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monster 06-26-2010 05:56 PM

In your ears as in through a pierced hole? That hook looks huge, though -are they for regular pierced ears, or the enlarged gauge piercings? I wholeheartedly apologize for not knowing the proper terms.

And yes, I did. A long long time ago and it wasn't all that memorable.

Cloud 06-26-2010 06:05 PM

ah, I was just amusing myself! Yes, they are for stretched earlobes. Since they're not conventional earrings, I try not to call them that. My lobes are stretched to 6 gauge; conventional earrings are about 18 to 20 gauge. The picture shows various sizes--my pair will be the smallest one pictured, since 6 ga isn't all that large (to us).

Note: Never called stretched ears "gauges." Although lots of people do, it's considered a newbie mistake. I could get into a whole diatribe about word usage and elitism, which you might even enjoy, but . . . I won't. ;)

and I always liked Little Men and its sequels better.

monster 06-26-2010 06:27 PM

So (in "layman" terms), do you wear a "porthole" earring to "frame" the hole before you put those in? Ot you just wear those?

Cloud 06-26-2010 06:37 PM

you can, and many do wear tunnels and then put hanging style jewelry in there. It helps distribute the weight. I don't, because my holes are fairly small. I wouldn't need it with those earrings/bobs--wood is light.

Usually during the week at work I wear simple plugs that minimize the impact of the hole size. Like this:

classicman 06-26-2010 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 666658)
and I always liked Little Men

tee hee hee - thats a first.

Cloud 06-26-2010 06:38 PM

not THAT little!

HungLikeJesus 06-27-2010 09:37 AM

It's just like Out of Africa.

Cloud 06-27-2010 09:48 AM

HLJ: I know your comment was meant to be snarky, but there's some truth to it. Some body jewelry is modeled after traditional peoples' jewelry, and many of the aficionados style themselves (or at least follow the trend of) "modern primitives." I have a beautiful book called, "Africa Adorned" full of just gorgeous stuff. Surprisingly, there's a lot of traditional Indian jewelry forms that have not been picked up by our current industry--not sure why.

HungLikeJesus 06-27-2010 10:06 AM

Not snarky (rudely sarcastic or disrespectful; snide. Irritable or short-tempered; irascible), but I'll admit that I do not find the gauges attractive.

Cloud 06-27-2010 10:09 AM

that's a good thing, actually; in terms of a unique body aesthetic. It's not supposed to appeal to everyone.

I, myself, don't like really, really big ones--they look unhealthy to me; and I emphatically try to discourage very young people from doing it, as they are pretty permanent.

Clodfobble 08-19-2010 11:17 PM

I just bought 15 sets of kids' pajamas for under $100. Hot damn!

monster 08-20-2010 01:40 PM

7.5 pairs each? :lol:

last night I bought 120 cans of beer. For about $75

Juniper 08-20-2010 02:08 PM

It's back-to-school time. You know what the hell I bought. :(

Oh, wait. It's back-to-school time. :celebrat:

Clodfobble 08-20-2010 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by monster
7.5 pairs each?

Nah, those dang stepkids think they need stuff to sleep in too. But the oldest had the decency not to grow any this year, so she was already set.

lookout123 08-20-2010 04:14 PM

4 new pairs of soccer shoes. That little shit had the decency to stay the same size all last season and then grew a bit we replaced his shoes in June. The little shit grew a full size since June and I just had to replace the whole freaking set.

if he grows again I'm taking money from his college fund.

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