The Cellar

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Sundae 10-27-2006 08:06 AM

What Can I Buy You?
I intend to win the Euromillions Jackpot tonight. As it's a triple rollover, the jackpot stands at approx £75m ($141,521,292)

So is there anything anyone particularly wants?
Don't be too greedy - I have real friends and family to consider too. And charity of course. But reasonable requests will be honoured.

Please note this does not constitute a legal and binding agreement on my part.

Shawnee123 10-27-2006 08:09 AM

Sundae Girl, you're an angel.

I just need cash. Just enough to get out of debt and start over. Once you have done some initial money divvying, let me know and we can work out the number from pounds to dollars.

Again, thank you! :D

Undertoad 10-27-2006 08:19 AM

Let's not just give the money away. Let's turn it into MORE money by investing it into a business plan!

Shawnee123 10-27-2006 08:20 AM

I know! Amway!

Trilby 10-27-2006 08:23 AM

Oh, thank heavens! I am glad somebody I know (even via cyberspace) is going to win!

I like UT's idea but I also could use a new kitchen floor--just the tiles, not the underfloor.

Oh, and the labor, of course.

Undertoad 10-27-2006 08:23 AM

Amway?? Didn't you say you need to get out of debt and start over?

footfootfoot 10-27-2006 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by sundae girl
What, Can I Buy You?

Yes, I am for sale. After you win the jackpot pm me and we'll negotitate a reasonable price. I am an excellent cook, but don't do windows.

Sundae 10-27-2006 09:06 AM

Shawnee, sorry - giving cash has tax implications. Obviously they will provide me with a financial advisor, but I'm pretty sure he/she will nix cash advances. Perhaps I could buy you a business opportunity?

UT - don't worry, I won't forget the Cellar. After all I'll be sitting on my big fat millionaire's arse with nothing to do until the postman comes with my purchases.

I may have to arrange a great big Cellar party, all travel and expenses paid. You okay to cater Foot? :)

I'm not sure how long these things take to process, but I reckon I can spend all the salary that's just gone into my bank account in the meantime.

Hmmmm. Better wait til the draw at 22.00 tonight I guess. But I do have a good feeling about it.....

Shawnee123 10-27-2006 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl
Shawnee, sorry - giving cash has tax implications. Obviously they will provide me with a financial advisor, but I'm pretty sure he/she will nix cash advances. Perhaps I could buy you a business opportunity?

Let's see, what sort of business would I NOT screw up? How about just buying me a Beamer? :rolleyes:

Sundae 10-27-2006 09:11 AM

Okay doke

One kitchen floor (with fitting)
One large Paypal donation to the Cellar
One employment contract

Seems reasonable

Flint 10-27-2006 09:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Terry Bozzio's drumset?

Elspode 10-27-2006 09:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Moog System 55, please.

wolf 10-27-2006 09:29 AM

I'm trying to decide between an RPG or one of Saddam's Gold Plated AKs ...

Probably I should just ask for £30,000 and take my time and figure it all out properly.

Sheldonrs 10-27-2006 09:53 AM

All I ask for is a viable democratic candidate for the next presidential election.

Flint 10-27-2006 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Sheldonrs
All I ask for is a viable democratic candidate for the next presidential election.

They must have one up their sleeve, considering they ran a place-holder last time around.

Sundae 10-27-2006 10:07 AM

Even with £75m I think politics is too expensive a hobby for me, sorry.

Wolf & Elspode get their requests
Flint you can have the drumkit (or one like it anyway) as long as you don't move anywhere near me. I'll install automated bollards in your driveway otherwise.

Griff 10-27-2006 10:51 AM

A 1964 Chevy Malibu SS. Thanking you in advance...

glatt 10-27-2006 11:12 AM

A Mazda 5 would be helpful hauling the family around.

KinkyVixen 10-27-2006 02:17 PM

how bout some money to pay off my student loans? essentially, i'd have to thank you when i'm "all grown up" :)

yesman065 10-27-2006 03:46 PM

Ok - l hate to ask, but may I have a brand new 35' Blackfin fishing boat with twin diesel engines, a fighting chair and a full tank of fuel? My dad is now retired and could pilot the boat, so we could take you around now and again - if you'd like.

Ibby 10-27-2006 03:58 PM

A couple Marshall stacks, an Ibanez Vai2kDNA Jem, aaaand... A couple Gretsch White Falcons.

xoxoxoBruce 10-27-2006 06:13 PM

I'd like an autographed picture of you collecting the check, please.

Oh, and a bottle of rum for BobT......please. :blush:

Trilby 10-29-2006 11:28 AM

Man, I hope she won.

Griff 10-29-2006 11:43 AM

Yeah, this in gonna be awesome. A thread is a binding contract... isn't it?

Sundae 10-30-2006 09:06 AM


Don't know how to break this guys....
But I'm at work today, not collecting my massive cheque.

Maybe next week....?

Shawnee123 10-30-2006 09:20 AM

Well poo! Good luck next week, SG!

fargon 10-30-2006 09:28 AM

I need a new motor for my boat, a 50 hp Honda should do nicely. Thats about $6000.00
Thank You Capt. Fargon
P.S. When you come to the states we can go boating on the Mississippi.

morethanpretty 10-30-2006 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123
Well poo! Good luck next week, SG!

aw, that sux i'm sorry. It was nice to imagine tho huh?
I think I might by a lotto ticket, I could really use tuition and rent money...

Sundae 10-30-2006 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by morethanpretty
aw, that sux i'm sorry. It was nice to imagine tho huh?

Want to hear the saddest thing?
I didn't check my ticket until this morning, so that I could keep the idea of a potential win against my heart all weekend. Not often £1.50 of dreams can keep you warm all weekend :)

footfootfoot 10-30-2006 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl

Don't know how to break this guys....
But I'm at work today, not collecting my massive cheque.

Maybe next week....?

I figured since I didn't get that PM from you re: payment details.

lumberjim 10-30-2006 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl
Want to hear the saddest thing?
I didn't check my ticket until this morning, so that I could keep the idea of a potential win against my heart all weekend. Not often £1.50 of dreams can keep you warm all weekend :)

that's funny. i refer to 'winning lottery ticket syndrome' in my line of work. when a salesman suspects that their customer has bad credit, they sometimes become hesitant to run the credit. for much the same reason.

footfootfoot 10-30-2006 08:43 PM

Why I never play the lottery:

Many years ago, back when snakes could walk, I lived in New Hampster and they had this lottery wherein you bought a ticket for five dollars and you had five chances to pick a combination of six numbers from 1 to 36.

The jackpot was five or ten or twenty or a hundred million dollars.

I never bought those tickets considering them a tax upon people who don't understand math. I was at the grocery stoare and I saw the five hundred and sixty million dollar jackpot and figured I'd spend five bucks and buy a ticket.

I chose five sets of six numbers. I decide to pick unique numbers, not choosing the same number twice, so when I was done I had chosen 30 out of 36 numbers. It occured to me that for another five bucks I could choose the remaining six numbers I hadn't selected, and thereby cover all my numeric bases. But I figured if I was going to play this stupid game of chance I'd give myself one chance. You know, when it's your time, it's your time, all that crap.

So the next day they read off the numbers, big fanfare. And the winning numbers were THE SIX NUMBERS I DIDN'T CHOOSE.

There are many ways to interpret that event, input the data into your cosmology and the cosmic muffin will oracle all kinds of things.

Me? I took it as a sign that I was not meant to play the lottery.

Hi Lo poker maybe. the lottery? Not so much, I think.

lumberjim 10-30-2006 09:12 PM

you dumbass. you figured out how to win every time. just do that thing in that long post up there ^ , and play the numbers that are left. gah!

footfootfoot 10-30-2006 10:28 PM

Dood, where were you when I needed you?

I coulda been a contender...

Aliantha 10-30-2006 10:30 PM

coulda shoulda woulda...

footfootfoot 10-30-2006 10:47 PM

Aliantha, I love Australian movies, and I'm not just talking Nick Roeg, but for god's sake hon, get out and do some road work! :)

Charlie: Look, kid, I - how much you weigh, son? When you weighed one hundred and sixty-eight pounds you were beautiful. You coulda been another Billy Conn, and that skunk we got you for a manager, he brought you along too fast.
Terry: It wasn't him, Charley, it was you. Remember that night in the Garden you came down to my dressing room and you said, "Kid, this ain't your night. We're going for the price on Wilson." You remember that? "This ain't your night"! My night! I coulda taken Wilson apart! So what happens? He gets the title shot outdoors on the ballpark and what do I get? A one-way ticket to Palooka-ville! You was my brother, Charley, you shoulda looked out for me a little bit. You shoulda taken care of me just a little bit so I wouldn't have to take them dives for the short-end money.
Charlie: Oh I had some bets down for you. You saw some money.
Terry: You don't understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it. It was you, Charley.

Skunks 10-30-2006 10:48 PM

In anticipation of next week, I would like a Rivendell bicycle, please. Their main model if you win, Quickbeam if not (although probably just the frame; I would want to ride it flipflop fixed/free.)

Aliantha 10-30-2006 10:51 PM

Road work?

footfootfoot 10-30-2006 11:02 PM

That's a beauty. If I had a camera I'd take a shot of my vintage bike. similarly handmade.

I once was drinking "mega ritas" in a bar in New Hampshire called the Rivendell. After getting as high as is possible on Tequila and still breathing, I went out to the porch of the bar for a breath of air. I saw a Schwinn Continental (aka the lead sled) parked thereon. Some idea crept upon me and I decided to climb aboard and go for a turn on the wheel (cf Gorey) Within moments I was heading South on I93 near Franconia. A minute or so later my pals had detected my absence formo the bar and sought me out. They commandeered a station wagon (c.1980) and overtook me on the highway, confiscating my purloined bicycle and delivering me back to the Rivendell bar, bike returned to the porch it's owner none the wiser of his bike's peregrinations.


footfootfoot 10-30-2006 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha
Road work?

It's something that a friend of mine used to say all the time (quoting his soccer coach, who was a Scot) "Ya can git the ball through the net laddie, but fer chris sake, go out and do some road work" meaning stamina, staying power, or experience.

It was a jab at not knowing a line from a seriously famous American film.

Aliantha 10-30-2006 11:07 PM

Yes well, I'm feeling pretty anti-intellectual today

footfootfoot 10-30-2006 11:17 PM

Over here today is tomorrow.

Aliantha 10-30-2006 11:28 PM

Well I'll be back to my intellectual self again yesterday then.

Sundae 10-31-2006 05:51 AM

Just bought my ticket for this week.
Was pleased to hear that no-one won the jackpot, so it is now up to £88m (US $167,094,400 AU $217,624,000)

Am pleased to hear my money didn't go to some damn furriner.... despite making plans to spend it on other furriners :)

Undertoad 10-31-2006 07:27 AM


Within moments I was heading South on I93 near Franconia.
My grandparents' home, and my family still owns land there.

rkzenrage 10-31-2006 09:38 AM

I have everything I need.
My wants would not fit on your hard drive.
I'm a window shop-a-holic, but I buy very little.... I have a very small knife collection (one museum replic sword) and am window shopping some nice knives now. I have a few things I window shop from time to time. A.G. Russell is my favorite site and I really want a new Bowie. This is my current favorite.
Let's see...
Different tobacco and accessories, pipes, pipe tobacco mostly but humidors are in there.
Used to do video games, but I never play.
DVDs... these I actually buy.
Cowboy boots.
Guns, which I never buy, but I like looking at and staying apprised of what is out there, I have had the same for over fifteen years.
Stuff for the house.
Toys for my son and I to play with.
Music, all kinds.
Fun instruments we can both play.
Charities to give to, I do this when I can. My favorites is the one that gives animals to people who need them all over the world... I can look it up, but I think it is called the Heifer Project. That is what I would want you to do in my name.

Shawnee123 10-31-2006 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl
Want to hear the saddest thing?
I didn't check my ticket until this morning, so that I could keep the idea of a potential win against my heart all weekend. Not often £1.50 of dreams can keep you warm all weekend :)

I do that with my "Rolling Cash 5" tickets. It's nice to dream that I have enough dough to get out of debt, if only for a day or two.

footfootfoot 10-31-2006 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad
My grandparents' home, and my family still owns land there.

Those spooky crossroads once again.

I'll ask my pals who live there if they know your name. It's a small world.

Undertoad 10-31-2006 08:12 PM

The name to ask about is Brockelman.

If Brocky drove their school bus, I'll wager they loved him... like I did.

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