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More Hollywood Studios Say ‘No Smoking’
More Hollywood Studios Say ‘No Smoking’
I'm so astounded by the level of stupidity that I'm speechless. |
Will the scenes featuring peanuts be removed as well? TPGs everywhere are "dying" to know.
There is so much smoking on movies that it became advertisement for Big Tobacco. It's time to remove the one large remaining source of recruitment left.
"Recruitment?" It is a representation of real life. People smoked in the 50s.
Making Dreamgirls without smoking would have been stupid, just stupid, only stupid. Smoking was more common than it was not. We going to make Sherlock Holmes now without his pipe, Popeye how about some remakes of great noir detective films without tobacco? I bet you are one of those nanny state morons that wants to make fatty food illegal, how about not walking to work, soda (ban those from film next?), french fries, large portions, toy guns? You gonna' pad the world so no parent actually has to teach their kids about reality? You want alcohol to be illegal and illegal to be represented in any form also? Art is about the world and people smoke genius. I smoke in public and don't hide it when kids are present and don't give a fuck if you or anyone else likes it or not. Move to Europe... they are well on their way to a nanny state. Your alias sure is accurate. |
IT'S FOR THA' CHILLIN WE MUST CRUSH!!!!! Our rights are meaningless, parents are meaningless, teaching them about their own minds and choice is meaninless... RUN... RUNNNNNN!!!!!!
I hate smoking, but this kind of thing is absurd. Films need to be realistic, end of.
Making a film about the entertainment industry in the fifties without tobacco makes as much sense as making it with everyone underwater.
[eta] I'm getting a little tired of your constant sniping attacks on Britain and Europe. It's one thing to point out that something is happening over here, but every time your own country does something you dislike you point at Europe or Britain like we're fucking bogeymen to fright the children. I post stuff I see wrong in America, and I post stuff I think that we do better. But what I don't do is make nasty sniping comments about America and Americans at every given opportunity. If a Brit were to post something negative about the Welfare state, or the NHS, I would not respond by telling them to 'move to America, where you can be as callous as them and not give a shit if your fellow citizens live or die'. That, to me, is the equivalent of your constant sideswipes at Europe and Britain. |
I find the whole "movies must be realistic" argument laughable. I've seen very few movies that are truly realistic. And there's a lot of real life that doesn't need to be depicted in G and PG movies.
I suspect some of the posters above did not read TFA. It talks about restricting smoking in movies shown to kids. |
Don't feel bad dana. you just need to accept that he generally hates everything that doesn't line right up with his little thoughts. He just can't find enough things to be angry about in a 24 hour day.
Dana, I LOVE Europeans and Europe a great deal and can see how you feel this way.
The one thing I point out on a regular basis is the Big Brother aspect of European society, all of Europe, not just the UK and when I say State I know that you know what I mean. There is more than one definition for the word and the Euro-Union is a state in every sense of the word and all of them are doing their finest to be more Big Brother every day. I will try to be more specific in the future. Sorry. Dar. I did not only make the point about realism, I made the point that the studio makes the film the screenwriter writes... a decent writer writes what happened, people smoked in the 50s, so a good one will put it in. It's called period. Some are less literate than others... I know that... I forgot it. |
You know nothing, you sound like a moron. |
Rk, how can you sit in a country that operates a system of Extraordinary Rendition and then tell me my part of the world is bordering on totalitarian?
There are differences in approach to things like censorship, true, but that's not because we are becoming more censorial. There was never a time when most Euro states weren't actively censoring material in the public domain. I'm not arguing this to be good or bad, just pointing out it's not a progression from a time of greater freedoms to a time of lesser freedoms. In terms of the 'nanny-state', I don't really see we're that different to America in many ways. Your approach to drugs use is way more draconian than in Britain, for instance, and certainly than in much of Europe (with tyhe possible exception of France). That is the State nannying its citizens and telling them the State knows best. I heard a story a few years ago about a Californian woman being prosecuted for smoking and drinking whilst pregnant. In Europe, just like in the States, there are sometimes knee jerk laws responding to a perceived social ill. I rarely agree with these moves, but they are not something that Europe has a monopoly on. I understand how you see Europe rk, but I completely disagree with your analysis of it. Part of the problem, I think is where the emphasis lies. In America a pop star accidentally shows her nipple and all hell breaks loose: in most european states that wouldn't even cause a flicker. We attach importance differently to different things. Our cultures are different to yours in many ways (and also similar in many ways). |
Is pot legal in the UK?
Great argument, LOL! I speak out against it in the US, many do... I rarely, if ever, see it in the UK and when I bring it up I only see defense of these measures. |
Incidentally, since Scotland banned smoking in all enclosed public places, rates of heart disease have fallen by over 15%
There are many active groups campaigning for the legalisation of marijuana. I have been active in that campaign myself. Most polls for the last ten or fifteen years have shown a majority in favour of decriminalising marijuana. An overwhelming majority would like to see medical marijuana legalised. I consider our laws on drugs to be outdated and damaging. Admittedly I only know what I've seen on documentaries, but from them I get the impression that being caught with a room full of pot would lead to somewhat more severe sentencing in the US? Quote:
I'm not talking about drug laws... I'm talking about the pedestrian attitude on "hate speech" laws, cameras on every corner recording private property, now employing "drug sniffers" to people who are just walking the street then denying them entry into bars and pubs... yeah it's just getting better every day and the outcry is deafening.
:headshake |
Are you arguing that they should have been more realistic in this case? I'd have to go along with you on this one, but I'm not sure how it connects back to the main argument. |
No, it doesn't relate, your post just reminded me how much that pissed me off. There was no reason for it - the bulls just had udders... totally stupid.
I kept waiting for the "tits on a bull" joke that never happened. |
BTW, you are not the only one with theater experience. I savvy period pieces. So don't be a snot. |
If you truly believe the statement above, then you have no idea how your writing comes across to others. |
I'm not sure my kids would have noticed if they had seen it when they were younger. But it would probably have sparked a discussion. From the beginning we tried to be honest about anatomy and we always used the correct terms for all the body parts. |
No smoking in movies? How will we keep track of who is cool, who is the bad guy, and who just had really great sex?
Will there be subtitles or will the characters wear decorated teeshirts? |
I think we will have to employ the Hat Code . Ya know, white hat = good guy, black hat = bad guy.
Red hat = slutty extra character who is about to be killed off
I thought redhat was some kind of ghey computergeek stuff.
I am not being a snot, hilarious word, do I get a sad-face now? I already made the point about ratings. Though giving a movie raitings because of smoking would be silly. What's next, a PG-13 due to sloth, LOL!!!? |
I don't remember any of them being especially slutty though... |
Your interpretation is not fact.
I know if I am angry and/or bitter and have no issue telling anyone, you are wrong. |
Parrallel Universe Colbert smoked up a storm during The Colbert Report last night.
My son likes it.
People smoke IRL.. They poop too. You're alllowed to poop at any age, and it's healthy, yet we don't see that often in kid-rated movies. But you're not allowed to smoke until your 18 and it's unhealthy, yet you can show that in kid-rated movies. Go figure.
People drive in them too and it kills more than smoking. Kids can't drive, we must stop driving in kids movies!!!
that'll work.
(unless the plot demands a change of location) |
I smoke a cigar or pipe once a week or two, I drink once a month or so... that is what my son will see as a role model and who will teach him about tobacco and alcohol, not the television/film.
As for what is cool, I am/will teach and show him that those ruled by their vices are FAR from cool and not to trust television, movies, or ads. If you can't do that, you should not have kids. End of story. Any education/authority, I will teach him to second-guess them as well. Anyone with an agenda should not be trusted at face-value, EVER. I will teach him that that is a weakness. |
What happens rk, if your son takes your example and starts to smoke a small amount, then gets badly addicted to nicoteine?
If you smoke small amounts you can't get badly addicted to nicotine... or at all.
What happens if you take one drink a week and smoke a pipe/cigar the same way you become badly addicted to alcohol and tobacco? You are in a fictional scenario. |
The Actual Study Results: Symptoms of Tobacco Dependence After Brief Intermittent Use |
My son will not be allowed to smoke in sixth grade and will be taught that smoking cigarettes with all of their additives is stupid, smoking something with ammonia in it... you might as well drink Drain-O. The additives break down the barriers that keep you from absorbing all the nicotine. It is the difference between chewing coca leaves and mainlining cocaine.
Of course those that smoke them get addicted, that is what the additives are for. I was talking about just tobacco, not ciggarettes... he will be taught that only an idiot would smoke those and what ammonia, formaldehyde and the other additives do to your system. He will be educated, fear tactics just make them want to do it more. Edit: Just to illustrate, I went through a period when I smoked two pipes or large cigars a day for a few months and then decided to quit for a few months before going back to just smoking once a week or two. I had NO withdrawal symptoms. Asked about this... even though I suspected the no inhaling and lack of additives, at my local tobacconists, they told me it was not unusual and that many can be addicted to cigs after just three or four and that many who smoke a few cigars a day who go into the hospital never have any withdrawal symptoms. I am not saying that regular tobacco use is a good thing. I don't want mouth cancer any more than any other kind and regular use diminishes the pleasure of it. No habit is a good thing or enjoyable. When I smoke now it is a relaxing occasion, a treat an no more harmful than when I eat a large steak or drink a glass red wine. The cig companies that say they do not add nicotine to their tobacco are not lying. When I worked for the distillery we made industrial alcohol and mixed nicotine (you had to wear a has mat suit, one drop of it on your skin will kill you. Chemical nicotine is NOTHING like natural nicotine.) into it. They then spray it onto the filters and paper. The alcohol evaporates and leaves the nicotine. The ammonia and formaldehyde breaks-down the mitosis barrier and your body absorbs it directly, mainline. Natural nicotine is actually hard to absorb and takes a while to become addicted to. Before they started adding them many people smoked casually. I still don't like cigarettes, don't like the idea of smoking paper and think it contributes to the problem, MANY more carcinogens and adds to inhalation. I don't want him to smoke at all, but will do all in my power to keep him away from cigs by telling him all I know. At least I have inside info. |
There is a great deal of evidence to suggest that some people have a greater propensity towards nicoteine addiction. There is also evidence to suggest that women often find it much more difficult to break nicoteine addiction than men and are far more likely to restart having once stopped. As someone who became addicted very quickly, very young and after smoking very small amounts over that time, I would take issue with your definition of 'fictional' in this instance. |
Everything they have ever said about pipe and cigar smoking has been a lie. Though this is true... and no one I know who smokes a pipe or cigar inhales. Nor did this discuss how much those who they are talking about use a pipe. Convenient. Quote:
That isn't what's being shown in movies though, rk. I understand that you can do your best to ensure that your son grows up with a healthy respect for tobacco as a substance, in much the same way as one would hope he'd grow up with a healthy respect for alcohol.
The trouble is yours aren't the only messages your son will listen to and take on board whilst growing up. Another problem is that whilst you may think what you are teaching him is respect for tobacco...but it's possible what you are actually teaching him is that tobacco is pretty cool and something to be desired. Combine that message with a set of ther messages (from peer group as he gets older, from movies if they are still allowed to show smoking :P, etc.) |
Out of interest rk, have you come across similar evidence regarding heart disease and deep vein thrombosis?
If I can't teach him not to listen to morons, then I get what I get.
Just for the record, I am not suggesting you stop smoking your pipe. Nor am I suggesting that it is inevitable that he will learn one lesson over another lesson.
The thing is, the world has bad things in it and I have no intention of trying to pad his world, hide him away, pretend that they don't exist, that others think differently, that some idiots think that killing themselves and overindulging is cool... in fact I plan on showing him that side of life and the result.
See how cool he looks driving, smoking a cigarette, talking on his cell phone after leaving the bar from having four martinis? Now, let's see where this all will lead, shall we? Not scare tactics, real information. It has already started. He knows about death, the cycle of life, where meat comes from, what happens to criminals, anything he asks he gets a straight answer to. Sheltering kids is abuse. |
Because kids will then see them as a hypocrite in ALL things. So if they then smoke, their parents have no credibility when telling them not to... even if they do not smoke, because they drink and told their child not to and that it was bad. Once you are a hypocrite in your kid's eyes they battle is lost. |
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