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DucksNuts 12-25-2007 07:44 PM

I had the same problem SG, but reading your post made me spontaneously get up and brush my teeth :D <<<look, all clean now

Urbane Guerrilla 12-26-2007 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 419028)
My breath smells.
And instead of doing something sensible about it like cleaning my teeth, I just keep scrunching up my face and sniffing my top lip, to verify the fact that yes, it still smells.

Oh and I had chicken for lunch and am now drinking pop. So I am doing really meaty burps.

Ever considered the comedic possibilities of a Webcam? ;) :3eye:

Cloud 12-27-2007 01:20 PM

my ex-husband has prostate cancer. Very sucky news. :(

Bad timing, since he and his second wife just broke up, so he's alone. He called Daughter No. 1 and asked her to come with him to the next dr. appt. This shows how serious it is, but is an added burden on DNo.1, who is basically juggling 3 jobs on top of holiday madness (+ 4 kids and a husband).

We are upset, needless to say, and I'm not sure what my role in this should be, other than caring friend. We are no longer close.

classicman 12-27-2007 01:46 PM

I'm very sorry to hear that Cloud - very sucky indeed.

Spexxvet 12-27-2007 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by freshnesschronic (Post 419003)
There's an upcoming Denzel movie coming out called The Great Debaters.

Come on Hollywood, this is Denzel! And you can't come up with a better movie title??????

Like The Master Baters?

Spexxvet 12-27-2007 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 418409)
I hope that works. But they also state: "Requests for excuses from jury service on the basis of such things as "busy at the office" usually cannot be honored."

Try a swastika tatoo on your forehead. ;)

busterb 12-27-2007 04:36 PM

No post from my SS. receiver! Hello USPS. WTF

Clodfobble 12-27-2007 08:21 PM

You mean the person you sent a gift to, right buster? Did you see this post?

monster 12-27-2007 08:25 PM

I believe he did. As far as I am aware, he posted the packet on th 11th and it has not yet been received.

Drax 01-05-2008 01:41 AM

Automatic vBulletin board messages wishing me a Happy Birthday. So, I've gotten 8 of 'em from various vBbes. They're so impersonal.

No one to thank.

DucksNuts 01-05-2008 05:17 AM

What feels like 3rd degree burns on my arse n thighs from climbing into my leather seats after the car had been sitting in the car park for hours.

That, and I am really over these 102 F days we are having, this was the 7th one in a row, they are sposed to continue til next weekend

NoBoxes 01-05-2008 05:41 AM

So what I'm hearing is that DucksNuts on toasted buns is a seasonal delicacy there. ;)

Griff 01-05-2008 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 421729)
What feels like 3rd degree burns on my arse n thighs from climbing into my leather seats after the car had been sitting in the car park for hours.

That, and I am really over these 102 F days we are having, this was the 7th one in a row, they are sposed to continue til next weekend

We've had overnight lows in the single digits for the last little while. I'll take the cold over the heat.

Drax 01-05-2008 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 421729)
What feels like 3rd degree burns on my arse n thighs from climbing into my leather seats after the car had been sitting in the car park for hours.

Is there any way to keep the car cool while you're away?

ZenGum 01-05-2008 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Drax (Post 421854)
Is there any way to keep the car cool while you're away?

Apart from parking in Canada, not much.

There are some things you can do, but they don't add up to much if the only parking spot you can find is in the blazing sun.
Silver coated window shades are very popular - the kind you remove and fold up before driving.
Having a white rather than dark colored car helps a little.
I would never have leather seats for exactly this reason - what WERE you thinking, Ducks? at least get some seat covers.
There are gadgets that can be fitted to an almost closed window that fill the gap and provide a solar powered fan to keep air moving.
All these don't do much though.
The normal procedure is to get to the car, open all doors and wait about two minutes before braving the oven inside.
The heat inside a sun-baked car can reach literally lethal temperatures very quickly. I have seen plastic pens, cassettes, and old vinyl records gone soft and droopy from this heat. It is illegal to leave animals or children in a car on a hot day but still some dumb buggers do it.

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