Gotta ride the bike tomorrow.

BigV 06-09-2017 01:12 PM

Shorts and t-shirt weather

Gravdigr 06-10-2017 02:11 PM

The world's gone all cockadoody.

monster 06-11-2017 08:34 PM

94 in old money here, 34 in sensible measures.

hot. in other words. Same again tomorrow, then thunderstorms for the rest of the week.

the boy's graduation is tomorrow. hoping the storms don't come early

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