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xoxoxoBruce 04-18-2019 04:39 PM

Mueller Report
1 Attachment(s)
You can get it here...

This is what it looks like redacted...

slang 04-19-2019 01:46 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Now maybe we can move on to more pressing matters like spying with no legal probable cause.

Griff 04-19-2019 06:26 AM

Report comes out. Everybody ignores what they don't want to know.

"Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

The Russians were invested in wrecking our election. "The investigation ... identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump campaign," the report states. "Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency ... the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election activities."

Mueller refers to 10 times where Trump asked people around him to engage in activities which could be obstruction.

The only coordination we know about was Trump asking the Russians on national television to interfere.

We are left with the same political situation. I think Pelosi will prevent a vote on impeachment in the hopes that 2020 goes ok.

Spexxvet 04-19-2019 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by slang (Post 1030714)
Now maybe we can move on to more pressing matters like spying with no legal probable cause.

FISA found probable cause, or there wouldn't have been an investigation

slang 04-19-2019 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Spexxvet (Post 1030721)
FISA found probable cause, or there wouldn't have been an investigation

Yes, that's the legal procedure. We'll see.

Undertoad 04-19-2019 08:34 AM


Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.
The same would be true for any one of us. It is a basic logic problem: it is impossible to prove a negative.

That's one of the reasons why conspiracy theory takes hold.

It's ALWAYS fully possible to have any number of unanswered questions - questions that, even, can NEVER be answered.

But it's important to remember at all times: unanswered questions are not a proof of anything.

slang 04-19-2019 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 1030719)
...Mueller refers to 10 times where Trump asked people around him to engage in activities which could be obstruction...

Why would you guess that they didn't indict? If there was an indictment or recommendation in the report, could Barr have hidden it without Mueller leaking or holding a press conference exposing that?

Same question - Rosenstein?

What would Mueller have to gain by not indicting if evidence exists? Being the hero of 150 million people that hate Trump?

A lot of people here are chasing Elvis. The chances of a reversal here are waning.

sexobon 04-19-2019 09:10 AM


Poll: Church membership in US plummets over past 20 years

NEW YORK (AP) — The percentage of U.S. adults who belong to a church or other religious institution has plunged by 20 percentage points over the past two decades, hitting a low of 50% last year, according to a new Gallup poll. Among major demographic groups, the biggest drops were recorded among Democrats and Hispanics.
[Bold mine]

Aha! There's your collusion.

Let's see them prove otherwise.

Griff 04-19-2019 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by slang (Post 1030726)
Why would you guess that they didn't indict?

He believes that authority lies with Congress.

henry quirk 04-19-2019 10:30 AM

same old, same old
No collusion.

Insufficient evidence to determine obstruction.

Two-plus years, millions spent, dedicated professional investigators = nuthin', nuthin', and nuthin'.

Whole whack of folks ought to be demandin' their money back cuz the First Act blew big steamin' chunks.

Second act: (more) propaganda-makin', impeachment whoop-de-doo.

Third Act: repubs retake the house, Trump keeps the Big Chair for four more.

Epilog: 2024


Sure: a lotta lil fishies got fried, but the Daddy Cat is still swimmin', dodgin' desperately laid hooks. Fishermen grumble, consider harpoons or dynamite stubbies to get the Daddy Cat up & out. Good luck, fishermen!


So: what's all this public falderol mean? Not a goddamned's what's goin' on behind the curtain that matters...really & truly.

Gold & Guns, bitches.

xoxoxoBruce 04-19-2019 11:41 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Everyone seems to have forgotten the purpose of this investigation/report.
It's in the title, right on the front page.
Trump is a side show.
Attachment 67381

Regardless if you hoped Trump would be found guilty or innocent, the purpose was in the title.
The unstated purpose was to find out how and prevent it in the future.

Gravdigr 04-19-2019 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 1030733)
...Whole whack of folks...

I learned a new use for an old word!

Cool. A little later, Ima smoke me a whack o' weed, and after that Ima drink a whole whack of Sprodka. Maybe two whacks o' Sprodka.

Go, Me, go Me!!!:jig:

henry quirk 04-19-2019 12:03 PM

"Everyone seems to have forgotten the purpose of this investigation/report."

There's the stated, formal purpose: then there's the real purpose.


"The unstated purpose was to find out how and prevent it in the future."

So: how does Bob suggest we do that? Surely: his recommendations are listed in the document, yeah?


"Go, Me, go Me!!!"


xoxoxoBruce 04-19-2019 12:11 PM

So you feel since Trump wasn't found guilty you don't care that the Russians (Chinese. Ukrainians, N Koreans, etc) fucked, are fucking, will fuck, with our elections?

sexobon 04-19-2019 12:27 PM

They only did that out of desperation because Hillary was running. The whole world was ABC (except for some misguided Americans). Water under the bridge. Reelect Trump, problem solved.

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