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Elspode 09-27-2006 08:56 AM

The (Blank) of the Beast
Several years ago, a running joke went around the 'Net. Take "666, The Number of the Beast", and modify it for a humorous result. We had fun with it on a couple of local lists, and I thought our creative minds here could do a good job with it, too. So, how about I throw out a couple for starters, and ya'll grab the ball and run?

666-666-6666 The Phone Number of the Beast
$665.99 The Wal Mart Price of the Beast
665 1/2 The Next Door Neighbor of the Beast

Sundae 09-27-2006 09:45 AM

666a - the flat above the Beast
1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0 - the binary number of the Beast
DE66 6VL - the postcode of the Beast

Undertoad 09-27-2006 09:48 AM

669 The Threesome of the Beast

Shawnee123 09-27-2006 09:59 AM

666DVL--The license plate of the beast

83451--leetspeek of the beast

Undertoad 09-27-2006 10:13 AM

GGG - The Nearsighted Uncle of the Beast

barefoot serpent 09-27-2006 10:39 AM

999 - the beast is a bat.

Flint 09-27-2006 10:43 AM

666, ET-bag


Originally Posted by Undertoad
people! people! if yer entry doesn't end with "...of the Beast" it is not of the proper format. get w/the program plz thank u

I contend that beginning with an un-modified 666 also counts.
(from Cheech and Chong, ET: Extra Testical. "666" would be ASCII Art for an ET teabag)

Griff 09-27-2006 10:49 AM

.666 The Beasts Slugging Percentage

wolf 09-27-2006 10:51 AM

668 neighbor of the beast (variant)

BigV 09-27-2006 11:02 AM

6 -- The (actual) number of the beast (he stutters).

Happy Monkey 09-27-2006 11:03 AM

667 - Across the street from the Beast.

Shawnee123 09-27-2006 11:13 AM

111-the baby of the Beast

barefoot serpent 09-27-2006 11:16 AM

30.0666 - The caliber of the Beast.

edit: UT - the spawn of The Beast.

Shawnee123 09-27-2006 11:19 AM

deleted because I am apparently an idiot

Undertoad 09-27-2006 11:21 AM

people! people! if yer entry doesn't end with "...of the Beast" it is not of the proper format. get w/the program plz thank u

Griff 09-27-2006 11:22 AM

sorry .0666 blood acohol level of the Beast.

Shawnee123 09-27-2006 11:23 AM


000-the remains OF THE BEAST after Chuck Norris gets ahold OF THE BEAST.

(anyone else and there would have been kudos and high fives and butt licking all around);)

barefoot serpent 09-27-2006 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123
high fives and butt licking all around);)

umm... you mean high sixes;)

barefoot serpent 09-27-2006 11:42 AM

DCLXVI - the toga of The Beast.

Undertoad 09-27-2006 11:44 AM

there ya go serp, well edited :D and an excellent one on the toga :D

barefoot serpent 09-27-2006 11:47 AM

now I'm thinking 'the clockface of The Beast' would have been better. ;)

Shawnee123 09-27-2006 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad
there ya go serp, well edited :D and an excellent one on the toga :D

High Five to ya!


SteveDallas 09-27-2006 12:39 PM

$666,004 Question -- The Game Show of The Beast

Clodfobble 09-27-2006 01:22 PM

20/666 - Eyesight of the Beast

Flint 09-27-2006 01:26 PM

5|><, 5|><, 5|>< - Th3 |\|um83r 0f T3h 8345t

Shawnee123 09-27-2006 01:31 PM

599.666 The Dewey Decimal Number of the Beast

SteveDallas 09-27-2006 01:38 PM

How do you know The Beast is a mammal?

Stormieweather 09-27-2006 02:02 PM

6/6/6 Birthday of the Beast

Happy Monkey 09-27-2006 02:11 PM

He has a goatee.

Flint 09-27-2006 02:12 PM

666.66.666.66 - The IP of the Beast.

BigV 09-27-2006 02:34 PM

666, max 3d6 rolls for strength, evil, and charisma, OF THE BEAST

limey 09-27-2006 02:41 PM

666 - the Beast's reaction to too many drinkdrinkdrinks?

Elspode 09-27-2006 02:47 PM

Phillips 666 - The Filling Station of the Beast

666 Sunset Strip - The Classic Detective Show of the Beast

Flint 09-27-2006 03:20 PM

____(of the beast)____

Flint 09-27-2006 03:25 PM

661, the posts of the beast.

Elspode 09-27-2006 04:19 PM

669 - The Favorite Sodomy Position of the Beast

Two for $6.66 - The Sale Price of Beast 12 Packs at 7-11.

Elspode 09-27-2006 04:22 PM

Route 666 - Source of the Kicks of The Beast

666 Bottles of Beer on the Wall - The Drinking Song of the Alcoholic Beast

barefoot serpent 09-27-2006 04:25 PM

and this little piggy... umm... well... went to Hell.
the doggerel for the child of Lindsay Lohan and the Beast.

JayMcGee 09-27-2006 06:35 PM

the 666 steps..... stairway to the hell of the beast

capnhowdy 09-27-2006 07:19 PM

672.... 69 with 3 fingers up the ass of the Beast.

lumberjim 09-27-2006 07:25 PM

PPP- the dyslexia of the beast.

Elspode 09-27-2006 08:45 PM

From Mrs Elspode
333 333 - The Identical Twins of the Beast
332 334 - The Fraternal Twins of the Beast
222 222 222 - The Triplets of the Beast

ashke 09-27-2006 08:51 PM

123456667890 The Numbers of the Beast

lumberjim 09-27-2006 09:55 PM

sexsexsex- the word association of the beast

Happy Monkey 09-27-2006 10:33 PM

666 + 666 - 66 - 66 - 66 = the Arithmetic of the Beast

Tonchi 09-28-2006 01:05 AM

666W = the shoe size of the Beast

Crimson Ghost 09-28-2006 01:22 AM

66.6 FM = Radio Station Of The Beast

Damien666 = Japanese Hardcore Wrestler Of The Beast

hexakósioi-hexékonta-hexa-phobia = Fear Of The Number Of The Beast

666™ = Trademark Of The Beast

Tonchi 09-28-2006 02:51 AM

All your 6 are belong of the Beast

NoBoxes 09-28-2006 03:35 AM

"Six of one, half dozen of the other, it's all the same (6) to me!" - Favorite saying of the Beast.

Elspode 09-28-2006 08:10 AM

666AK - The Almost Full House of the Beast

Trilby 09-28-2006 08:54 AM

Six hundred sixty-six - the formal name of the Beast

Sundae 09-28-2006 09:13 AM

666 - the three fat ladies of the Beast

Flint 09-28-2006 09:13 AM

The Number of the Beast - favorite album of the Beast.

Spexxvet 09-28-2006 09:43 AM

6-66 favorite convenience store of the beast

Spexxvet 09-28-2006 09:45 AM

666 degrees - temperature to cook the roast of the beast

Spexxvet 09-28-2006 09:50 AM

666-666: the least of the beast

SteveDallas 09-28-2006 09:56 AM

666C -- The bra size of the Beast's girlfriend

Hoof Hearted 09-28-2006 10:25 AM

Seiscientos sesenta seises, the number of the Beast's Spanish cousin.

barefoot serpent 09-28-2006 10:35 AM

AK666 - automatic weapon of the Beast

Elspode 09-28-2006 10:41 AM

666-66-6666 - The Social Security Number of the Beast

555-666-6666 - The Non-Existant Movie Phone Number of the Beast

Heinz 666 - The Steak Sauce of the Beast

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