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Happy Monkey 07-23-2018 01:05 PM

It felt exactly like the seaside on an overcast day today, in northern VA, at least for the short time I stepped outside. Something about the temperature, humidity, and wind. If a seafood restaurant had been upwind, the illusion would have been complete.

xoxoxoBruce 07-23-2018 01:24 PM

It's been weird, yesterday I went over to Jersey, only about 30 miles. Top down in bright Sun when I left, torrential rain halfway there, and bright sun at the other end. I wouldn't have been surprised if it had just sprinkled on the way but it was like driving through a car wash. Single clouds usually don't have the ability to dump that way. :rollanim:

limey 07-23-2018 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Carruthers (Post 1012102)
As of a few minutes ago (1515 BST)...

Attachment 64422

I realise that it's not Death Valley, but it's pretty damned uncomfortable.

Although Dad doesn't like hot weather, he's holding up pretty well.

I'm finding the humidity very debilitating and we can expect these temperatures for the rest of the week. :eek:

Mr Limey and I will be down your way from Friday. Not a million miles from North Dean .....

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Undertoad 07-23-2018 01:46 PM

Been an awesome July so far, most days are about 5 degrees below average highs, and predicted to stay that way for another week

weather not climate

glatt 07-23-2018 02:40 PM

I'm going camping this weekend, so hope the rain abates and the temperatures stay nice. A quick thunderstom would be OK, but I just don't want the steady Gulf system parked on top of us.

Carruthers 07-23-2018 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by limey (Post 1012117)
Mr Limey and I will be down your way from Friday. Not a million miles from North Dean

A musical engagement, if you don't mind my asking?

Glinda 07-23-2018 04:04 PM

It's currently 93 and rising. The rest of the week will be at least 93, with several days in the 100s. Please kill me now.


lumberjim 07-23-2018 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1012118)
Been an awesome July so far, most days are about 5 degrees below average highs, and predicted to stay that way for another week

weather not climate

we had a good week there.... but this shit today? bleh. dew point at 75 most of the day. least there's a breeze

glatt 07-26-2018 07:44 AM

I got one of those annoying weather alerts on my phone yesterday evening. flash flood warning.

Within 45 minutes of that text, we had a three person bucket brigade going, trying to keep water from flooding our basement. And maybe an inch got in in places, but for the most part, we beat back the water. This morning, the basement is dry.

I figure at the peak of the brigade, it took 2 seconds to fill each 2.5 gallon bucket up to about the 2 gallon mark. So that's roughly 60 gallons a minute we bailed. And we continued for maybe 20 minutes? I wasn't keeping track of the time. But if that's accurate, we bailed in the ballpark of 1,200 gallons. We kept 1,200 gallons out of our basement.

We have a drain on the landing just outside our basement door, and normally it handles all the rain with ease. But yesterday it was raining HARD as this one cloud went by slowly.

My daughter videoed me before I enlisted both her and her mother to help. We passed buckets up the stairs and dumped them a few feet away where the ground slopes more away from the house.

Carruthers 07-26-2018 09:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by glatt (Post 1012328)
I got one of those annoying weather alerts on my phone yesterday evening. flash flood warning.

Within 45 minutes of that text, we had a three person bucket brigade going, trying to keep water from flooding our basement.

A downpour like that would be very welcome on this side of the Atlantic.
Thunderstorms are forecast for later today and tomorrow but I fear that we shall miss out.
The 0800 radio forecast warned of some areas receiving 6cm/2.4" of rain in three hours. That's about the monthly average.
We don't have a basement but the whole plot slopes down from the road so managing a downpour can be difficult.
I am quite happy to take on that particular challenge. :thumb:

As of a few minutes ago...

Attachment 64452

The heat would be just about tolerable but it's the humidity that I find so difficult to deal with.

Undertoad 07-26-2018 09:06 AM


We kept 1,200 gallons out of our basement.
And each gallon is 8 pounds so you just lifted 9,600 pounds of water!


Any body aches?

limey 07-26-2018 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Carruthers (Post 1012125)
A musical engagement, if you don't mind my asking?

That’s the one!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

glatt 07-26-2018 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1012332)
And each gallon is 8 pounds so you just lifted 9,600 pounds of water!


Any body aches?

Yes. We all stretched our backs as best we could afterwards. Child's pose, mostly. And a modified child's pose with my arms crossed in front of my chest and the top of my head on the floor. Trying to stretch out the back as much as possible.

No pulled muscles, but sore all over.

Advil is my friend today.

Clodfobble 07-26-2018 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by glatt
We passed buckets up the stairs and dumped them a few feet away where the ground slopes more away from the house.

WHOA. Awesome job! Did any of your neighbors get flooded?

glatt 07-26-2018 12:48 PM

Well, I don't know about the neighbors. Everyone has been staying inside during the rain.

But I noticed the cars in the driveway of the neighbors on one side as I was getting ready for work this morning. They spend their summers at their beach house 2-3 hours drive away and their driveway is normally empty. The wife follows me on Instagram, and I had posted the same video on there. Their basement has flooded in the past, so I can imagine that she saw my video last night while relaxing at her beach house, and was like "Oh shit" and jumped in the cars to come home. I bet their basement flooded too.

Neighbors on the other side had work done recently to try to solve their own basement flooding issues. And I think it worked.

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