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Tw: You keep using the "N" word, and I'll have to ignore your sad and racist posts.
A hand up is any program that includes a central core protocol that stresses giving people a lift upward, in their ability to earn a living. Job retraining for disabled vets, is a good example. A hand out is any program that lacks a central theme of lifting people upward in economic mobility, leading to regular dependency on the part of the recipient. Typically, they aren't even making an effort to get off the dole. Why should they? Welfare recipients who could work but don't, living off welfare for decades, are a good example. I'll post up something defining a true conservative, when I have more time to write. The highly anticipated jobs stats for September came in this morning. Our "phoney" unemployment rate is now down a little bit, to 7.8%. Our real unemployment rate (which includes those who would work, but have now quit looking), is estimated by the WSJ (Wall Street Journal), to be 11.1% in preliminary estimates. (which are frequently revised). Can you see the Presidential race, as a baseball game? It's the bottom of the ninth inning, and you NEED a double to bring around the winning score. Who will you send up as the designated hitter? Obama, who has a dismal .190 batting average? Or Romney who has a huge .350 batting average? Despite everything else, YOU KNOW that Romney runs RINGS around Obama, when it comes to business, and Ryan runs RINGS around Biden, without even trying, (as most of us do, <cough, cough>). You have to choose a batter, which one is your choice? Mitt Romney is the only real choice for President. As I've said before, I'd like to have seen Obama have a great two terms, but he got hit by this recession, and he just hasn't been able to handle it. Obama has no plans to handle it, if he is re-elected. Did you hear any new plans from him, during the 90 minute debate? Anything that sounded good to get us out of this economic downturn we've been caught up in for years now? Obama has nothing - nothing new, and he can't repeat the throw money at it solution he tried before, because we can't afford it. BigV, thanks, and I know that some of those websites I linked to aren't the best for research, but others had the data in Excel spreadsheets and other formats, that I can't handle on this computer. |
He saw the word nigger and missed the context entirely.
Mitt 'did a fine job' in the debate. I keep hearing that and I wondered if I saw the same debate. Sure, he was aggressive, maybe 'presidential' but he still didn't actually say anything.
Obama asked him to explain how, if he's going to leave the rich taxes alone, how else can he fix a trillion in deficit without any impact to the middle class taxes. The most I heard was that he plans to cut from other programs. 'Other programs' is Rom-speak for ' programs that affect the poor and middle classes.' Careful, people, what you ask for. And, um, cutting funding to PBS? Yeah, there's a whopping .01 percent of the budget. Ha! |
Mitt is so very sorry about his 47% comment, he was completely wrong. How sweet. Two days ago he staunchly supported his statement.
How in the hell are people buying this nonsense? Are we, as a nation, really that dumbed down? |
*shakes etch-a-sketch* Mitt Romney is a rational moderate |
Props are probably against the rules, but it would have been great if Obama brought an etch-a-sketch to the debate.
You want to have me reply to your post, you don't use words like that. |
What if you are talking about racism? Simply using the word to make a point about racism isn't propogating racist ideology.
If you are so sensitized to the language and mechanisms of racism, then you really should be able to spot the parrallels in the anti-muslim rhetoric and action, in which some people are engaging, and which is tacitly endorsed by much western media and mainstream politics. |
His statement was correct, but ONLY within the context of a political analysis. As a front page 10 second sound byte, with no context, yeah, it's something that should have remained in the room. Everybody takes short cuts in their speaking which, if taken out of context, sound bad. We just don't have as many little ass-bites running around with hidden recorders, as the Democrats have. And even if we did, the White House and Air Force One, is tough territory to eavesdrop on the President! |
Even if you took EVERY PENNY, from the top 10% of our income earners, in taxes, you wouldn't begin to break even on the spending we're doing, versus our income to the gov't. You MUST start trimming down the size of the federal gov't, or we are headed for a meltdown, and it won't be all that far off, either. Give me a guess. What do you believe is our national debt, per day, hour, minute or second? Not the amount we spend that's covered, by income, but the amount ABOVE what we have coming into the federal gov't. You WILL be shocked! :mad: |
Ha! What about that scares you?
If you actually break down the 47% who do not pay income taxes, it looks a hell a lot different than purely government parasites. If Mitt Romney wants to know why 47% of American will never vote for him, rewatch the Republican primary debates. Republicans (not necessarily conservatives) have gone completely off the deep end. Romney's campaign finally realized that and it explains his very quick switch in positions at the debate. |
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